I follow u on 🐦 & ⏱️ apps for content. The Starter packs are helpful. They saved me from having to remember every account that I followed over there. I scrolled the packs and picked the people that I know I was already following/interested in.
The starter packs helped me find some ppl from the other place but I DEFINITELY didn’t select all! I don’t my feed to just be filled with the same large accounts…
Why is that a problem? lol who cares. Follow people for content not if they follow you back or not. I follow people who don’t follow me because I like what they post.
It is more fun finding people you want to follow by accident anyway. And I like making fun of people who make fun of my low follower count as if I give a fuck 😂
That whole starter pack thing sure does have the stink of rip in peace twitter currently known as the clogged porto potty of social media (it should be noted that porto pottys do not have any plumbing nor do they connect to sewage systems therefore cannot cause clogs!)
I never understood the obsession with followers. I really don't care. I read what I want to read or interact with with whom I want to interact with. Having 50k followers would be nice, but if I have 50, oh well. Seems more like insecurities to me, imho...
I follow-all on starter packs because it’s easier than looking up all the authors, journalists, politicians, artists, comedians, actors, organizations, scientists and other interesting people I followed AND I like ‘meeting’ new people by people I already like. That’s sort of how social media works.
And if you follow a starter pack (or block one) then if the creator adds more people, you automatically follow or block them too. Which is weird. I like to look at a poster's history before subjecting myself to them 🤷
I like the starter pack thing, because it helps to find people you left behind in the other place. Now, after finding most of them, I am following on content.
I followed a few people on the ones I felt important but I’m in the same boat. I’m enjoying just seeing new faces on my feed to follow a little more organically
Hello, my friend. I’ve been following you, Beks & Jas. Still joining in the fight to expose and rid ourselves of sexual predators. I hope you remember me. My last twit name was Comment or Three. Looking forward to your FB. I hope things have settled for you. Been thinking of you. (Sondra)
There’s a great feed you can pin to you account called “only posts” thst shows…only posts from people and not reposts or replies. It’s great to see original content.
That's true for me for subjects I know about. But for, say, weather, or archaeology, or people who photograph birds, or Jane Austen fans, etc., I'm fine with using a starter pack and then seeing who is interesting, and who they talk to. For me, starter packs are for learning.
By the way, the only thing I miss from Twitter is that I can't repost yours and Becks news about pedophiles being arrested and tagging DJT, MGT and Mike Johnson. 🤷♀️
😂 thanks though. It’s not that I don’t want to be on anyone’s lists, it’s just I want people who follow me to actually know they’re following me & interact with the predator/abuser posts & help shame them.
I have been using them to find my follows from the bad place.
It's tedious going through the packs but I think I found just about everyone.
Also finding A LOT more people and content to follow.
I love this place! 😊
Kinda missing the various reactions other than just like... esp for your jaw-dropping shares... need the OMFG not a heart/like to show appreciation for you bringing the injustices to light. Just have a hard time "liking" them!
I followed you bc I followed you & Beks on the other place bc you 2 work hard to expose the scum of the earth pedos. I follow you here, too, for same reason.
Fr. I don’t mind being on one but if you’re gonna hit follow all then make sure you actually want to follow them all!! Or go through and pick people you want to follow specifically
Kick a** memes, and how you often have a music night/mix tape thread; even though I didn’t get to join in on the other place, as I was following from behind a lock. 🥰✌🏻
What if I choose to "follow all" in a starter pack, to find people and content that I might not otherwise have found, and then choose to unfollow who/what I'm not interested in? Is your content worthy of following? I don't know until I see it
Whether my content is worthy of following is highly subjective, specifically because most can be very triggering for some. I never encourage people to follow me because of that especially.
Yeah, but if the people I follow for “content” recommend other people for “content” then I’m more than appreciative of them taking the time to put together a starter pack so I can “follow all”. 😊
I think people should enjoy this positive platform and not worry so much about followers. If you get followers, great. If you don't, who cares? The obsession with followers bugs the shit out of me.
Even if you followed me, I would never follow someone like you who leaves a comment like that. 🫡
Good to see you here.
End impunity.
The only people I request a follow back from are previous mutuals from Twitter and that's not you.
i look at the list and decide who to follow.
(same with the block lists, tbh)
Here's my cat.
Those things are super loud and Diane might pen a strongly worded post on her Nextdoor app😂
Glad you made the jump over here🎉
Give me tractors.
I could repost as much as I want, but if you can interact with me you will never know what my point of view is and the WHY, HOW.
It's tedious going through the packs but I think I found just about everyone.
Also finding A LOT more people and content to follow.
I love this place! 😊
I've followed you on Twitdom for years.
But if you remember me from twatter, what i don't like is the cigarette you are almost always holding.
just a suggestion.