Pretty sure mail in voting was absolutely allowed for a very long time before Covid.
But then I'm not a petulant man child with a diet coke addiction who makes knee-jerk decisions about the more trivial of things and also sells cars that explode.
Every time Elon and others say this (or even worse the "we need to stop absentee ballots" crap) it is unbelievable - what do they think the military has been doing all this time??
Washington and Oregon have voted by mail exclusively for decades. And if someone steals the ballot out of your mailbox and tries to vote with it: one, the signature won't match; and two, when you vote your replacement ballot the double vote will show up and the fraud attempt is proven.
What a horrible human being, and he knows, or should, that mail-in voting has been going on for years in some states. There are many MAGA voters who think the only way they can win is to deport millions on non-citizens (who do not vote!)
After looking at how much the elderly depend on mail-in voting, Trump said he was wrong about it a little while back. It’s for selfish reasons but even MAGA types seem to be getting off the anti-mail-in train.
He was an ‘illegal’ himself. Also, I don’t think he has ever voted because he doesn’t sound like he has a fucking clue how voter registration and voting works.
Colorado and Washington also come to mind with extremely widespread mail-in voting. There's never been issues in any of those states, it's an entirely fictional issue
That complaint of fraud ignores that Oregon has been vote by mail only for over 20 years with 80+% voter participation on most elections and very little fraud.
These posts read like they are from a random anonymous troll but they are from an actual functional human being with potential astonishing levels of access to the best information sources in the world. And he comes up with this garbage.
Jesus. The level of willful, petulant obtuseness to refer to a public health disaster that killed more than a million Americans and at least another 7 million in other countries a “scam” is truly breathtaking
Everyone is fine with him, he’s in divorce number 4 (I think?), his last product bombed, twitter’s swirling down the drain. We’re reaching peak divorced energy
In Washington state, we’ve had complete vote by mail elections since 2011. Not a pandemic thing. And really a great thing. No lines! And increased voting participation (or maybe that’s a bad thing for some people 🤷♂️).
the election doesn't even matter to them because trump is still president, hillary and obama are under arrest for farming children in new york sewers for their adrenochrome, and the storm is still coming.
Can we please fast-forward to the part where he's parked at the bottom of the Mariana Trench in his private submarine, wearing a stained bathrobe and peeing into jars while watching Atlas Shrugged on endless repeat and muttering to himself about illegals?
In fact, I've only ever voted in person once since turning 18 and it was the first election after my 18th b-day. Since then it has been absentee via mail, or via mail-in-ballot because it is how the election is run.
Yeah it was quite common in AZ when I lived there years ago. Same in UT I heard. Less common here in NY, but you can opt in for it. Millions of people have done it, it's like he's telling them all the sky is green.
Also, how exactly does he think non-citizens are going to vote in massive enough numbers to have any effect? I'm not saying fraud can't happen, but they only send ballots to registered voters (who have to be citizens). They don't send them to every person or address.
Yeah, he's basically repeating what Speaker Johnson was saying the other day in support of his voter registration bill. The funny part was when he was like 'we don't have exact numbers, but we know "intuitively" that this is what's going on...'
Watching Elon's journey here is like watching some people who find religion and adopt the most fundamentalist interpretation they can find for many years, with all the associated political positions and cringe behaviors. Usually they back off after a decade or two.
But then I'm not a petulant man child with a diet coke addiction who makes knee-jerk decisions about the more trivial of things and also sells cars that explode.
Which is part of why the MAGAts shot themselves in the foot trying to get rid of it after Trump lost. It's popular, secure, and we love it.
Republicans still win there. A few anyway.
the election doesn't even matter to them because trump is still president, hillary and obama are under arrest for farming children in new york sewers for their adrenochrome, and the storm is still coming.
"The first allowance for civilian absentee voting was in Vermont in 1896. By 1938, 42 states allowed absentee voting for civilians."
Ok prove it
“it’s too hard”