General reminder that when the wrestlers in the WWF/E tried to unionize, they made the mistake of including Hogan in the discussion.
He ran straight to Vince McMahon's office and ratted them out.
He ran straight to Vince McMahon's office and ratted them out.
Reposted from
Brian Gaar
And I fucking respect that.
And now we know why. Because he's a union busting narc.
Hulk Hogan the wrestler might've been a charismatic entertainer but the man himself is a racist, a selfish narcissist
And a well known liar
If someone is bullshitting again & again, the next time they say something plausible, they should need to show 100% proof first
That's why they invited him, because they figured he'd lend them his strength.
And the Hulkster fucked them.
That friend was Hulk Hogan himself.
Ventura only found out later when Vince named Hulk in a court case under oath.
Basically believes government should get involved when it needs to, but not always. and not never.
Undertaker loathes him - Hulk faked a real-life injury which he blamed on Undertaker in order to try and prevent Undertaker's rising popularity and get the title belt back.
And that's all BEFORE you get into the racism and Thiel Gawker ratfuckery.
Same applies to anything he says or has written about his career or others. Dude has been proven to be an unreliable narrator of the HIGHEST order, countless times now.
Hogan basically says "Randy and Ricky, they weren't trying to upstage me. They knew."
Hard cut to Ricky "We were trying to upstage Hogan."
Hulk said no.
So his agent contacted his other client, George Foreman
"I was on another call, brother..."
Fights for the rights of Hulk Hogan