Thank you for your replies!
One more question for you: what would you advise the Ukrainian leadership do right now?
Constructive advice, specific steps.
Thank you. I know many of your hearts are breaking for #Ukraine.
Thank you for your replies!
One more question for you: what would you advise the Ukrainian leadership do right now?
Constructive advice, specific steps.
Thank you. I know many of your hearts are breaking for #Ukraine.
Reposted from
Anton Gerashchenko
What do you think are the true goals of the current United States Administration?
What do they want?
We have a community of thinkers and experts here.
Maybe you've seen some analysis on the topic.
Where are the United States and the world headed?
Thank you.
What do you think are the true goals of the current United States Administration?
What do they want?
We have a community of thinkers and experts here.
Maybe you've seen some analysis on the topic.
Where are the United States and the world headed?
Thank you.
Slava Ukraini.
- start organizing the guerilla warfare, incl. on ruSSian territory.
- stop showing the success of 🇺🇦 army, learn from Gaza's propaganda.
Do not compromise for less.
Do not be bullied.
In our last wars Finland had 10-20% of total population _in arms_. In Ukraine that would mean 5-10M soldiers.
That would show to us and the world that u really mean it. That u really - as a nation - are willing to fight to very end for freedom.
And this would end questions in Finland and double/triple our aid.
And yeah. Get nukes. Beat corruption. But rich brats also to front lines. We did that... ->Intependence.
And then we will be in the Dark Ages !
Discontinue relations with the US.
-50% of minerals to US for already given aid,NOT NEW AID
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-zelensky leaves
-no NATO
-no aid
If not sign:
-status sqo for occupied land in ruSSian favour
-lifting sanctions to ruSSia
-no NATO
-no aid
Show them the numbers
Show them how ruSSia on state TV even now,but for years showing how they plan to nuke US
Show them the real numbers of aid,granted & loaned,US and EU
Show in media Putin clearly putin request & trump
Chapter by chapter
Same,but minerals
Ukraine & EU should forget for intelligence share with US,US is ally with putin,don't be fool
Somehow with EU & free world (Canada,UK,Australia,New Zealand,South Korea/trump is friend with Kim) make US take clear side
ruSSia or free world
Let them choose
Better to accept putin offer
The same just without 50% payment to trump FOR NOTHING, already given aid
Don´t listen to nuke threats by RUS.
Do not make a deal with the devil out of desperation.
Work closer with Europe on real solutions.
Please read and share our article about what Europe must do now
Do not allow Trump making a spectacle of it again. Do not allow Tass being present.
The protocol should be like with other foreign presidents.
Write this all down on forehand.
It doesn't have to be the Oval Office again. Neutral ground?
Ukraine is the only one who can decide what its terms for peace are and we should respect that.
Most Democrats in the US still favor an economy as before: unregulated capitalism that leads to billionairs, oligarchs, monopolists.
the world stands behind you do like NK doing buy the munition over a third state know one accept. play on time.
analysing stalutins action and pressure to trump he is in trouble
do an unexpected move talk with Xi. sea babys for taiwan
Although I am only a Japanese citizen with no special knowledge or experience, I would like to report on the current situation and make some suggestions.
From a distance, it may look like a thin and broad support for Ukraine as a whole, but in reality, we were in the process of losing our admiration for the country without any unity in this way.
The threats from both Trump and Putin that are happening now are reminiscent of the process that led to the US starting war 80+ years ago.
Keep on negociating with EU+ for more aid.
Remind all EU members that as soon as russia gets hands free from Ukraine, they have 6 months to prepare for assault on a EU country.
The US rhetoric wrt Z went from „President“, to „he/him“ and now is on the level of things: de-humanization.
Words shouldn’t be Putins best weapon in the end.
„Fighting fire with fire“ you could look for a handful of DPs and involve them in tactics and strategies. They may anticipate and counter bads more easily.
Sociopaths may be close and trust-
+ DPs have brain damage, are evil
+ while Sociopaths have some degree of responsibility
If you manage to combine your well proven (rational) planning and this kind of early warning and DP-matched counteraction, you become more flexible (from system to bi-system) on all levels.
WW3 will be resolved by the race for autonomous drones at mega scale - make sure Ukraine is first.
It’s horrid, it’s Skynet. It’s inevitable.
Then, get the Swedes to deliver the Gripens.
Additionally, start planning for sudden loss of Starlink, the owner has turned full evil.
My 2 eurocents.
Make national referendum for ukranians who are living in Ukraine only - by paper.
Ask them if they want to kneel before Trump or being over run by russians.
It can seems like stupid move but the result will send the message to everyone.
assign someone strong & media savvy to liaise with US,
sign a minerals agreement that can be cancelled by Ukraine later,
hope US aligning with Russia is a bluff but assume it isn’t,
innovate alternative weapons,
Specify what you need to your partners & charities.
Reach to the Europeans to get more aid from them.
Target each and every russian oil and gaz asset.
On my side I help as much as possible through fundraisers.
That said, no military support would ever be received from China
1. Trump's narcissism is also a weak point. Visit, thank him and praise him for the "support in building peace for the world".
2. Push for a 4-way negotiations table, with Ukraine, Russia, US and the EU all present on the table.
3. Sign the mineral deal, include the EU
2. Only Ukraine and the EU get to decide if Ukraine can join the EU
3. Freeze the front lines. Allow the oblast to self determine. Commit to a referendum in 10-20 years to decide their future (remain independent, rejoin Ukraine, join Russia)
4. Commit a date to elections in Ukr
Should he insist to agree the deal, he'll be undressed and raped by the team then his corpse will be donated to putin, Ukrainian people with.
With Krasnov (trump), usa has become a dangerous, and untrustworthy state. Forget about it !
Do not stop at reclaiming your borders, make Russia suffer.
I believe US support will return after purging Russian actors.
I never, ever in a million years imagined I’d see the need for more nukes but here we are.
It’s either NATO membership or nukes.
Draw closer to Europe & allude to giving contracts to EU/ Can unless he moderates, then treat him like a hero when he does but use the division in USA as a tool to control his actions
Leaving X
All European countries and their govs should do.
2/3 Have allies reverse the narrative by simply saying "Thank you Ukrainians for single-handly taking Europe's main threat down a peg with minimal assistance".
Expose them for the ragtag hobos they are : 10% of China's GPD and population.
They are a petrol state with widespread misery who herited nukes and a propaganda machine.
Try to make the European countries change the tack from "as long as it takes" into "to victory". Ask Baltic states for help and advice.
Change strategy completely, go on the offensive with the following statement:
a) Putin publicly recognizes Zelenskyi and ua as a counterpart in the war. Otherwise, an agreement will not be legally valid.
b) No pre-conditions from either party
2. To both the EU, the USA or other players, Ukraine offers a mineral agreement plus a competence agreement.
Who will sign first?
In return, we need an agreement on military support over several years.
- Well, wait! We have to wait for the most interesting moment!
2) The outcome of the U.S. elections has been heavily influenced by russian disinformation campaigns and domestic actors spreading propaganda via...
3) Do not hold elections while your country is in the midst of war. With millions of Ukrainians displaced across...
4) Do not bow to Trump’s demands. He has consistently acted in ways that serve russian interests and would not hesitate to sacrifice Ukraine if it benefited Moscow. He is a spoiled...
Time is vital right now. Keep pushing on the frontline and let us Europeans get some time to speed things up.
This is not the end of the world.
Slava Ukraini!
I would definitely start by calling Putin and asking what realistic deal he has in mind to stop the war
And with that input I would start working on a solution that would work for both sides
Now it's like looking into a crystal ball
Every solution starts with correct info 🤷🏻♀️
Give the US a cold shoulder and sign a minerals deal with the EU.
But start slowly....
Some ally
Accept that agreements signed w/USA will NOT be honoured by them. Trump just tore up a negotiated trade deal w/Canada & imposed 25% tariffs and is threatening to annex us. The USA cannot be trusted so Ukraine must plan around them.
I would even reach out to China, we have more common interest now than ever.
Maybe? Open new talks with China. They might now be interested to be alonside europeans? (touchy subject)
Europe will not betray you like the US has. Because we know your surrender would condemn us to war soon too.
continue with the oil "sanctions"
basically what you have been doing.
America is now on russia's side.
I wouldn't trust Trump for a second. But if the mineral deal means continued American support, then sign it. But not in front of the cameras.
Continued US support would put Putin in a difficult situation.
I think Trump knows that he made a fool himself in the Oval Office in front of the whole world and not least the American voters.
In exchange of them dropping Ru support.
Probably they are looking into exit strategy already
China support for Russia partially expect from Russia to eat US resources. if US bails out - then Russia became less useful for China imho. Can it be exploited?
If Russia drives a wedge between western democracies, why not do the same to autocracies?
USA bought into this and is keen to assert dominance in north America
Europe falls into Russia sphere of influence
USA wants total disengagement from foreign wars to focus on its own imperialism in north America
Dig in and hold out.
Take a breath, a deep deep breath, kiss the ring of Cheeto in Chief .
Wait 18 months until the mid terms in the US & hope the US has learned).
In 4 years time, ask the EU to buy out any deal with seized RU assets.
Thats likely a Rocketprogram, satellites, long range Bombers, jet engines.
See if Ukraine can provide such things long term, build Defense Industry Program around this, Build in multiple countries and UKR
Please don't give away your resources to someone who has no empathy.
Last but not the least, know that the whole sane world is standing with you.
Racketeering by the US is quite obvious and unlawful!
The violation of the obligation from the Budapest Memorandum is also obvious.
I can leave aside other points such as failure to meet the amount of promised assistance,
Stay strong!
It's obvious you have enemies coalition against you now - russia, usa, nk.
There's no reason to think how to deal with trump. He plays everything for russia.
Take care.
Do not sign away anything your country has to offer.
Count on NATO and the EU. They have the most to lose if Ukraine is lost. Reclaim Crimea. Your military has been amazing at innovating weapons.
Concerned Americans are donating money.
He has ALWAYS folded when confronted by a united front.
He's a bully who can't take a punch.
The substations have transformers needed to reduce voltage for electric locomotives. The 4 items on the right are the transformers.
Russia lacks the capacity to make replacement locomotives due to war priorities, underwater builders and corruption in the rail service itself.
Kill the other stuff as well but use some of the new, increased drone capacity to cut off Russia at the knees.
Fight Russia in Ukraine to stop further aggression in Eastern Europe or fight Russia further west.
The level of Europe's political/military response should not provoke increased Russian aggression at both extremes, too much or too little.
It must be sufficient to make putin think twice
But it has a lot of money that could be invested.
Doesn't hurt to ask.
Maybe it'll happen, maybe not. Only time will tell.
- To switch all intelligence hardware and software to friendly Countries;
- To adapt war equipment to European one;
- To align and tighten communication protocols between Ukraine and European partners…
Ukraine needs its weapons. Anything that helps Ukraine make weapons to defend itself is good. Attract investment (prob more from Europe) to Ukraine (minerals, tech, defense).
Have Ukrainian ambassador reach out for meeting with Rubio, show him how Russian tv talks about Trump, Vance, Gabbard, share tape of the Melania insults.
2. Approach European arms factories to build your own in Ukraine
3. Get Sean Penn, Clooney or Pitt to support films about Ukraine as ways to educate
2. Get as many solar sources of power that you can
3. Hit bridges in Russia over gorges that would take years to replace to prevent supply lines coming in. They take a long time to rebuild and would slow down troops/supplies
Take out all russian refineries, pipelines, tanks and pumping stations.
I know ammo depos make nice fireworks, so do plastics factories but once the russian energy system collapses, the bombs won't get to the front.
Hire more kids to plant granades on the pipelines. 😉
So, as the U.S. descends into ignorant, self-serving oligarchy, the cycle begins anew.
Divert some good Russians from the resistance inside Mordor, buy them golden tickets to the US, then have them start taking out regime officials. Be sure to make it look like they are actually Kremlin agents.
An MOU perhaps to give European firms first rights to co-develop, but nothing should compromise Ukraine's ability to recover.
The whole 'deal' was just something Trump used to fool people he as a 'peace deal'.
Remember the little green men? It's the same thing. Confuse.
The odds would be against them. But when has that not been true in this war?
Ukraine presents a deal to Europe:
500 bn Euro contract for arms for Ukraine
Ukraine will hand over 60% of all future mineral rights & Europe will buy US arms & supply some locally
The aim is to bring Russia to recognise that a peace deal would be better than long term decline
Trump wants a deal to show off about
Create a committee that is headed by someone else in an American style suit
Let them present a deal to Trump
It could be arms in exchange for mineral rights with a huge value of say $300 billion
My hopes:
- crises today take much shorter.
- the non-maga-US has to and will act.
Also. Read the situation. I am a long avid Ukraine supporter but this stalemate weakens Ukraine more than Putin. He has oil to sell. You don’t. Leverage Trumps
But those losses will buy more development from Europe and perhaps more arms from Europe so that they don’t come back.
Get close to Poland. Rebuild. And remember. You weren’t beaten but decided