I appreciate much of the analysis I’ve seen over the last couple days. I don’t think we can talk about what is sick in politics or media (a lot!) w/o looking directly at billionaires, refusing to shut up about billionaires, and coming for billionaires through policies that chisel away at their power
Let's call them what they are
Go to your closest gun shop and start stocking up. That's where we are.
Publicize the fat subsidies these assholes are getting.
End Capitol Hill lobbying
End corporate political financing
End PAC's
Break up monopolies
Stop corporate mergers
Overturn Citizens United
End government contracts with Amazon
Grocery price ceilings
Israel can buy their own weapons
But nope, we got "joy over evil"
If the only thing stopping Elon Musk from having enormous power over the US government was a crime, would he do it?
We all know the answer is yes of course.
It's what retailers fear most.
Obama reset things in 2008 and we need another transformational charismatic leader who doesn't then immediately shift to the middle like room temperature mayonnaise...
I think letting the digital town square and news media be privatized for profit has has entirely predictable results.
I have no idea how to fix it, but at least now we know.
I said what I said.
That's the problem.
What's the solution?
Mass murder of the 1%
God they're going to feel so dumb very soon.
Also; I'm curious to know if twitter and Elon are going to end up implicated in Canadian up coming election interference, both with the current ongoing investigation and the up coming year.
If Trump can campaign on overturning RvW, surely Harris could have made overturning Citizens United as a campaign plank.
"tax the rich" is a tired old trope that no Democrat president has done, so why would anybody believe SHE would do it this time?
I will bet my life savings that the Venn diagram of angry 2016 Bernie Bros and angry 2024 Trumper young men is almost a perfect circle.
The biggest mistake the Dems have ever made was shoving Bernie off to the side.
These are the "poor" billionaires in USA on Forbes 400-list.
No wonder nothing improves.
He Had Less Votes Than 2020 Too
And people must be prepared when the billionaires fight back.
We should have written a law to shut Citizens United (and subsequent rulings) down a long time ago
Like maybe after you make above a certain amount the tax brackets say the gov should get half of that to help society since you and the next 10 generations of your family aren’t going to miss it..
Now, middle finger.