it *really* bothers me I likely misattributed some of the articles in my video to AI, when they might've been content farm articles, and now some people paint me as someone who loves to shit on writers with bad english
I can't clarify this without pulling the video, I don't know what to do :c
I can't clarify this without pulling the video, I don't know what to do :c
I'll throw in that on my watch I was cognizant you might be hitting content farms with splash damage but in no way did it parse as shade at writers with bad english. the "nobody writes like this"
latching into that / similar lines as an attack on the piece feels an intentionally bad faith engagement and I hope you don't let it get too you too much.
Personally, I would love it if you do not pull the video. Your points still stand, be it skip produced by AI or by content farms who don’t know what they’re doing.
Maybe a way to address the criticism would be a follow up video?
If people are being this nick-picky about the articles being used, and ignoring the context, they are not engaging with your conversation earnestly.
How you articulated your problem with Gen AI is legitimately one of the best ways to describe the problem.
It's not just an artist problem; it's a knowledge and human problem.
You did a difficult thing in many respects. You deserve to rest and recover.
Sure, sites like those have existed before, but not at this scale
Your point that it's harder and harder to find trustworthy sources of info still applies
Most of those pages were 100% AI bc someone with broken English wouldn't yap about nothing for as long as those pages do
The script, the "photos" and the voice
The guy making these doesn't even care to tell the AI to generate a modern Mustang and not a 60s one
If anything it just proves your point
i can't keep up by flagging them with "Not interested"
There will probably be people reminding you of that time from time to time, but just ignore them.
Besides, LLM or not, it's not the low-paid workers operating the software who are the problem. It's the people making money from it.
It's clear in the video already that you're not doing that, a pinned addendum is more than enough
That's gen-AI's doing.
You may edit the video description, issue a follow up, or just let it be. Your worth is not determined by what petty people think of you. They will always find a way to find fault in you, sister.
two if something is of such quality you can't tell, the factors that bring it down realy only matter so much in the comparison. a slop article is a slop article,
the crit is thusly still valid, and as something one can work on, one can improve on ones sense of language and communication.
tldr: you don't need to listen to those wankers they are just pissing on the poor or just pissing off
The problem is consisting of two parts: yearning money by doing aggressive SEO and cheap text production achieving the SEO targets. LLM content mills still empower latter to hellish levels, even if they didn't bring it at first.
IMHO you should not pull the video. Pin a (short) comment that you are aware of it and work on preventing such things in the future.
Viewers complaining do not fully grasp the structure of Youtube. Don't let them argue you into harming your channel.
Don’t pull the video.
Don't worry about it, the issues are very linked
search engines supposedly made efforts to limit the influence of content farms, but now that LLMs are widely available the rules of the game changed, rendering these efforts useless
so the point of your video holds true
Excellent video imo! Would be sad to see it go
I wouldn't treat this as a personal failure; rather as another symptom of the issues brought up in the video
Tl;Dr: The paranoia and inability to differentiate between inexperienced creatives and GEN AI output is another symptom of the state of the internet. It is a sad and regrettable thing, but not a personal failure of any individual. The issue is systemic
the diagram denote frustrations to me
The prevalence of AI slop making us doubt and question everything is part of the problem. It can get very easy to dismiss an article cause it looked too generated. Info overload making it even harder to find accurate content.
The video was enlightening and usefull. I think you can spin this into another way that AI stinks since it makes us misattributed newcomer works or styles to AI.
We should uphold better quality standards on the internet whenever possible.
So I’ll only say this: For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a good job. I 100% relate to not producing content for fear of it not being ”good enough”.
one can guess all day long who wrote them and still be wrong but there's only one way to find out the actual truth
as far as the video, there's a pinned comment so it's fine
It is important to understand that the people you are talking about are engaging with you in bad faith.
Reporting on AI is going to be misreports for quite some time ahead. It's not a me and you problem, it's inherent in the thing.
On bad English. AI way less likely to have bad lang.
I suspected that this would be the outcome, because I've witnessed it as well, although I kind of feared to check the extend of the disaster in the way you did.
I don't just hear criticisms once, I will hear about it over and over again for a year no matter how many times I try to respond to it
And the corrections can be timestamped, too (maybe even with chapters)
You will never be perfect. No one is. What matters is your motivation and what you do, not how perfect it is.
Unless you are not tied to a finite set of possible outcomes mistakes are bound to happen.
Mistakes need to be processed, a lot of them might be distasteful but there's always something nutricious in them...
A year is too long.
and of course something had to backfire so that I feel like retreating into my shell to never release anything for another two years
thank you for making a stand about it
balance there is important tho.
I think you are being to hard on yourself, and I'm curious, what was the "project successful" criteria for the video? Was it "Make a video with no mistakes"? Because it sounds like your being unfair to yourself and moving goalposts
A sea of ignorance is nothing more than a group of people unwilling to make mistakes along the way.
even if half of the examples aren't fully AI made the point still stands: web searching is filled with AI junk
..and that much like chemotherapy, treating AI will likely lead to some mistakes, hitting real people when trying to target AI, and, yeah, here we are lol
I just hate that I likely misattributed some of it, and having my interpretation be cast as shitting on people with bad english/writing
As the machinist said:
"Perfect does not survive another digit in the scale".
"Each digit on the scale costs few times more than the prior."
"The cost of perfection is infinite".
"It's a just matter of tollerances."
Without than thin oil coating the pin would have sank.
And it’s a message most of us devs agree with, I think
If you want, make corrections in a pinned comment/annotation.