Actually, it started around fifty years ago, got a big boost in the '80s under Reagan and the SCOTUS that gave us the Citizens United decision. Of course, They found a guy with no conscience, morals, or shame to finish it off, the mango megalomaniac himself, DJT. God help us!
Go back even further, right after the Civil War when the Republican Democrats split into two, the Republicans went full on Republican and the Democrats flipped into being what Reps used to be
"We have a very corrupt country." Trump has nothing good to say about America. Never, ever. He's dedicated to stripping Americans of any pride, trust or security they have in this nation. He hates our country & most of the people in it. Because he himself has done nothing but rape & plunder here.
It's always hyperbole with him. Nothing is great. Everything is "very, very great, the best and biggest ever!" There is nothing wrong with Social Security, until the Republicans take over. Then suddenly there's a problem.
Wired has a very clear explanation of the 150 year olds, it’s a COBOL programming thing. Shows how little anyone at DOGE knows about older languages and real-world coding. Sigh.
And you think the SCOTUS gives a flying fuck about that?
Given a choice between fellating Trump or impoverishing tens of millions of Americans, Uncle Thom, Alito the made guy, and the other 4 goons will always choose the former.
You’d think they’re all under threat of being executed in their underwear…they are scared…every sniveling & gutless SC justice and politician out there. Eric Adams has being relinquished to kissing ass and he has no problem doing it.
I think if they try to abolish it outright it'll be stopped by the lower courts and that there's a chance the SC doesn't take it up.
I'm not going to just assume that social security is dead yet.
That's counterproductive.
I hope you are right. We paid for our SS along with our bosses and it should have earned interest. If we had put that money in a savings account, we would be well off. I started working at 16.
How bout instead we take all of the billionaires off their tax breaks and loopholes, so we suddenly have a very strong country where we can care for everyone.
Simple tactics. Say 2-3 words. Repeat them. Soon they are true. What are our words? How about-We have a corrupt country. Very corrupt. Billionaires are stealing from us!
That dumbkopf statement about take people off social security, have millions of $$ in social security is as stupid as his covid response; stop counting the cases and there will be many less in the amount of cases!!!!!!!!!!!! But, yes, vote for it, support it, hate your family over it
If previous administrations had left the SS trust alone we’d be fine. How about repaying the trillions owed before you give more tax breaks to the wealthy.
For some reason I thought it went back to Reagan when the bs about trickle down economics started. He gave the rich tax breaks and started taxing social security.
To be able to pay the elected representatives more so all nests are feathered except those who really need the help. Let those folks deal with it or die.
We have a very corrupt country. Very corrupt country. And it's a sad thing to say ... if you take all of those rich people out of our government, all of the sudden we have a very powerful country
Why pay taxes when you can use that money and buy a politician or even better. Your very own Supreme Court justice. Then you won’t have to pay taxes…. (Pictured Scrooge McMusk)
They keep talking about all this fraud but they never, EVER show their findings! One would think that if they found it they’d be throwing it in our faces! They love to say “I told you so”. But just like the stolen election lies there is nothing to show. It’s all just lies
He recognizes corrupt because he is corrupt. WORKING people earned Social Security in the later years and he and his master Elmo want it gone. “Entitlement” the sheep scream. “We aren’t going to touch it” he told said sheep. Now they are seeing the reality that there may not be anything for them
So says a billionaire, who's greed is only matched by his girth. He forgets that those of us on Social Security paid in during our entire lifetimes, so we could retire with dignity. But people like him,decided to lump the money into the General Fund, and THEY have been dipping in the til ever since.
Pretty disturbing shit, considering Social Security money is the people’s money that the people paid into Social Security.
Proven financially corrupt business people should keep their hands off of it.
So all of the retired baby boomers (and older) are just going to be homeless and starve. If we have to support them i want to claim them as dependents.
Social security (retirement) is NOT an entitlement. We pay into it with SS taxes.
Social security disability requires a significant disability & includes children with severe impairment, folks who are dying, amputees, & other serious illnesses & conditions.
Good point - “entitlement” has been used pejoratively by Repukes for years, like for TANF and SNAP (entitlement welfare programs). Others like Medicare & SSRI are NOT entitlement welfare programs. I should have been clearer.
(For the record, I support programs for poor & uninsured based on income)
Most of us have paid into the system too. Far too many people think it’s easy to get approved, which couldn’t be further from the truth. It took me 3 years and 2 denials from 2001-2010. There was a huge backlog then from a reduced SSA workforce too. 🤔🙄
Whenever Trump starts demonising something, that means he wants to ban it:
1. Elections
2. Social Security
3. Condoms (Hamas is using them to make bombs etc)
They are trying to lay the groundwork for doing it. Just remember it’s YOUR money they will say YOU aren’t entitled to anymore. The money that was taken out of YOUR check each week all the years YOU worked.
Sadly, most people would now agree that the US is "a corrupt country," but not because of fraudulent social security claims, but because a man literally convicted of fraud is President, is backed by criminals around the world, and is allowing tax-dodging billionaires to run amok.
Unfortunately, you do now have a "very corrupt" country. The fish rots from the head, with the Mango Mussolini at the heart of that corruption, along with his owner. God help the USA.
For their kids to go to school or quit their jobs, I suggested they send some of their kids to farms to pick vegetables and fruit.. imagine how well that went over
MAGA isn't going to be thrilled with having to take care of Meemaw and PawPaw.. and have to take care of their medical bills, as well as make the kids give up their bedroom so the old folks can move in. So they'll hope they die soon. (BTW, in other news: Elder abuse is real)
The TrumpMusk way of thinking and rationalizing:
If you take all those sick people off chemo and radiation treatments, and life saving operations, then within a year you'll have fewer very sick people.
Just like Hitler sending sick & disabled folks , as well as the elderly to the gas chambers 1st, these people want those of us in that category dead, bcuz they are a drain to the system. They just can't come out directly & say it, cuz of optics! 😕
But more dead people. Just saw an article that we have saved so much on SS because so many seniors died from covid. This is their strategy. Let the senior citizens die. And this is the party of Christian’s….no thanks.
Many large corporations supported him. If millions of ppl can’t buy their goods and services they aren’t going to be very happy. Pharmaceutical companies and hospitals will take the biggest hit. 70M have SS and Medicare.
Something I’ve said a few times. As ludicrous as it is/seems, I think they may just be convinced Mars is the next stop on the trail of Manifest Destiny
Right? It’s terrifying to think how many people and corporations don’t care. And karma is coming because many of the sam people who voted for him are already or are going to feel the pain too.
His cronies only want young/white workers & breeders. Anyone who is not contributing is tossed aside to die. Elonia is a Nazi/into eugenics..only the white strongest survive.
They have never been concerned about the human cost. It’s only about personal gain. It’s just shocking that their supporters can’t understand what you have so clearly laid out here.
In baronial feudalism the peasant's lives depend on their usefulness to the barons. Social Security and Medicare take away that life and death dependency on the oligarchy. And let's be clear, the GOP, always the lackeys of the ultra rich, have sought to destroy the social safety net from day one.
Fuck Maga for letting this fool brainwash you! Social Security is outside the realm of government 🙄. Federal employees are needed there but how would these goons know!
Shit4Brains-rapistrump just cannot understand we retirees are simple getting paid a percent of our own money back that we paid into Social Security. Derrr
I will take a buyout. SS expected total over 12 months is 52k. Over 20-25 years just hand me my cash and I am fine with whatever they do. But I need it NOW.
Reminder: there has been NO evidence of corruption. Plenty of evidence of conflicts of interest over the past 3 weeks.
Also - the millions of people he is citing are the ones DOGGY claimed were 150 years old - proven as mistake
Every time they’re angry, it confirms the crimes they’re contemplating.
Social Security is not and never had been apart of the budget! The government borrowed the money that we as taxpayers put in it for our retirement and don’t want to pay it back and want to keep anything that’s left! They will need to give everyone back their money & stop taking it out of our checks!
Reagan started the trickle down and death panels, Bush Sr took out of the Social Security and placed hours in it. Hold on i will try and post something
Funniest thing was Musk standing up saying there are 150 year olds on social security. COBOL’s zero date is 1875, so if you don’t enter a birth date it defaults to 0, which is 1875. The computer “genius” doesn’t even know what language Social Security uses or how it works . What a dunce!
Yeah, there's so much overspending and "fraud" going on that they're still using 40+ year old software. Pretty much the only COBOL developers left were the ones who (up to a couple weeks back) worked for Social Security. Now it's script kiddies trying to figure out grandpa's code. Can only end well.
I initially wondered about that, having worked w a legacy mainframe system which defaulted to 1900 for missing or incorrect human data entry on DOB’s (like 1055 instead of 1955).
It was my understanding that, because so few people knew how to work with COBOL, it was a more secure system, and that's a big reason why the IRS/SSA stayed with it, particularly for the most sensitive information. (I'm not an IT pro, so I can't say.)
We need millions of Americans thoroughly outraged by the bastard, but peaceful protests aren't enough. Trump and Trumpies get off on upsetting others. We need to be doing more, though I'm not sure what that "more" needs to be. These people aren't concerned by protests or stern words.
Says the rapist felon insurrectionist traitor crime syndicate boss who is attacking law enforcement at all levels, state and federal agencies, and firing prosecutors. Crime wave about to intensity.
When you take all those millions off of Social Security, you won’t have Social Security. Don’t republicans (I know trump doesn’t) understand people pay from their wages into Social Security? It’s our money, put into a plan the current administration doesn’t like the not so rich to have.
This is what I’m dreading. My Trump voting mom just retired a year ago, and her only income is social security. I BEGGED her not to vote against her own interests. And when SS gets cut, she’ll come right to me for help. In my head, I tell her no, but I’m not sure I’ll have the heart in real life.
Same here. My in laws are the same. SS is all they have. My husband says he’ll refuse to help too but he won’t. And they are Fox News 24/7 Trumpers, voting against themselves. This is such a common story it’s gross.
Maybe you can barter with her - get a video of her being honest about how it feels to be screwed over by Trump. That could help the resistance. Maybe she'll even admit you were right. 😏
What exactly is a “very powerful social security”. He talks in such hyperbolical nonsense it sounds so stupid how does anyone think this person is intelligent 🙄
No kidding. If you don't test for COVID, you won't find it. If you take a million or more off of social security, you have benefits unpaid. That does nothing to enhance social safety.
MAGATs don’t need intelligent leader. They can only read at the same level as the orange turd. It is believed that was the reason they worship him. That is the person they can actually understand because he talks exactly at their level. We are disgusted by his stupidity but for MAGAts, it is good.
The trial balloons will be released higher each time until he makes his move, or it blows up in his face. Every maga type over 60 that I’ve met is ready to start swinging on any threat to their payment benefit.
Explain to me why this young girl deserved to die? Jocelynn Rojo Carranza, age 11, took her own life after her bullies constantly threatened to call ICE to have her Hispanic parents deported. Consequences of Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric. America vs Swastikar aka MAGA!
Hey, little tRump, you promised not long ago you would not touch Social Security. I guess, though, you enjoy lying and hurting about 70 million Americans on SocSec. People such as I, a working man who has paid into SocSec for nearly 65 years. It is what I live on with my monthly check now.
All talk and no receipts. It was false that 150 year olds, were receiving benefits. There are no billions saved by DOGE, just a lot of people fired, a lot of families hurting, if there is fraud, why no lawsuits?
I really do hope they start talking more about cutting Soc Sec and Medicare. Seniors are very reliable voters and will punish whoever comes after the benefits they earned over a lifetime of work. BTW, I am on Soc Sec and Medicare. Try us.
Surely these honorable leaders will give up their power fairly. They wouldn't do anything to undermine the constitutional authority of the US. Not at all.
Yes, we all agree. Trump...your Office of the President is by far the most corrupt and incompetent executive government leadership in the history of the United States.
Because of quirk of an old system based on COBOL...but then you don't care about facts do you...lies are oh so much easier on that mouldy peanut you call a brain
You do have a corrupt country right now. The world thinks you have gone off your rocker and is eating yourself from the inside. There is a slippery slope here. Once you lose freedom, it is hard to get back.
I love how he says 💩, doesn't provide specifics or evidence of any sort. His followers nod their heads and lap it up as if it were the gospel. They will never believe it is a con until they are directly impacted and even then they'll see their suffering as patriotic.
Fk. This. @$$w1pe...!
Oh ok then, I’ll just accept that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What a sleazeball.
NOBODY says more disparaging things about the US than Donald J. Trump
Given a choice between fellating Trump or impoverishing tens of millions of Americans, Uncle Thom, Alito the made guy, and the other 4 goons will always choose the former.
I think if they try to abolish it outright it'll be stopped by the lower courts and that there's a chance the SC doesn't take it up.
I'm not going to just assume that social security is dead yet.
That's counterproductive.
We do have a very corrupt country because he is entirely corrupt and surrounds himself with corrupt politicians and staffers!
That "corrupt country" voted for Trump. That's about the only thing he's ever said that I agree with.
There. I fixed it
Paid in the longest just to get the rug pulled right before we need it.
Why are people surprised?
Proven financially corrupt business people should keep their hands off of it.
Gee if AARP wasn’t a bogus front for an insurance brokerage members might have a voice through them.
Social security disability requires a significant disability & includes children with severe impairment, folks who are dying, amputees, & other serious illnesses & conditions.
The scam starts with making people think that "entitlement" equals "handout"
(For the record, I support programs for poor & uninsured based on income)
1. Elections
2. Social Security
3. Condoms (Hamas is using them to make bombs etc)
They borrowed from it to destroy its legitimacy by making it "insolvent".
Don't forget about the DoE once that's gone parents are going to have to cough up the money
If you take all those sick people off chemo and radiation treatments, and life saving operations, then within a year you'll have fewer very sick people.
Love to see his test results in his Grade 5 Civics class.
Homelessness & hunger increases by millions.
Fewer people contribute to economy.
The medical industry collapses as Medicaid & Medicare get cut.
People will die.
What do they gain? How can it be worth the human cost.
Also - the millions of people he is citing are the ones DOGGY claimed were 150 years old - proven as mistake
Every time they’re angry, it confirms the crimes they’re contemplating.
where do you think we are right now
Trump says frequently he loves this country, but then shows every sign of hating it.
His goal is to destroy our democracy through any means possible
How much of their stupidity is genuine, and how much is performative?