A 75 year old Memaw who just had her only source of income yanked is a lot scarier than they realize.
“Life in prison” is no longer much of a threat once you’re a senior citizen.
Old Gunther's not the sharpest tool in the shed I can tell you that right now. And I'm entitled to that money Mark because I earned it. Sick to death of the word entitlement being used as if it's a giveaway. I put my money in, my employer puts money in. The government doesn't put anything in
Well, he's living in a world where he won't live to BE a grandma or grandpa, compliments of all the greedy and, malicious arrogants of the world, such. AS.. himself. Happy breathing, Cuban sandwich. You eat us like bread and the environment eats you.
🤔.. good trade. 😏😉
Gunther is the biggest cult dipshit of them all. You can’t get him to think critically. Just his group speak whatever the party tells him his opinion is.
Well, when I look at the people protesting, it’s all senior citizens. I don’t see any of these young dumbasses out there. They’re hooked to their computers get out citizens go protest boycott. Do everything we own this world.
This has been another Dumbfuck take by Gunther Eagleman. For other Dumbfuck takes like this every five minutes, please sign up for the Dumbfuck newsletter
The boomers got us into this mess by religiously voting for dumbfuck republikkkans. I hope they do lose out, then all that lead brained rage can be used for good by revolting against the cheeto pedo
If SS is a “Ponzi Scam” as these MAGA fucks wanna call it, then so is your medical, home or auto insurance. The only difference is with SS there are no CEOs getting filthy rich off the program and I think that’s why the GOP hates it.
I am not a Trump or Musk supporter but Social Security IS an entitlement program. Look up how it works. You pay taxes that go to current retirees. They are not putting that money away in an account for you for later. It’s not a pension. It’s taxes to support current retirees. It’s a social program.
It is a forced tax payment with the promise of a return for that payment/investment in the future upon meeting qualifications. Also, the current amount is a fund off several trillion dollars, estimates vary, but the lowest I have seen are approx. $2 trillion.It is more like an annuity despite the
use of current payments into the system to provide a return to those accessing the benefits after having paid into it for decades.When created, the life expectancy for beyond retirement age was something like a year or 2. The paid in amounts from both the employer and employee would far exceed
the amount the majority of people would receive.
Regardless of what term one wishes to apply, it is a forced payment by employees and employers with a promised benefit for the employee after a certain number of credits is earned.
People are owed that money as it was never optional.
Seems like he's entirely wrong and mis-stating what DOGE has done. They are, in fact, ending internet and other services and forcing millions to go IN PERSON to Social Security offices to make claims...AFTER they've ordered myriad SS offices CLOSED.
Think of it as a pass-through subsidy to Big Oil: grandma and grandpa in rural Amurikkka are now going to have to drive a couple hours to reach a Social Security office to interact with the agency and assure they get paid, effectively forcing them to pay more of their SS check to Big Oil.
They stopped my sons. SSI. He is autistic. They are going to SS office today to try and get it. They said he is no longer disabled. His social worker went to the meeting with him. Hoping to hear back from him soon
Sounds like a tactic to see if he will follow up. Used a lot to keep people from getting the resources they need. Check into legal help also, as it may make the difference
Didn't go well today. They went to the social security office and couldn't get in. You now have to have a schedule appointment. He has to file an appeal. If they refuse the appeal he has to re apply and that will take up to 210 days for them to review it.
Bet gunther eagleMan doesnt realize that its not going away from our paychecks. We still pay it. It didnt save the american people anything. I would rather they eliminated me paying it than take the money that i wont get back
their stupidity is wild man, WE fund social security and he would know that if he ever worked an honest job cuz they take it out of your check every week!
Lemme pipe in and say my kid gets survivor's benefits from SS. Yes, in my bank account. My kid's father died when kid was 11. All the SS he ever paid in, expecting to collect when he got old, goes to the kid (me) until it turns 18. It will be a quarter of what he paid in AT BEST. Fuckin idiots.
And no, it's not a king's ransom. Means as the only living parent, I get a little more breathing room to provide a child with necessities so it may grow well. Because Dad had a portion of every paycheck he ever got going to this deeply important social net.
Gunther is such an ass-hat. I hope any family member of his on Social Security lose their payments, and they have to move in with him. Plus, he loses his job because of the crashing economy. Then he gets a bad case of herpes and goes bankrupt from the medical bills.
Future generations won’t have Social Security when they retire. Republicans haven’t left it alone. They drain it but do nothing to safeguard it for the future. Now Musk is destroying it. The future is bleak for millions of Americans for so many reasons.
Please stop calling them entitlements. Social Security is a pension-like fund which we have paid into our entire lives with the promise we would receive funds in our old age based in what we deposited. NOT an entitlement
It's even worse, while they're shuttering some SocSec offices (like the one in Nashville), there's a new requirement that you have to sign up IN PERSON.
So ... say you have to show up in person to get your benefits, but close all the offices where you can do that. Brilliant. /s
There should be an option for guys like Gunther to opt out since he’s so confident in the current administration. I’m sure he’s not counting on getting old and needing Social Security.
Yet another “does his own research” fucking idiot magat. Who has ZERO fucking civics knowledge past when the next school board meeting is so he can go piss his pant at the podium about non existent litter boxes. Fuck I’m so sick of these fucking ignorant America hating traitors!
Cannot believe some people are so stupid and yet they think they can "own" someone! Can't believe this is someone who might actually get a $1 of the SS $ in contributed.
Please don't attack me for saying so, but I'm not against the change to make these limited purposes in-person only. It's prudent. The problem becomes expanding, not contracting, local offices. SSA needs to commit to an office that takes appointments w/i every 30 miles, b/c more is unreasonable.
If doge is so hell bent on cutting wasteful spending in entitlements, why hasn't he canceled all the 100 year old oil, gas, & coal subsidies? These are nothing more than corporate entitlements worth 10's of millions taxpayers money.......annualy. Inquiring minds want to know.
Just tell all the seniors that Trump/Musk are turning the SSA into the DMV.
All of us over the age of 50 remember the days when you couldn't just go online to renew tags and had to schlep down to the DMV and sit around for a few hours. In some places, you may still have to do that.
While Cuban is correct, MAGA morons don’t read beyond one sentence.
Dumb it WAAAAY down.
For example:
“Hey moron, they paid into it so would come back to them later.”
I work in a sm family owned pharmacy where 75% of our clients are above 65 yrs old. We’ll send you a text when your script is ready. I don’t have a cell phone. We can send you an email. I don’t have a computer…
hey, gunther, educate yourself.
“WE” don’t need Mark Cuban’s money.
those of us who receive social security benefits have funded social security with “OUR OWN” money.
Now we’re getting that 60-year investment back, with interest.
hope this helps.
Everyone needs to understand that Social Security payments are yours. It’s your money. Look at paycheck stubs. Govt takes money, you get it back later. They have good records, don’t need to make it hard by forcing people to appear in person, many safeguards are in place
Not trying to sound testy, but I think most people understand this. What they're claiming is only the tissue-thin Repug excuse for this unthinkable heist they're carrying out. It gives scum like Leavitt meaningless words to mouth at reporters.
The whole idea that anything is unaffordable is an obvious ignorance to the notion of modern monetary theory as an extension of the fact that we've been off the gold standard since Nixon.
I'm going to say this again and clearly so people understand it. Taxes pay for nothing.
Right? I’m kinda wondering what the point is of continuing to pay into a pot that is now overtaken by an unauthorized unelected person for who knows what purpose.
There are a couple of accounts up here with his name and the obligatory Hair Furor glamor shots. They seem dormant, but I reported and blocked anyway. You can too.
Has the government stopped taking social security from people's paychecks? Medicare? How can they possibly stop paying why still taking from employees?
People need to stop focusing on that term. They are entitlements because you are entitled to them. It’s yours, and you have a right to it hence an entitlement. It’s not a bad term.
You're not wrong, the Republicans call it entitlements instead of earned benefits because the word entitlement has an implied overtone of "unearned entitlements". They use the term to give Social Security a bad or wrongfulness in meaning.
We fix that perception by using the phrase earned benefits.
One of the main motives behind that is that every time he's at Mar-A-Lago the secret service has to pay for the rooms they occupy to protect him. And of course it goes directly into his own pocket. Have to wonder how much he's up charging them for those rooms as well.
He’s not charging them. He’s profiteering from us the taxpayers who are making him richer. Look the only reason he ran again was to stay out of jail so he could play his beloved golf games. He couldn’t care less about anything else.
He is charging them and he charges them for seats on his plane when they were using his plane between election day and Inauguration Day. In fact the first administration he made so much money with that he wanted them to convert his plane to be secure enough to not use Air Force One. They refused.
It's an expense that the secret service has to cover for any president staying at any place, that's not the unusual part. The unusual part is he only stays at his own resorts and hotels in order to be able to pocket the money. Had the same problem with his plane charging seats to the Secret Service.
The unusual part is the frequency and not just the emoluments, but also that he charges premium rates for their stay, regardless of season or occupancy.
And since it's a continual crime why aren't they doing so now? Why isn't that being called for in the media everyday. Because the media is complicit and the Democrats are cowards still. They are willing to sacrifice our nation to not make waves and keep collecting their paychecks.
It is indeed a corrupt & decayed society that won't care for elders, children, veterans & differently abled persons; won't teach or feed its children & burdens its women in a million unnecessary ways. What are we going to do about this?
I don't think we can count on them anymore. It just seems so logical that there would have been a contingency plan. It's not as if they didn't know what was coming. It's going to be up to The People. What do you think?
Unfortunately I know your right! I can’t walk or run but will use what I can! I never voted for him and have hated him ever since I first learned who he was! Not all white women are evil ! He’s a monster and am waiting for his💀 and a whole new system
Doing what you can is enough. If we all do something/whatever we are able to do, the cumulative effort carries impact. Before it's possible to build a different system, the faults & failures of the existing one must be acknowledged & completely dismantled.
Separate! Like North and South Korea, you figure out a way to just leave them in their shit, pack up and leave. Nothing is united about the United States right now. Free-for-all, may the odds be ever in your favor!
Packing up & leaving isn't practical or possible for everyone who might want that. The nation is already separated along numerous lines, has never really been united & the shit is so deep, everyone is in it. For most nonwhites, the odds have never been favorable. Still, we know what we're doing.
Yeah Gunther, you dumb barista.
Da fuq? Who doesn't know that soc sec refunds itself and that politicians for DECADES on both sides ROB IT EVERY CHANCE THEY GET
GOP isn't going to cut Social Security. They will weaken it and let it implode. Trump will claim to save it with privatization. This has been the GOP plan for years.
Yet, banks will collect fees for overdrafts due to electronic payments that won't be paid; plus, credit scores will plumment.
Why oh why would you give Gunther Eagleman (my eyes can't roll far enough to react properly to that douchebag's handle) even a few seconds of attention from your precious life?
It's a cult. The Trump Cult. When people are brainwashed they aren't logical. It's a shame to have such a weak mind that you would let the devil in....
Gunther Eagleman is your basic twitter troll. He is forever posting garbage just to get some sort of engagement. He is the reason the block button was invented
Mark Cuban should be paying more into Social Security and I bet he would actually agree. There should not be a high earners cap. Not paying more to social security above $176,000 a year is ridiculous. This a perfect example of the rich not paying their fair share.
Oh, please, he's just another zillionaire, all he cares about is money and power. He talks a lot here, but I haven't seen him do anything to fight what is going on.
Yeah, that money is our money, not the government's! Musk and Trump are trying to steal it. It's like your 401K provider tore out their customer service system, so they didn't have to pay your money to you. This is cruel abuse of a population that can't safely navigate online systems. It's theft.
Reminder: Republican voters want A+ government services when they need them, but want to pay cheap D- taxes for them. Wait until millions of them have no Social Security check......
Compromising the system so that the masses suffer is the number one goal. They don’t care about people starving or losing their shelter or not being able to pay for medicine. They don’t give a single solitary fuck. #MoreLuigi’sAreNeeded.
Someone mentioned this the other day and now I wonder. What happens to all the money a person contributed to SS but then they die before ever collecting a dime? I'm sure it occurs often. (Yes, I know that my SS benefit is being funded by today's workers contributions). Curious to know. Anyone?
Stupid. Amazing that some people don't know how SS is funded. I mean, what do they think that little FICA tax is that comes out of each paycheck for 40+ years?
It's almost like there should be a party out there explaining stuff like this instead of going on meet the press and saying "maybe the Republicans are right and the 5 trans kids playing volleyball are the problem with america"
The average American reads at a 6th grade level. I truly believe that most of these idiots have not had a single solitary original thought ever. They just parrot what they hear. They are so uninformed & ignorant, so steeped in the red pill cult that they wouldn't recognize the truth if bit them
Maga goes wherever when they don't have someone to yell at. Apparently Twitter is getting boring for the pathetic cult, and look at the other platforms doing better.
MASS block the fired cop, massive racist, Maga sucking, ego traitor!!
Seriously, why are these people so stupid? Do they not look at their paycheck stubs and realize, I mean, maybe at least question what is this 'I am paying into/for'? Fucking hell!!!
My 93 yr old mom was internet savvy, but not on everything. Where I live the best way to book blood tests is online. Many don't know how to do that.
The world expects everyone to use cell phones, computers and understand technology.
My mother-in-law on the other hand, refused to use a computer. She used a Kindle and that was as tech savvy as she got. I'd probably be having to help her if she were still alive. I'm sure this goes for many seniors.
Gunther can go ahead and give up his SS benefits if he’s all good with how this administration is trying to gut people’s safety nets, that they’ve worked hard all their lives for, through their OWN contributions.
Taxes pay for nothing. I want to be clear on that point. Modern monetary theory is the reality here. The purpose of taxes when you print your own money is to control inflation. You print money to pay for things and you tax those who could most afford it to control inflation. That's it.
They were paying for the Infrastructure Bill, Inflation Reduction Act, and other investments in the American people. The first time since FDR… but this admin scrapped it all
Taxes pay for nothing. We need to stop people thinking that they do. Our budget is written it is signed off by Congress the president signs off on it it goes to the Federal Reserve Bank and they push a button to create the funds. The budget is not constrained by a tax revenue... 1/2
2/2...the purpose of taxes is to reduce the amount of funds in the economy to prevent inflation. Creating funds creates inflation, taxes take away inflation. So when they talk about reducing taxes they're talking about increasing inflation. Taxes should be paid by those who could most afford it.
Don't be a Gunther.
“Life in prison” is no longer much of a threat once you’re a senior citizen.
🤔.. good trade. 😏😉
Mark is amazing with the clap back and logic
Swell bastards.
Gunther is an ignorant agitator.
It really is like playing chess with pigeons…
Then it becomes real to them.
Regardless of what term one wishes to apply, it is a forced payment by employees and employers with a promised benefit for the employee after a certain number of credits is earned.
People are owed that money as it was never optional.
Show up at their offices if you need to.
I paid into Medicare and Social Security during my 40+ years of working!
So ... say you have to show up in person to get your benefits, but close all the offices where you can do that. Brilliant. /s
Who does that??😂
also 🤢
All of us over the age of 50 remember the days when you couldn't just go online to renew tags and had to schlep down to the DMV and sit around for a few hours. In some places, you may still have to do that.
The VAST majority of adults without a smart phone are 65+ yrs old.
99% of 65+ yr old without a smart phone, own and use a telephone.
The people who paid taxes for 50+ years and built the country's infrastructure, are now a drain on Elon's USA.
Dumb it WAAAAY down.
For example:
“Hey moron, they paid into it so would come back to them later.”
Get a clue Mark!
Run Brother.
That's good!
“WE” don’t need Mark Cuban’s money.
those of us who receive social security benefits have funded social security with “OUR OWN” money.
Now we’re getting that 60-year investment back, with interest.
hope this helps.
I'm going to say this again and clearly so people understand it. Taxes pay for nothing.
Why do MAGAts choose the most IMPOSSIBLY STUPID people to tell them how the world works?
That man is dumber than a box of rocks, lol
He’s on the list too by the way
Medicare is a health insurance program
They are both INSURANCE.
in our old age.
We fix that perception by using the phrase earned benefits.
What makes you think he isn't now?
Yet no one charged him with ethics violations
Da fuq? Who doesn't know that soc sec refunds itself and that politicians for DECADES on both sides ROB IT EVERY CHANCE THEY GET
Yet, banks will collect fees for overdrafts due to electronic payments that won't be paid; plus, credit scores will plumment.
MASS block the fired cop, massive racist, Maga sucking, ego traitor!!
The world expects everyone to use cell phones, computers and understand technology.
No big deal but what was the ratio on Mark’s response. Hoping more than the idiot he responded to.