i hate bob dylan. know how i know my hate is pure and not just reflexive lashing out against something beloved? i even hated a song i didn’t recognize as his when someone else played it
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LOL..thats ok….I detest James Taylor - everytime I hear him I turn the station. I think I started hating him when he screwed around on Carly…that must be it.
Well I assumed you have more than one reason, just making the point that he isnt as big as he is because because no good qualities come from him. Art is subjective, of course. I can only judge his personality by the account of others. His art fires my imagination too. Nobody has to like anybody x
I love when other artists sing his songs Covers by Olivia Newton John. Guns n Roses. Jeff Buckley. Eddie Veder. George Harrison. Joan Baez. Jimi Hendrix Kesha. U2.
I love the hate. I love that we can all feel so differently about a body of work. You at least gotta admit that he made his mark, and didn’t give a single shit along the way. More than most people can say.
I’m a huge Dylan fan, but I can’t take Janis Joplin. Like fingernails on a chalkboard. Everyone gets to enjoy whatever makes them happy. No judgement from me.
My biggest peeve with Dylan is that his songs are so insightful and progressive but he never aires a political view. You can’t instigate political ideology through a song and then not support that ideology through speech and action.
Sorry to hear that but that's part of the problem with the world today. It's ok to choose something else but it's not ok to hate anything. I don't even hate trump I just find him repulsive and want something better for our country
i think the thing that annoys me the most about him isn't even the nasal mumblecore voice or the overblown harmonica, it's how this inescapable boomer hagiography's been built around him that he very consciously co-constructed. he purposely played coy & mysterious w media like the Beatles were funny
He was the headliner at a festival I went to, his show sucked monkey balls. Most boring shit I've ever paid to see. Bjork performed the night before and it was amazing.
People love to think they're doing something different by saying "well yeah his voice sucks, and his playing is nothing special, but you've gotta admit his lyrics are genius" but no, man. I don't have to admit that.
You don't become songwriting royalty with a hit:miss ratio that low.
I tried to like Dylan for so long. had so many friends tell me he should be my favorite artist. finally heard Phil Ochs for the first time this year and was like, "ah, this is what I wanted actually"
His singing is bad to most people , playing is nothing to get excited about.
He is a lyrical genius.
Read the lyrics to, Tangled up in blue and get back to me.
I have been pissed at Bob Dylan for almost 20 years. Saw him live in 2006 and it was the worst live music experience of my life, he stood off in a corner of the stage playing an electric keyboard and made no attempt to engage the audience. I genuinely felt insulted and conned, and I still do.
If you listen to studio version of Visions of Johanna, or The Girl From the North Country, or Spanish Boots, and you still hate Bob, then we don't expect you to want membership in the Zimmerman Fan Club. In fact, we reject your application. Maybe Donovan fanclub for you?
As far back as I can remember, every time he has played a show here in Ireland, fans have flocked to it, then afterwards said "wow, that was absolutely shit." Every time.
I also had this response after seeing him live. The venue took everyone's phones upon entering, Bobby d was 2 hours late to starting the show, there were no openers, and the whole damn thing sounded like a jam sesh. I'd never go again.
I love Dylan but his live shows are hit or miss. Saw him in 86 backed by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Several songs into the first set a friend turned to me and said “I hope he plays Positively 4th Street”. My response, “That was the second song.” 😂
To this day I don't understand why some people are so desperate to overrate Dylan. Apparently they think it gives them credibility. But the music was fucking terrible, even when compared to contemporaneous music, and Dylan is unlistenable as a vocalist.
A lyrical genius and his arrangements are often tasteful. He doesn't sing well but his voice reflects the often snotty, angsty, sarcastic message of his songs. I generally prefer his songs performed by other musicians. The Byrds for example. Listen to their version of My Back Pages. Great rendition
Big same. The voice is an instrument and he is easily one of the worst vocalists of all time. I have never understood how people can stand to listen to him.
Dylan had the (mis?)fortune of being the crossover artist between pre-modern pop music (folk tunes you’d hear played at the watering hole) and modern pop (music on the radio). Having a rough or key-loose singing voice was/is no impediment to being a folk singer
Folk music often has that “plainsong” quality — it is, by ideal accts, a communal art which no one owns and which anyone can pick up and put a spin on. It ends up a surprising lifeline bw folk and punk music, which likewise rejected standards of virtuosity and skill to be something you just did
Dylan and the Beatles especially were part of a particular moment when radio-age pop music, whose presentation to that point was almost wholly contrived and constructed by committees / svengalis, started to hunger for “visionary”, auteurist writers.
I haven’t seen the new Dylan movie but I’ve heard it’s unusually good bc it sorta accounts for this — Dylan as a kind of talented opportunist who landed at the right place at the right time to claim “the voice of a generation”. It was like he’d invented the singular creative voice
(The booing when he went electric thus being less abt breaking taboos on sound and more abt breaking taboos on claiming a certain individualist focus outside the folk tradition)
I’ve never cared for him. He sounds as if he doesn’t open his lips. My daughter like/d The Wallflowers. I think his son was lead vocalist and is much better.
Now that’s legit - people have rewritten history, they were loathed at the time with good reason, emperor’s new clothes etc, only the synth ones without Mays input are bearable. His guitar’s painful. And cool cats good. Cos it doesn’t sound like them. Ha!
Well, he is 108 years old. They tend to slow up at that age and he might not be a great artist anymore. Checkout the Dylan goes electric concert. It’s pretty great. Listen to The Hurricane. I know awards only mean something when it’s someone you like, but Pulitzer and Nobel were right.
thank you for confessing I have exactly the same hate but was afraid to be crucified. His voice is like a croaking frog. Self pitying lyrics " If Isaw you again I dont know if I would kiss you or kill you" Call the police!!!!
He's got a terribly annoying voice, he's written maybe 3x original songs and just kept rehashing them.
Musically they're so non-descript that anyone can take them and make them their own AND it takes a very serious downturn in quality post 1970-something.
I both enjoy Bob Dylan and find him annoying and overrated and I’ve managed to separate them into two different categories in my mind, it’s a balance I’ve reached(so now I can appreciate both people loving and hating him).
OMG following you just based on this post LMAO! I sooooo feel this statement. No offense, Bob. I'm happy when anyone can make a living with "art" but I don't get it. Not one bit LMAO
what’s weird is that i love so much of the stuff surrounding bob dylan. i love pete seeger, love joan baez, love the band. but bobby himself i just can’t stand
I hate 90% of all music from the Beatles. Always have. Born in 1959, so I'm not a typical "boomer". Been taking grief from it as long as I can remember.
Didn't care for Dylan either. It was the harmonica. Ugh!
Noooo it's not true ! I like seasoned food and also due process is important now let's put on rubber soul lol
Or revolver
Or let it be Or abbey road
Or the white album
The anthologies are my favourite though less studio perfectionism and more of just the band
You don't become songwriting royalty with a hit:miss ratio that low.
He is a lyrical genius.
Read the lyrics to, Tangled up in blue and get back to me.
Nor Ed Sheeran 🤣
And attitude.
Also he hasn't been consistently good since Blonde on Blonde
Never could stand him!
He sounds like he’s throwing up into a microphone!!
I’ve always viewed him as a poet.
Be sure to show us your Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes, and don’t forget your Presidential Medal of Freedom!
Acquired taste I guess.
Musically they're so non-descript that anyone can take them and make them their own AND it takes a very serious downturn in quality post 1970-something.
Hearing one song that you didn’t know was Dylan and disliking it is not evidence.
Wow. Thank you!
Just Like A Woman, a Simple Twist of Fate, you're Not Alone Anymore, End of the Line,A Hard Rain A-Gonna Fall, a Subterranean Homesick Blues.
(Like what you want to like but forgive me if I am baffled by your point of view)
Didn't care for Dylan either. It was the harmonica. Ugh!
However; he is a musical genius, a savant.
A dick savant. If you don’t think he can write music, you do not know his music.
Or revolver
Or let it be Or abbey road
Or the white album
The anthologies are my favourite though less studio perfectionism and more of just the band