Haha, I only know that one very well because I was in it! I met my partner @rujasu.net in rehearsal, so it's pretty memorable to us for non-Chekov reasons.
Not to spoil things, but I took two acting classes in college and "Chekhov's Gunshot Warning" is so well known in drama it's theatre slang for Red Herring.
on the other hand she did have the kinda career where most of her bosses preferred a "trigger warning" before she was allowed an opinion even, so maybe she's just really confused about *actual warnings* vs assholes just going crazy over seeing a gay kiss once and "politics"?
because "a bit shocked" is one thing especially the way she describes it (and what she describes isn't shocked, if anything it's "slight displeasure at discovering oneself in satire"), and has NOTHING to do with what the things she claims to have an educated opinion on actually *do*.
In my (decidedly less professional, but still an actor opinion) Dame Judi is wrong. Theatre is for everyone. Even those who need a little more tenderness and need to have their triggers addressed.
I don’t think she is. If people have triggers is it not incumbent on them to do a little homework and read a review, synopsis or in the case of a movie, the rating and content warning and make an informed decision before they head to the theatre?
also how the f is one supposed to make an informed decision when people are there going "we won't tell you what we're gonna do to you, stay home if you think you might wanna know you pussy".
I think "trigger warnings" has become a phrase without meaning. It's not about sensitivity, it's about safety. Strobe lights, gun shots, simulated rape... There are things that it makes sense to let folks know they can opt out of. It doesn't mean every show needs a disclosure statement.
Agreed, trigger warnings aren't so people can avoid being a bit miffed or a little startled or dismayed. It's so people can avoid reliving severe trauma, and do you want to sit next to someone having a panic attack? Trigger warnings are helpful for everyone.
Yes. I’m massively disappointed that she perpetuated this nonsense that trigger warnings are to accommodate a preference. They’re for accessibility, and have been integrated into movies and television shows for so long most people don’t even notice.
I personally would like to not have a panic attack if I didn’t know or expect there to be those sound effects. If I know they’re in it, I can be prepared. When I don’t, well… 🫠 to your point, I can remember “viewer discretion is advised” in front of so many shows.
Chekhovian Naturalism dictates that if the audience does not understand that a gunshot is to be expected, they will find it unrealistic when a hitherto unmentioned gun appears from nowhere and someone is shot with it.
(Cartoon right after Orson Welles's War of the Worlds)
also thx for showing me that massive red flag, so far i thought she was almost smart....
do tell when you wanna reintroduce exorcisms too.
Sorry to mix ST:TOS/ST:TNG shows, but it felt necessary.