Lots of people have Covid right now so just as a PSA:
* A rapid test essentially measures how much virus is in your nose right now.
* If you’re positive on a rapid test, you’re producing a lot of virus. Good to assume you’re contagious. Maybe less so at the end.
* A rapid test essentially measures how much virus is in your nose right now.
* If you’re positive on a rapid test, you’re producing a lot of virus. Good to assume you’re contagious. Maybe less so at the end.
See alt for link to article, threadreader link below for Nick Anderegg's thread.
Last I saw recommended a buccal/throat/nasal swab combo, but that was a while back.
I would definitely keep doing both. Because it could increase the accuracy of the test. And certainly won't decrease it.
Is it possible it was covid, but the virus amount was always too low for the test to go positive?
It's more likely you gave a false negative rather than a false positive
I always found a test first thing before any other activity such as cleaning teeth etc was the strongest response
anecdotally I do know people whose family members gave it to them (so pretty sure it was Covid) but they never tested positive.
My wife thought she had covid this past week; turns out it's a sinus infection; which explains the steady negative results.
The best practice is to stay home while you're sick regardless and consider masking for a few days after recovery both in case you're still contagious and because viral infections tire out your immune system.
There are plenty wanne be doctors out there who are not even masking.
So no. I trust my doc to help me with "normal" or "old" knowledge, but not covid.
There are no doctors taking in new patients and my usual doc is really NOT up to snuff with current issues.
But so far i'm fine anyway. My original question was just to understand the whole situation better.
Personally, I get a VERY specific headache with covid - or the vaccine. Never had it any other time. Still test tho
Son, DIL and 6 month old are all sick atm, but testing neg. Will ask if they throat swabbed too 👍
I hope you feel better soon!
(If you absolutely must travel please wear a really good mask!!)
"But they're actually still infectious!"
These people don't cause COVID outbreaks in nursing homes where residents usually have poor immune systems.
Also, if she wants to fear monger she's got a whole book about how the universe can end. This is kid stuff.
It's the rapid antigen test that she's talking about. They function differently than the PCR tests.
* You can also be contagious before the test turns positive, so please stay home or mask up if you’ve got any symptoms at all.
It seems crazy to me that anyone would bother to buy and use RATs if they're planning on ignoring the results. Surely these people just don't get tested?
Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
"if you have further concerns talk to your manager"
my manager is practically a denier, thanks.