They told us they wanted a daddy. 😳 It was daddy issues for this group of abused people. And none of them went to therapy to work on their issues. 🤷♀️ Now we all need therapy since they wouldn’t participate to get their mental health issues healed. 😩
Many dictators are referred to as a "Strong Man". But I doubt that Trump could make the cut. I can picture Castro kicking his butt to Guantanamo Bay and back.
It does make sense, though. Their whole bit is "smart people are bad because they make me feel bad about myself" and "I need more stuff, even though I already get everything I want"
...worse than a privileged white guy who has seen the evidence of others superiority with his own eyes and now feels like they must assert his own superiority even in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary.
Yup. You didn't pay attention.
They ALL are (except putler, maybe; he was a hardened criminal already). Orban is a whiner, mussolini was a whiner, hitler was a whiner. Fico (Slovakia) is a whiner. etc.
It is usually how they get to power; play the victim.
They tend to be, especially when laughed at. Hell, Hitler had the Three Stooges on a kill list because of their shorts making fun of him. Fragility and fascism go hand-in-hand.
He’s like a really low end knock off Charlie McCarthy dummy. What is behind his mouth, from his psychosis to his sick list of pals, translate into whiny vomit.
All these greedy selfish ass billionaires are fragile 🤬 snowflakes too. And yes...the serial lying, lifelong fraud is the most pathetic sore loser on the planet. Still can't fathom how being one is now popular in the US.
You should watch some old newsreels of Mr. Hitler. That histrionic, emotional, often nearly hysterical creep never stopped whining, pissing, moaning, playing the martyr, unless he was shouting and raving about killing someone or starting a war.
It's part of the schtick.
Umberto Eco, fascist point #8:
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Oh, no yeah. Dictators are all whiny little babies who think violence = strength and think they deserve everything they want and also do the whole love bombing thing to trick people into doing things for them.
Nah, seen it before. I remember seeing a video of Hitler at the Berlin Olympics, rocking back and forth in his seat as Aryan supremacy lost. I'm thinking it was watching Jesse Owens win, but that could just be me filling in the blanks with the obvious answer.
Maybe you just have high expectations for your Dictator… I for one didn’t anticipate the golfing every weekend while there are puppies and kittens out there that need stomping.
Napoleon had his famous addresses and Hitler had a new fangled weapon of propaganda at his disposal... television!
Fidel Castro was alive until 2016 but I guess he was too far past his due date to take advantage of social media. 😉
Napoleon wasn't short at all for the period he lived in. He'd have been just above average man's height for the time. It was apparently british cartoonists ridiculing him by depicting him as short that we think of him that way. It's amazing how these things become 'fact', when they were not!
Perception of height is a funny thing isn't it, the whole 'small angry man' thing, yet look at trump. Possibly one of the angriest and he's over six foot LOL
“I am the most fabulous whiner”. “I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win,” - Donald Trump, 2015 CNN
l'Il Duce refused to wear glasses because he was insecure they would make him look weak. Had a whole ass big font typewriter so memos could be retyped for him
There's a German word 'Teppichfresser' roughly translates to rug eater, it's used to describe someone who has a shit fit. Apparently Hitler would throw himself on the ground and use his legs to spin around with his head staying in one spot. So yes, dictators are whiny little bitches.
He's no Francisco Franco or any kind of Juan Perón, that's for sure. He doesn't even make for much of a mafia caudillo. Stalin would have had him served as an appetizer.
If they don't have an enemy, they'll make one up. They come up with solutions to problems that don't exist. They need a conflict to thrive. Otherwise, their act doesn't last long.
People think dictators are tough because they constantly tell you they are. In reality they are mostly weak pampered idiots. Not always though, in antiquity some of them did lead from the front. Modern ones mostly have bone spurs though.
Well his swallowers have taken notice because they won every branch of our government and they still whining ever about something. I think it’s just become part of all their personalities now. You hear someone whining? It must be MAGA!!
Dictators often surround themselves with incompetents and losers. Just read the bios of Hitler's inner circle. Those are the people willing to do the leader's bidding to make themselves feel powerful.
They generally are, actually. A dictator will whine and blame his opponents and convince his dumb followers that his personal problems are their problem, that those opposing him are persecuting them, that everything he does is to help them and not himself.
Dictators are super insecure and sensitive, hence the reason to dominate through fear. This is why people are not allowed to speak out against them, without retribution.
Dictators like Fidel Castro would go on and on for hours whining about their "enemies". Hitler too. Listening to them is like listening to a broken record, boring, like watching paint dry, except for idiots who fall for their bs
Funny. I thought dictators were always whiny. I do remember Nixon tho so…maybe he’s not a good example?
Henry VIII and a few Louis's also spring to mind.
I’m pretty sure dictators are usually, if not always, whiny.
Right? Or that they’d be so dumb. Movies have convinced us that they’re self assured evil geniuses. They’re just fragile, egotistical, insecure narcissists whose self worth is based on people kissing up to them. Criticism is a tiny hole poked in their overinflated ego bubble. It makes them reflect.
We failed at the beginning by giving him the time of day, instead of laughing in his face and turning our backs on him, like we usually do with schoolyard bullies.
They’re all whiny. Castro used to go on television and ramble for 8 hours straight. Everyone was forced to listen to him whine about how the United States was responsible for all of Cuba’s problems. Never mind that we funded his assent and take over of Cuba (when he claimed he was for democracy)…
It's been his MO since he floated down that golden escalator. Has anyone done a graduate thesis on victimhood and whininess among Republican alpha males?
Oh they are always the single whiniest person you've ever imagined, and utterly incompetent at everything they do except messing things up for other people and then blaming those people for the dictator's ineptitude.
And it apparently can't protect you from falling into your own propaganda hole and catching the brain rot in the process. Took only a few years of bad midlife crisis to fully shunt him from this reality into the clown dimension.
Schrödingers Herrenrasse. Equally superior and powerless at the same time.
The whining is used to create the „sense of urgency“ for change.
The supremacism flatters their mob to believe they are the chosen ones to enact it.
You can look it up btw. It’s been archived.
(c) 2025 wadebward
His emotional development stopped at an early age.
He is a weak, pathetic loser who bullies people to try to show his superiority.
They ALL are (except putler, maybe; he was a hardened criminal already). Orban is a whiner, mussolini was a whiner, hitler was a whiner. Fico (Slovakia) is a whiner. etc.
It is usually how they get to power; play the victim.
We’re in the era of toxic reality TV hosts.
Why don’t we fight massively against dictators?!
Dictators are selfish and satanic.
It’s how you can spot them.
I think dictators come in a lot of flavors.
Is this the wrong dimension?
Please know that my work is 100% free forever. I only wish to share my snarky light
Especially when the first chapters are, apparently, whining about his parents and school.
It sounds kind of weird to say that at least Germany knew what to do with a failed coup leader and the US doesn’t, but here we are.
He was in his mid THIRTIES when he wrote that
They’re all whiny
Umberto Eco, fascist point #8:
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
He is being instructed by the Architects of 2025 to dismantle our Democracy.
Have you heard of Sovereign Cities? Their distraction and their agenda.
Figures we’d get a lame one
That's why a certain North Korean dictator had a general killed with an anti-aircraft gun for falling asleep during one of his speeches.
Fidel Castro was alive until 2016 but I guess he was too far past his due date to take advantage of social media. 😉
He wasn’t *tall*, but he wasn’t even Wolverine short.
If they don't have an enemy, they'll make one up. They come up with solutions to problems that don't exist. They need a conflict to thrive. Otherwise, their act doesn't last long.
No mentally-balanced person would ever become a dictator.
and i’m not sure about the former”
—a einstein 2025
(he was only recently enabled into the ‘dictator’ part, though)
Henry VIII and a few Louis's also spring to mind.
I’m pretty sure dictators are usually, if not always, whiny.
Then they decided they were the biggest, most harshly-victimed victims ever.
(I think those two periods heavily overlapped for a while.)
He’s a spoiled, ungrateful prick with FAR too much power on his hands and a cult of personality that far exceeds his personal charisma.
It's just that most dictators whine with a vocabulary above a 5th grade reading level.
thank god we don't have to get too close:
Hurty feels…cosplaying humanity
The whining is used to create the „sense of urgency“ for change.
The supremacism flatters their mob to believe they are the chosen ones to enact it.