A series that often gets overlooked when discussing books that made up childhood from the mid-1960s to the late '80s is ALRED HITCHCOCK & THE THREE INVESTIGATORS. Created by Robert Arthur - who only wrote some - they starred Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw & Bob Andrews. Were you a fan? I loved 'em.
The moaning cave was one of my favourites. And the one with the parrots. Blackbeard was one of their names.
My kids still listen to them and there is even a kids version in Germany.
A series I never hear about in the us that was written in England.. well hell I’m just going to plug PG Wodehouse. The younger generation are sleeping on him.
Psmith is a player
I’m in my early 50’s and read these in elementary and middle school. Probably read my last one freshman year of high school.
I think they’ve tried making some tv movies in recent years.
I would be interested in reading a modern take or a book with them grown but still investigating. Their HQ was a trip.
Can't go wrong with a bus buried in a junk pile for a club house.
My local used bookstore has tons of similar books but never these specifically. I have yet to find one in the wild.
Jupiter Jones is Justus Jonas, and Pete Crenshaw is Peter Shaw. Bob remains Bob. 🙂
I read them, alongside Tom Swift, and The Hardy Boys.
'South Sea Adventure'. The brothers were called Hsl and Roger.