we do not get out of this until we convince enough people that "we're better than this" is true
even if you think we are very much not better than this, that's the only way to win
even if you think we are very much not better than this, that's the only way to win
Reposted from
Asher Elbein
A big part of rescuing American civic society from fascists is going to involve ahistorical and aspirational mythmaking. Spinning a story that emphasizes the progressive parts of American history, and works to make *it* the root of the national project, not Jim Crow.
So they ask, why can’t the USA be “for” white people in the same way? As if the answer is not because it is “a new Nation, conceived in Liberty, etc”
That way lies reactionary tendencies.
i mean, you're right, and i agree, but also... *gestures* It's complicated. which is why our side is always the underdog. bc it's complicated.
There's another dividing line, but that one actually might be unbreachable.
America's progress (what progress there has been) is due to a few very powerful good people who locked the bad people outside the chamber until our course toward a better future was set.
The problem: Bad people always find a way in.