I made some flannels with quotes from your 2016 election night ramblings. The garden hose and marshmallow fluff is still my go-to fave!
Thank you for being you
Yay! You beat me by six hours lol. It's funny, I originally joined the "site that must not be named" just to follow your shenanigans. Left over year ago and so glad to see that you've came over here too!
Whew. Glad to see you here. Attempted to replicate my follow list earlier this week and couldn’t find so many of my favorites…..
online life without amazing food and a little snark just wouldn’t be the same. 💙
Welcome, sir. It would not be the same without you. It's about that time of year when I pull out my signed copy of "I'm Just Here for the Food" so I can reteach myself how to brine a turkey, bone up on reverse searing, and about a half-dozen other cooking techniques that I forget on a regular basis.
My question. Anytime I order a shrimp dish with rice or pasta the shrimp have their tails on. How am I supposed to eat them besides picking them up and pinching the tails off?
Thank you for being you
online life without amazing food and a little snark just wouldn’t be the same. 💙
Any QQ in the future?