There is some ambiguity about whether this “pause” means that no Medicaid or CHIP payments can go out for 2 weeks. Hearing different interpretations from different budget experts.
Hoping for some clarity on this
Hoping for some clarity on this
Black Medicaid providers, especially in the Eastern District of North Carolina & nationwide, face disproportionately high criminal charges rather than civil penalties,compared to white providers &other ethnicities, though they commit more egregious fraud. Please Share!
Chaos is the point!!!
If we give Democrats the majority there won’t be so much ambiguity
Pass this on
There are Special
Elections today
They do not need their idiotic MAGA "base" any more.
Is there *any* vulnerable group this poor imitation of a man and his co-conspirators haven't made miserable?
Democrats better get off their asses and start fighting.
and justify their tax exempt status so they can continue to politically support these goons
yes, that's a requirement
local food drives, while well intentioned, end up like this.
i just say thank you. i would rather feel people try than not at all.
"The memo states its orders should not be “construed” to impact Social Security or Medicare recipients, and also says the federal financial assistance put on hold “does not include assistance provided directly to individuals.”"
I hate to have to ask for citation about this, but where did you see that WIC is being impacted?
Too many here falsely believed this OP's speculation that it even talked about WIC. It wasn't even in the memo or the article.
Nobody should've fallen into panic when this dysfunctional administration says something... check your sources <3
they are mostly into kneecapping women's careers & keeping them dependent on poorly raised men
We are about to have so many hungry kids and desperate families.
We need the media to start really comprehending the evil they are reporting on.
See Steve Vladek.
*yes, I know that’s pretty low on ranking of human suffering created by this document, but it’s the first thing that caught my eye on the random page I scrolled to.
Notice we are at end of month w/ new month for Medicaid & nursing home care just days away.
Our entire 2 party political system of Government
have been moles of privatization
for decades
Also, it's time for CHURCHES to step up!
I’m wondering if we’ll see a split amongst the states?
My Mom depends on the rental income from that house to pay her own rent of her senior Independent Living apt that costs more than 2X the rent on her house.
And godspeed.
(PS - thank you for your MNleg work)
I’ve gotten pretty sick of waiting around for both media outlets and Democratic leadership to call out their blatant Nazi references in their attempts to normalize their fascist intentions, and it’s nice to see someone finally call them out.
But that's not going to stop them so there's that.
Gotta get them clicks AND keep the orange dictator happy, right?
They know and don't care
They know and don't care
“They’d rather burn down the entire neighborhood, including themselves, than share a house with the rest of us.”
And a lot of these ppl vote for them.
Will there be payback next election? Dems better have messaging
They also luxuriate in cruelty to the poor of any color.
We’re close to 1640s level conflict w r to parliamentary power as such
But here we are
"Trump has damaged the US more in one week than the Soviet Union did in 40 years."
Senator Wyden!
From this article:
I'm all out of fucks for them.