The number of applicants to the nation’s nearly 200 law schools is up 20.5% compared with last year. Georgetown law alone received 14,000 applications to fill 650 spots, while the University of Michigan Law School now has more applications than at any point in its 166 years of existence.
Just not sure whether such oversight will be effective/ permitted by the time I graduate. 😬
It might be bc during COVID public health was at risk, young People wanted to be doctors to help. Now the rule of law is at risk, young People want to be lawyers to help... or at least I hope it's the case.
Exactly what this country needs at this moment in time.
If I were considering post-graduate studies at this time, I'd look to get a PhD in Whatever Trump Wants.
Law is now one of those obsolete subjects like Alchemy, Phrenology and Homeopathy.
Don’t go to law school unless you know what lawyers do
It was shocking to see law students planning public service careers not understand that with their debt service they’d never afford those jobs
For right wingers it’s a way to help undermine our democracy.
There's also an ongoing need for tons of admin lawyers for all this litigation, but I assume it's mostly the first thing
There’s no jobs - there will be fewer jobs once all the gov layoffs settle and the recession kicks in.
And if you had a job path lined up likely the regime has blown it up by fucking with funding.
In chart below note bumps shortly after 2001, 2007-2009, 2020 recessions
Lose the power of the purse, lose everything.
Please note: Law school is not necessarily required.
Info about the CA Law Office Study (LOS) Program ⬇️⬇️⬇️ — depending on your goals, could be a great fit
MAGA wanna be?
Lawyers have a problem with these enablers that get a law degree yet don’t understand the law
he's the best thing for lawyers
they can't even find enough lawyers to work all of the cases now