It's crazy that no matter how many versions of Star Wars or The Hunger Games or Brazil or V for Vendetta type stories we create, a huge percentage of the people enjoy them still gleefully cheer on the very fascism these stories warn us about as it's staring them right in the face.
One person alone cant save us all
They just can’t see that it’s a takedown. That those characters are examples of real human evil.
I didn’t even like Whittaker’s versions of the Doctor! Love her as as actress, but she got
/nerd moment
Where have we heard "(s)he tells it like it is" before?
Brilliant character
When there are characters that vile it never feels right when they just get to die and don't suffer like they've made so many other people suffer
I absolutely love that show. I get that it’s more than a bit ironic that Amazon Prime of all things has a good show that critiques capitalism, but I still love it.
Thus why higher education produces liberals.
And yet despite all of that it doesn't seem to break through in the public consciousness.
Even when it's happening right in front of their eyes 😭😭
Also we seem to think that like the movie theaters or something will close when fascism comes and it doesn't work like that
Normalcy bias mixed with stupid, and watered with greed.
We are going to have to snap out of it soon, but I fear much of the damage is done.
Hell, the movie version punches it home in an unmistakable fashion.
We have these stories told in fantasies because they are a repeated historical reality.
Dedra is, of course, an SS officer who orders the torture of multiple characters and is a true believer in galaxy-wide fascist rule.
But she looks great in Space Hugo Boss, I guess.
and people still manage to do so!
No, Chad, she’s not.
how are people missing this, because it's NOT subtle!!
then again neither was V for Vendetta, which I guess just drives the point home