Every other democracy on Earth is doing s better job facing down the existential threat posed by Russian election interference, disinformation, and the far right authoritarianism than the US. Why are we so uniquely bad at this? https://apnews.com/article/romania-election-president-georgescu-court-585e8f8f3ce7013951f5c7cf4054179b
And then the Fairness in Broadcasting act (doctrine?) lapsed soo yeah.. perfect storm of lies & no critical thinking.
Feckless, decisionless idiots, who can’t see the danger they live with, and are more worried about skincare and reality shows.
Ironic as THG was based off Russia…
And we the people are looking for a leader to say, “let’s go!!”
Russia has worked w far right groups in America to make this COUP happen.
All branches of U.S. govt have been infiltrated by pro Russian GOP fascists.
Read: “Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World" by Anne Applebaum
We in Canada are also being giant fuck ups and falling for it
But fear not, that *type* of stupidity isn't unique to America. It's just seems most prevalent there. Because it is.
The UK shot itself in the foot with Brexit, This was helped by Russian influence and dark money. The pro Brexit group broke the campaign spending cap, The Tories refused to have a proper investigation into the russian influence. It was covered total up.
More people decided to come out to vote for Trump while 85 million people decided the election wasn’t important enough. THEY ASKED FOR THIS!
Russia simply shines a light on our many weaknesses that the system has bred into the culture.
You got to follow the cheetah yourself.
Seems like it has been a multi decade project well executed and intensifying as it progressed.
Winner takes all mentality perhaps🤔
Democracy is a privilege in the 21st century
Beside, the US has been creating their imperialism world order for decades, now you all complain cause Russia is using your playback?
You cannot continue to think you can have your cake and eat it too
Could've changed things after Cambridge Analytica in 2016, but nobody making decisions understood what happened.
Still worth reading:
Well, Patrick, it's because there are two authoritarian, oligarch serving parties, and both those parties' voters believe, as a matter of faith, that their party isn't one of them.
That said, Repiglicans are all firmly up Vlad Putin's ass, and gladly spread his disinformation.
2. The other democracies are young and they have more recent experience of life without.
Seemingly sane people asking "Is democracy all it's cracked up to?" Legarthy of populations who haven't experienced extremism first hand.
Our government knows full well all that's been happening and yet, here we are.
A lot of lessons to learn.
Their interest being the dissolution of the working class and the creation of a corporate based oligarchy that treats the population as serfs.
The Gov sent the military out and stated “Everyone protesting COVID as fake” will go to jail.
That ended very quickly.
The principle is sound, but no one actually understands it.
Of course they all will regret it when they discover those who don’t do as Trump says will fare poorly ….near windows.
It’s maddening and short sighted.
De Nile is a river in Egypt
They gave you bullsh*t and you ate it.
We’re far from exceptional, maybe our grandparents were but even they had tons of faults
Leaving large swaths in apathy and again, vulnerable to manipulation.
Oh. And rascism.
The american healthcare system alone that seems to kill more pol than it saves through astronomical debts.
The only explanation I can come up with is that the entirety of our government wants this.
Well, may be that's something else.
Four in five U.S. adults (79 percent) have English literacy skills sufficient to complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences—literacy skills at level 2 or above in PIAAC.
We are in a right pickle
We are a representative, federalist, democratic constitutional republic. Just do a little reading: we are more than one thing.
If you prefer your constitutional republic to be undemocratic, i.e., government NOT by consent of the governed, there are a few for you: Russia, Iran, China, North Korea, et al.