It's not the Robin Hood story folks wanted but attractive, well-heeled young guy who had back surgery, unrelenting pain to the point of impacting his mental health. He withdraws from his peeps, eventually goes to a dark place, and eventually takes it out on insurance CEO.
Still relatable.
Still relatable.
I wouldn't doubt that any number of bandits at that time said this, and it resonated due to the high taxes required for the Crusades.
Thats the issue, finger pointing at everyone else gets nothing done.
I was given a grant by Grace Covenant in Lubbock that covered everything.
The $75,000 neuroatlas monitoring my brain while fused C4-5,5-6,6-7, included.
I know I was fortunate, and that is not lost on me.
That’s been my 2024.
Bluesky people need to stop being such political purists.
Ok, right?
BTW, I’m 75, I’m on opioids because that’s the only option to dumb down a micro-decibel of the pain I’ve been living with the past decade. I’m on my wife’s health insurance & I haven’t murdered anyone yet. I used to B attractive
However I do not think the intent of the synopsis or narrative highlighted in the words “takes it out on” are meant to convey actual murder but an idea of getting the evil corporate monster back.
Why, yes, very relatable.
I’ve had 17 back surgeries. I get where he’s coming from.
Lost his house, all his money, and wife was enormous pain.
I can relate.
Who alive there does not struggle with health care?
It was a unifying moment, if a tad macabre.
BTW, you are a rude person, Chad. Bluesky is supposed to be a SM site for civil discourse. I do not agree with you but will not resort to name calling.
And two in one year to boot
C'mon leftists, we gotta work our numbers next year, this is kid shit.
We shouldn't have to choose between pain/death or massive debt and suffering.
I was about to join the National Guard, but my medical was flagged.
They sent me to a specialist & unbeknownst to me, my right kidney was stretched & full of fluid.
Any current or preexisting condition was an automatic disqualification.
Fortunately, I was able to qualify for UW Medicine's charity program that paid for everything if I let their Med students practice on me.
Luckily, everything turned out well and the only complication from the experience is that now I get drunk after only one beer.
If I drink the wrong beer, I'll have an allergenic response.
🌹🍷🥲.No one wins,no one.🤔
Ultimately, I think it's just sad that it came to this. I'd have hoped government would've stepped in to fix the issue before, but they haven't, and they won't.
Fuck off, you sniveling freak
You think any CEO is innocent?
IMHO Messing with someone's affording or access to pain or brain meds counts as a plan, lying in wait to kill someone.
I don't plan to hurt anyone, but I also don't work to hurt people?
Forget him (do throw a few bucks to his commissary account). The conversation needs to stay on health insurance companies & how to get rid them.
If I'm paying 1500/mo, I want that money to go to care. Not to a company that exists only to deny care.
VERY relatable.
(Better than surgery)
I suffered for almost 15yrs until it got really to the point where walking was difficult.
Please don't offer advice that wasnt asked for. I'm a grown ass woman and I'm capable of making decisions.
L4-L5 was sitting on the nerve, it looked like Pacman on the images.
The spinal stenosis on my L5-S1 still bother me but I didn't want the fusion.
I hope you can find relief.
I remember being looked at as if I was just trying to get drugs. I was like, no I hate this... bc they made me sick, but they helped to lighten the pain.
My heart really does go out to you
EAT THE RICH it is the cry of resistance
However, I’ve read many stories about health care claims denied issues with all companies, not just UH.
#Medsky #UnitedHealthcare,
I tried to copy the entire post but the source didn’t paste
Charging people excessively for insurance that doesn't cover their ailments generates rage.
CEOs of this and other extractive industries best be paying attention. The graph of UHC PROFITS is literally sickening to look at. A hockey stick of profit, suffering, poverty, death? Cannot stand
Lucky I have Kaiser. I’d never survive with UHC.
We’re all happy little law biding citizens who want to uphold justice*
What about animals that can do sign language?
I hear plants are sentient"
- Those Prosecutors, probably
I knew there was something more to the story. So sad for everyone. Health Insurance should not be corporate greed driven. It's bad when a person feels violence is the only answer.
This is the only justice the respond too now because it's to hard to steal from them.
He might be a criminal in the eyes of the law but morally he did what everyone in this nation wanted to see happen but didn't dare say it out loud. Now it has been said out loud and change is coming
What Ins. Co's do to us should be illegal, Congress fails to act because of $$$. Congress not doing its job & Trump will make it worse. Congress must act.
Both times I had to find providers that worked without insurance. Fuck UHC.