Is there some reason why people think they can't go outside because it's cold?
I was Midwestern born and raised, and I've now been in Maine for 22 years. My feelings about winter are dress appropriately and carry on as usual.
I have to admit, I go outside every day regardless of temperature.
I was Midwestern born and raised, and I've now been in Maine for 22 years. My feelings about winter are dress appropriately and carry on as usual.
I have to admit, I go outside every day regardless of temperature.
Single digits and I'm prolly gonna go out for a walk today.
"There isn't a snowplow for 200 miles."
Originally from Cleveland. Many people down here don’t even own gloves or mittens.
we’re headed out
Seems my wife and I have flipped roles in the I’m cooking / I’m freezing forever war. Biology is crazy.
You’re right. You need the proper gear, but it’s beautiful when it’s this cold outside.
Unless you’re splitting a pile of firewood. That is very comfortably done while wearing a t-shirt at forty below. The wood flies apart.
There are many ways to stay warm but only one way to stay cool in summer.
And I hate summer.
Billy Connolly, Scottish comedian
Dress appropriately and enjoy your life with fresh air
Seems simple
“Pshaw of course I go out in the cold all the time no problem” ((wearing gloves and carrying three jackets and pants at 50°))