I hate, with the intensity of a thousand suns, how gambling has become omnipresent in sports. The way these sports-betting degenerates abuse players is nothing short of disgusting. Yes, there's a lot of money to be made. But sports are being ruined for a lot of people--fans and players alike.
Betting odds treated as legitimate form/chances discussion, which in reality is another partner advert.
Fighting sports excel at this, but its heavily moving to others and it's toxic.
All for something as meaningless as gambling on sports, too.
He should've put all their social media handles on blast so that their employers can see what hideous people they have working for them.
subtlety falling by the wayside for naked displays of power and greed, love these times in history
Do I do it, no, because gambling is for mugs, but its not a huge thing to get worked up over.
Yes some tw*ts take it too far, but if its not that, they will push on some issue.
Sad such things are part of our culture.
Any game CAN be exciting if you actually LIKE watching sports, you joyless weirdos. You don't have to be super invested in the outcome to just enjoy the game!
However, WTF is THIS crap?
It's hard enough being good at your sport; now scumbags want you to be aware of spreads and feel bold enough to message players direct?
Its harassment and should be prosecuted.
Also ironic they focus on the 3 points and not any of the other 25 points that contributed.
Still shitty, but sadly, not new.