I've been working on a project focused in part on John Brown for the past few months. And the thing that is evident is that John Brown was rooted and embedded in a COMMUNITY and that's what enabled him to do what he did. He was remarkable but not singular. This offers contemporary lessons.
Frederick Douglass wrote of Brown, "His zeal in the cause of my race was far greater than mine…I could live for the slave, but he could die for him."
The Quakers in the John Brown story don't come off well; it's understandable, since most were abolitionist by this time, but put off by the violence.
Went to a lecture a while back by the author of "The Fearless Benjamin Lay" and it was clear the Phila Quakers had to be dragged into abolitionism - they did not all flock to it willingly. Especially the wealthy ones
I’ve been wanting to make a video game about JB’s COMMUNITY and activities where should I start reading?
Cyber Monday, here I come!
I supported some educators in NY who wrote a unit exploring some of the Black communities in the Adirondacks that get left out of his narrative. It’s likely you’ve already come across the resources they share but just in case
He looms large in Kansas history, where I grew up, but is normally presented as a Great Man (if also a “crazy” man). I would be eager to better situate and appreciate the community from which he labored.