In vast areas of the US, the sentiments expressed in this wonderful letter from a British man about why it's a privilege to pay tax to enable the National Health Service to run would see him probably certified as insane and labelled a "socialist".
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I worked in the NHS for 25 years , I could have worked private and tripled my income but I believe in the NHS , I believe everyone should have access to free healthcare , that is how you build a healthy nation .
I just saw a wonderful documentary about the birth of the NHS in 1948. It came so close to not happening and it was willed into being in only 6 months by the incredible Nae Bevan. The Brits owe him so much. 'The tide that raises all boats'.
I feel the same way about schools. Paying tax knowing that kids who would never be able to afford private school fees can still get an education with great teachers at an Aus public school. Because I want to live in an educated society and see kids get opportunities, from any background
Yet it is true. My life has been actively saved by the NHS twice so far. It is a great use of taxes. The US has always been out of step with other richer countries on healthcare...
My father was a WW2 soldier. I was born after the war. He taught me that during the war everyone in the country had to stand together and use their combined strength to win.
He was proud to pay tax to rebuild his country and build the NHS, the harder he worked the more he contributed.1/2
2/2. He hated tax dodgers, the thieves who don't pay their share. He voted for the party he felt would best gather and spend tax.
He believed in welfare for the old, the sick, widows, children and the disabled.
He considered the 'work-shy' to be thieves.
The spirit of the finest generation.
Unfortunately here in the US IMO selfishness ultimately rules the day. Not wanting to wear a mask during covid, not wanting taxes to help the less fortunate, not wanting gun control etc. We wouldn’t be in the mess we are now if it wasn’t for this “defect” as a society.
It's the same way I believe when I vote for a needed school bond! Someone shared this a while ago: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Seems odd to me that Americans pay taxes and those taxes are used to prop up insurers and private health facilities and at the same time they pay insurance to the companies that the government is propping up with their taxes, in order to get health care from the private concerns.
I've said many times that private insurance (of all kinds) like we have here in the US is the biggest scam ever perpetrated and yet people here still seem to think it's great. I will never understand.
No, everyone hates health insurance. Usually, when they have to use it. Or if they pay for it directly. It is a huge scam because the insurance provides no added value at all.
Netherlands also works with private insurance, but heavily regulated. The companies operate within acceptable boundaries and with significant competition.
FYI: Monthly fee is approx EUR 100-150 depending on the package and pays for EVERYTHING. Doctor, medication, hospital, surgery, ambulance, etc.
All public funded infrastructure is socialism. Every child's entitlement to national healthcare, education, safety in schools and food nutrition is socialism. Tax collection to fund government public services and maintain law and order is socialism. Economic capitalism will fail without socialism.
Aka «The Scandinavian Model». Remember my older brother attending high school in 🇺🇸 late 80s. He fell in love with an american girl, and she was supposed to visit him in 🇳🇴 during Xmas. Her mother was very suspicious, and called my dad with all questions about 🇳🇴 being safe, a communist state etc. 😂
lol I remember being quizzed skeptically about the NHS once by a bunch of midwesteners at a dinner and I told them the NHS is one of the greatest achievements of the last century and they all looked at me in complete shock, real record scratch moment. So delightfully awkward
When I first moved to the UK a tax consultant recommended we move some of our assets to an island bank to reduce our tax liability. I said…why would I do that? Taxes are my contract with society. I paid the full 45% on every pound earned. I applaud the above sentiment.
Ah, but you didn't, cos that's not how tax here works.
You paid the 45% only on the amount you earned that was over the 45% threshold.
Standard rate on anything under that, apart from the first 10k or so, which is not taxed...
Taxes feed the goose that lays the golden egg… democracy, capitalism, freedom of speech and religion and I would love to see in the US universal healthcare.
I have so much pride in the NHS. They saw my dad through breast cancer and a tumour on his spine. Mum had a cancer scare and was not only seen same day but sorted 2 weeks later.
Yes it needs more funding, but the people involved have been universally incredible, loving, and caring.
Tim Terry ( deceased) a commercial realtor in Charlotte, used to write, in the memo lines of his checks to the irs, “I am grateful to pay X dollars”. He knew all his money came from living here.
Emperor Felonius Deplorablus has overplayed his hand. When we rip him from power, there are going to be a few changes: publicly funded elections, term limits, healthcare as a civil/human right, emasculated executive branch. You are with the American People or against us #FAFO #NoMuskrats #TuckFrump
A certain group has been told all taxes are evil and agencies using those taxes to provide services should be eliminated. They believe that. They also believe they deserve those same services. Imagine their surprise when those services stop coming. No sympathy.
We love ours in Australia too. We've had 5 grandkids, two with birthing complications, born in a huge public teaching hospital absolutely without any extra charges. I've had 2 middle of the night kidney stones --similar story; my wife a brain clot managed wth expert care. US is clueless
Both my ex's had our children and it didn't cost us a brass razoo in Newcastle & Sydney not even with the birth of my youngest son all it cost me was the petrol to go from Windsor to Alexandria children's Hospital in Sydney as he was in a Humidicrib due lung problems & mother was in Blacktown .
I'm proud that we have the NHS and happy to pay taxes. It's not perfect it's creaking but when you really need it it's there for you. My oldest son is alive today after spending 2 weeks on dialysis after getting Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) from an ecoli and it didn't bankrupt our family.
It's a commonly acknowledged fact that if any politician in the UK actually disbanded the NHS, not only would they lose their seat, they'd most likely be given a nice sunny wall to stand in front of, a cigarette and optional blindfold.
Those backwater hicks in most of 'Murica don't understand what socialism actually is and how it HELPS THEM ALREADY. No wonder they fight against everyone and everything. They're too stupid or stubborn to get the point.
Absolutely true, no chance of it resonating with a culture glorifying tax avoidance and evasion. Our population is full of lottery players just a couple numbers shy of taking their rightful places among the billionaire class. Paying taxes is for suckers and losers, also known as working stiffs.
Sure. But they’ll say that smacks of communism because they are grossly under-educated. Women will show up, but I’m not convinced white men will. They will have to prove me wrong.
Australia has "Medicare", the name being stolen by the USA. Similar to NHS but better. Because the tax contribution is based on taxable income it means the poor pay nothing and still get the same level of care as everyone else. Private health cover is available but why bother to pay for that.
So true but little by little it is getting privatised the government has to do better for the nhs and not think if they privatise bits here and there they will save money and they need to stop paying chief executives extortionate salaries less chiefs more Indians as they say
And it would be nice if Democrats would acknowledge this as a valid avenue and push for it. Maybe actual living wages, too. But they don't care about working people. It's a constant popular myth.
people werent really crying about "socialism!!!" like they do today until the Bolshevik revolution, when the State Department started to view it is an actual threat and allocated massive funding into brainwashing people to be scared of socialism
Just don't understand the attitude of Americans where it is look after no.1 and everyone else can fend for themselves. Who knows what the future brings. Being bankrupted for the sake of healthcare is madness....
It’s an attitude we’re taught from a young age. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard or said “no one is coming to save you, you must save yourself” I’d be a billionaire. At 16, my father gave me advice that’s stuck for thirty years. “Watch out for numero uno, because they (employer) sure are”
Yes but also the low paid working people are often disadvantaged by tax rules in favour of money laundering millionaires and billionaires who own all the assets.
USA! Hello.. look below. So US is afraid of a bit more tax when this is how much insurance costs?! And no deductibles. U could pay a bit more tax and that is based on your salary! Like $2000 more tax and the Country would be covered or u can pay insurance. So stupid!!!!
The concept of taxation has become so villified, there are numerous examples of people preferring to pay more to a private corporation than paying thru taxes: healthcare, trash collection in some places, public schools. Some of the issue is ppl not wanting to help those they consider undeserving
Same sentiment from Canada. Why if u US people can’t pay tax, a tiny SLICE of what WOULD be a huge deductible! Tax is a TINY slice of what that would be. …and the whole country is covered. I sleep so well at night knowing I would never lose my house! Or ever be in debt for my families health!
I don’t know why more Americans don’t see taxes this way. We love to honor our history & all those who sacrificed so we could live in freedom. But how dare uncle Sam make us actually pay for it with out hard earned $! 🤷🏻♀️
Canadian here and I have expressed this exact sentiment many times. Almost everyone in my family has used the healthcare system multiple times but even if we hadn’t, I would feel incredibly lucky to be that healthy and grateful that others could be helped.
Right you are - but great many Americans are grateful we have (had) a system at all since the pitch of complaining has reached epic levels. It is not equally delivered and high time for it.
I'm in the UK and agree with everything the letter says. When talking to people in the US about universal healthcare, the lack of empathy and their view of why they should pay for others' problems stand out most. I ask myself who these people think they are to decide who is worthy of healthcare.
I was chatting with an American woman about health care and I said I didn’t understand how a country that could put a man on the moon couldn’t provide healthcare to all its citizens. She replied “ Oh, they can. They just don’t want to.”
Without their current medical system both insurance companies and big pharma would lose billions. Americans are only told through propaganda that it won’t work so the companies can keep the money. There is no care involved in their healthcare
Kindness, in the US, isn't seen as a strength but as a weakness.
Donald Trump isn't the cause of America's national sickness. He's merely a symptom. He is a reflection of what America has become: unkind, cruel, hateful, rotten, superficial, phony.
I agree 100% with this. I owe my son's life to the NHS as well. It is however, dependant upon having a fair tax system that all participate in, i.e. no tax evasion.
Facts. I feel the same way. An example; my Grandmother had to be in a nursing home for years. They paid $3000/mo until literally everything was spent. Medicaid had to come in to cover the rest. It was frustratingly complicated to even get it!
All walks of life there benefit—from the royal family and everyone else, it just makes sense. But then, how long do people have to wait for an annual checkup or something very serious? I’ve read various reports on this aspect of it.
It honestly depends on where you are and the severity of the condition. We've had some very quick treatment/tests and some with longer waits. Had the same in the US but without the anxiety about the costs (even with decent insurance).
The UK doesn't have annual health checks like US physicals. There are some specific tests based off age or health history and a general health check after age 40. If you have a long-term condition, you'll have scheduled check ups in the appropriate department.
It isn't paid for with taxes. It's paid for because government chooses to earmark the money it spends into existence for a public service. Some of that money will be redeemed as tax (and cancelled). UK tax is not funding.
The question should be, why won’t billionaires just pay a fair share? They don’t want to pay anything and couldn’t care less how difficult it is for middle and lower class families. They would rather pay Trump $5mill to have lunch and buy ways they can make more money! Not an ethical 1 in the bunch.
In civilized society’s people pay taxes as a community for government services we all share. We can’t afford to pay for these services on our own. Rich people should pay their part and clearly have shown they can’t be trusted to run our government.
My wife worked in the NHS. Every Brit I know loves the NHS. Pity the Tories are so hell bent on destroying it so private health care can assume its functions and corporations can engorge themselves on its carcass
When I was ~10 (~46 years ago), I remember riding the bus to school, and once the elderly bus driver saw the sky suddenly get bright, and said of a house the sun had shown on: "They must have paid their taxes, the sun is shining on their home."
Strongly indicating that it's time and past time to cease running from the label, and wear it proudly, asking those who object to explain why taking care of all is a bad thing.
Don’t take it for granted. As an American, I would do anything to have this. I long for the opportunity to have my tax dollars actually go towards saving lives, or to go to the Dr with out fear of the bill.
It is shocking how many people are blithly unaware of how fundamentally their wellbeing depends on the wellbeing of others and generations of current and previous tax payers. There was a glimmer of recognition during covid when many key workers were remembered for once, all too briefly...
Nothing brought home to me the truth more than Covid19: the truth that my neighbour's mental and physical health and wellbeing affects my health and wellbeing.
Paying my taxes to help my neighbours' health protects my health too.
Meanwhile, MAGA Americans make every excuse possible, and make up absurd lies about the Canadian Healthcare System to justify their continues slavery to the grotesque US system.
In addition to what he wrote the tax we would pay for national insurance would be about the same as the amount withheld from my paycheck to cover employer provided health insureance.
Unfortunately, it is now pretty pervasive in England that socialism is bad and scary. We always like to follow where the U.S leads. We'll have a far right government in 4 years.
Plus if the NHS were to become privatized, as in the US, it sets up an adversarial process between patient and care. Insurance companies are incentivized to not treat you. Whereas the NHS treats everyone.
I’d like to wallpaper every legislator’s bathroom mirror with your letter so it is the first and last thing they see every day (except Vermont because they get it)!
I am very glad of the NHS, yes it has issues but the treatment and support I received when having Chemotherapy and a bout of Sepsis were quick, responsive and effective
I had diverticulitis 2yrs ago 65 staples, 9 days in hospital with countless morphine drips, antibiotics, 3ct scans, etc it cost me nothing.
My guts blew out, I went septic, if I didn’t live a country with public healthcare I would be dead. Peace of mind and quality of life 🤟🏻
After my daughter was born, when we all left the hospital, they didn't give me a bill. Nor did they mail one to me later. I was very happy with that. I can't imagine what it must be like to step out into this whole new world of responsibility and owe 10, 15, 20 grand on top of everything else.
The National Health Service truly is the jewel in Britain's crown, it is the greatest post war achievement,along with council houses for people the Labour party did, or have since, and if it means I'm called a socialist, then I wear that badge with honour.
I don't speak for all Canadians, but this Canadian is proud to pay taxes. When my income was extremely low because as a single parent I received benefits from the Ontario and Canadian governments that helped keep my household comfortable. So now that I make more income I'm happy to pay taxes.
I didn't have to try to cover Healthcare with part of my income. I received a monthly child tax credit that helped cover the inevitable expenses that come with raising children. Had a roof over my head I had food in my fridge my kids had internet. All of that was because of people paying taxes.
Sometimes I watch 24 Hours in A & E & as an American when ppl complain about wait times want them to know WE have to wait just as long AND pay for it through the nose. Hold on to your NHS with both hands.
I have no children. I pay taxes so free schools for all can be run, because my world will always be better filled with educated, literate and numerate people. It is in my self interest to support schools with my taxes. The same is true for health and social security.
Nice to see that there are people understanding. If the society I live in let people die on the streets because they favor low taxes over healthcare, social care and education, the I get poorer, not richer. Also, I likely have to pay more for the above than in a fair system.
The issue is when these people working for us get cut. They do service for us. We want that service. People should pay for people services needed, not for wealthy men.
He's Mark Haddon, an award-winning novelist and author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. He's a long-term advocate for people paying their taxes so we can have a compassionate and civilised society
He's an all-round good egg. And he lives about a mile away from where I'm sitting
That's because America has always been stunningly love with guns and their so called rugged individualism...wi dow dressing to cover stupid bullies
All Of Europe independent Sovereign Countries are Democratic Socialist. All provid some form of Socialised Medicine. No one in Europe will be placed in LIFELONG PENURY.
While on the campaign trail. Mr B,Sanders had an Angioplasty with Stent. Eventually paying $250,000 Surgery hospital stay and meds.
I had mine in Dublin St,James Hospital. The Irish health service isn't a patch to the NHS. But my payment was €80 for two nights.
Paid x Pay related Social insurance🇮🇪🇪🇺
And don’t forget the fire department, which not only protects your life and property but comes to your house to pick you up when you fall out of your chair and are too weak to get up on your own…all at no charge.
Exactly. I'm in the uk 🇬🇧 and we love our health service. Childbirth - free. All treatment free. Medications - I got antibiotics today for about $11, but that is the price for all medications. A flat free of £9.90. If you need regular meds, like insulin, they're free.
I’ve always felt proud to contribute taxes in Australia and receive the benefits that everyone enjoys because of it. People who are average people need assistance from the government. It’s not sinister. It part of the fair go.
Every other country has figured out how the hell to do this; we chose not to. It is a breach of human rights and a reason why I would love to get the hell out of here.,
That's the crazy thing. Many Americans would rather get horrible service and pay two or three times as much to NOT have it be a government service. All while they deride the government as expensive and incompetent.
Amazing that healthcare and social security are communism, however, libraries, roads, parks, fire services, police services are all considered essential. Weird.
It goes deeper than that. It's actually written into their constitution in regards to government overreach. Which makes sense when you consider they were born of a revolution, fueled in large part "taxation without representation"
McCarthyism promoted socialism leads to communism
social services aren't socialism... bro you literally called the police that beat up union strikers and infiltrate socialism orgs to undermine them "socialist" what is wrong with u man
I admire Nordic democracies. Referred to as social democracies. The emphasis is on policy settings that benefit society as a whole. Provide free health services, education including tertiary, childcare, disability care. Very little homelessness. The people are content. Oligarchs have little sway.
Thank you very much, this post just helped me a ton. It reminded me what I truly believe in and what I want to keep fighting for. Not just social assistance, but having that mentality to apply to everything. Thanks again!!
True, but it doesn't change the facts, nor the rightness of the idea. They help everybody, even if you're a drunk on the street. In Canada once I saw an ambulance pick up just such a fellow. It was comforting to see.
This is a beautiful letter! Reagan would be pissing in his grave over this. He felt government was only good for making him pay taxes and stealing his money.
Universal healthcare free at the point of delivery should be considered a human right.
A parent standing outside a hospital holding a desperately ill child should not have to hesitate because they may not have enough money to pay to see a doctor.
The Scandinavian countries, including, several in Western Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia, NZ, etc., - are shaped by Social Democracy.
In the USA, many politicians don't know the differences between Socialism and Communism, let alone (the differences) between Socialism and Democratic Socialism.
When Canada was setting up Universal Healthcare program for their citizens, back in the USA, health insurance companies colluded w/the American Medical Association, which back then, was run by male white doctors, to block any such attempts.
Racism: Non-Whites do NOT deserve Healthcare.
My taxes paid for the emergency care of kids at the Ariana Grande concert bombing. They paid for the salaries of doctors and nurses during the worst of Covid. I am always proud of my tiny contribution to the greater effort.
I agree with him
Oliver also left this behind for us
The best part of our knowledge is that which teaches us where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
Counterargument that appropriate taxation and management of funds toward program of collective good is a type of collective ownership. Collective responsibility = collective ownership.
What you just described is government doing what-either-nobody-would-do-if-there-wasn't-a-government and what-is-ridiculously-more-efficient-for-government-to-do. And no, collective responsibility is not the same as collective ownership.
It's amazing you have to use scare quotes around socialism. I suspect the people you're talking about would use something crazier like Marxism or Communism.
I always liked to compare taxes to being similar to country club dues. The more amenities and nicer the club facilities you can access, the larger the membership fee should be. Why are billionaires ok with the latter at actual country clubs?
I'm Canadian and I agree with this gentleman's letter. I'm fine with paying my taxes so that they can be used for programs like Healthcare and other social safety nets. The country is only successful if everyone thrives. I think this has been proven in some Scandinavian countries.
As a Canadian living here I never understood the idea that we should all want to not pay taxes. I watch post after post of Americans running to certain states so they don't have to contribute to a country with 35 trillion dollars in unpaid taxes. It's monstrously selfish.
It's exactly the same in Spain. Moreover, politicians constantly talk about free health care, which makes it worthless. Health care will always be in deficit, but when you need it, it should be there. I'm sure that my father lived 10 years longer than he would have lived with a private system
This is where everyone has a erroneous idea about Health & Education in that it either has to break even or make a profit to-day when in fact their profits cannot not measured in Dollars& Cents, Pound, shillings & pence of to-day
Their Profit is a healthy well educated Society which then is happy due to good health, good well paid work of all descriptions. With the ability to tackle any unforeseen calamity that may befall them easily.
Exactly. When my dad bitches about fast food service, I remind him that as a retiree he opts out of paying taxes for education in SC & he gets what he pays for.
The MAGA Cult would want to lynch this guy, even tho they would have a larger number of people who would positively benefit from a Nationalized Healthcare system!
and the Republicans and sadly some Democrats are in their pockets, so unless we get fresh, young blood in our government, we will continue down this path.
It always annoys me when some kind of service is provided for free by the government and someone has to react with "IT'S NOT FREE OUR TAXES ARE PAYING FOR IT!"
Congratulations, you've figured out how tax works.
Absolutely agree. The problem is, those on power 100 percent could save and revive the NHS. They just don't want to, and don't have the need to as they can afford private care. My conclusion is that wealthy, greedy men who are bad at their jobs are the real problem.
Over the past few years I've seen a rising amount of "Americans React" to Euro/UK healthcare.
There's a danger of Americans waking up to socialised healthcare is actually good. Scary things like fair taxation could follow + that's why the Billionaires are trying to destroy any hope of resistance.
The US is kinda of a death cult. Even main stream democrats don't really think healthcare should be a right. The US believes in charity, not solidarity. Dems just believe in more charity then republicans who basically think the poor and old should just die
Fortunately, in those vast areas of the US, few would be inclined to read anything exceeding the inflammatory caption of a Faux News story (or able to understand it, particularly if it clashed with their bizzare world view).
Many of us in the US would love a system such as what the UK, Canada, etc. have. It's been talked about here for years, bills have been introduced but gone nowhere. Healthcare, insurance, pharma are all big business, and they buy politicians. It's maddening & will never happen. 😢
The NHS saved my life when I was a sickly child. The same for my husband. It continues to care for us now in our retirement. I am and always have been happy to pay my share . Best investment ever.
We are told of millions of illegals among us that might benefit and Americans would rather deny themselves than let an illegal get healthcare. It even seems that Americans are even willing to deny themselves a democracy when told that illegals vote even though illegals are prohibited from voting.
The NHS gas issues mainly caused by politicians but it is the way to run health care for all. The US is like it was before the NHS.
I if course meant has issues 😂
He was proud to pay tax to rebuild his country and build the NHS, the harder he worked the more he contributed.1/2
He believed in welfare for the old, the sick, widows, children and the disabled.
He considered the 'work-shy' to be thieves.
The spirit of the finest generation.
Those who complain about paying tax are looked upon as non patriotic.
Equality is not communism.
Is that 4 year old thinking, or what?
Yet they pay much more, for less effective healthcare. Whilst claiming to be so business wise…
Decision makers in US know very well that European healthcare is better, but still convince voters otherwise.
FYI: Monthly fee is approx EUR 100-150 depending on the package and pays for EVERYTHING. Doctor, medication, hospital, surgery, ambulance, etc.
You paid the 45% only on the amount you earned that was over the 45% threshold.
Standard rate on anything under that, apart from the first 10k or so, which is not taxed...
Yes it needs more funding, but the people involved have been universally incredible, loving, and caring.
Donald Trump isn't the cause of America's national sickness. He's merely a symptom. He is a reflection of what America has become: unkind, cruel, hateful, rotten, superficial, phony.
If our democracy survives this horror show, I think we will be a better country.
Big "if"...
I worried about him being unwell, what we'd need at the hospital, getting dressed before the ambulance left, making sure the cats had food...
I never worried once about money.
Because NHS.
Most of that time was waiting for several sets of blood test results from the lab.
My only complaint is I wish they'd had comfier chairs!
I know lots of very good people there. But look what you are allowing to happen. Very sad.
It's in a lot of religions too, and in a ton of non-religious ethics. Christians can look at Matthew 25:40, but really shouldn't have to.
I mean it's right there.
They’ve forgotten that little tidbit.
Paying my taxes to help my neighbours' health protects my health too.
My guts blew out, I went septic, if I didn’t live a country with public healthcare I would be dead. Peace of mind and quality of life 🤟🏻
He's an all-round good egg. And he lives about a mile away from where I'm sitting
I had mine in Dublin St,James Hospital. The Irish health service isn't a patch to the NHS. But my payment was €80 for two nights.
Paid x Pay related Social insurance🇮🇪🇪🇺
Canadians cannot imagine American levels of medical debt & related suffering.
Fully half of the US cannot afford the healthcare they need.
(This was written before the current Republican administration decided to slash & pillage Medicaid, the NIH, etc.),highest%20per%20capita%20health%20expenditure.
McCarthyism promoted socialism leads to communism
Those are all social services (socialism).
Not only we pay taxes with little ROI we also have to pay Health Insurance which is a tax.
A parent standing outside a hospital holding a desperately ill child should not have to hesitate because they may not have enough money to pay to see a doctor.
Put yourself in their shoes.
In the USA, many politicians don't know the differences between Socialism and Communism, let alone (the differences) between Socialism and Democratic Socialism.
Racism: Non-Whites do NOT deserve Healthcare.
Oliver also left this behind for us
The best part of our knowledge is that which teaches us where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins. – Oliver Wendell Holmes
It's really a projection based on their true character
Taxation isn't theft. Not spending it on the services people need to survive? That's theft.
But the anti-socialists still want their check. Theoretically that is a win for socialism. Unfortunately it is also a win for ignorance.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Congratulations, you've figured out how tax works.
There's a danger of Americans waking up to socialised healthcare is actually good. Scary things like fair taxation could follow + that's why the Billionaires are trying to destroy any hope of resistance.
tax cuts = service cuts