Interesting. I always thought that, considering the mention of well armed militia, it was specifically for defense against external threats by that armed militia.
States defending themselves against eachother is something I didn't consider. (I still think "militia" is integral though).
No the second amendment was a safeguard so that if ever one such as Trump were to arise and become tyrannical the people had the means to remain free of the tyranny.
Well, it's time... Now we will see if protesting is a fad or a serious thing... I'm sure that 80% of the "protesters" will never again show up after they get beaten up, arrested, and kicked out of schools or work. Welcome to the real world, America!
Life is hard... and it isn't Hollywood.
What's also unconstitutional is 🍊 turd stopping military aid for Ukraine, money already authorized by congress.
🍊turd hates Zelenskyy (Zelenskyy was why he was impeached 1st time) & has it in for him. My concern is the US & Russia together will stage a coup to oust Zelenskyy.
Get rid of 🍊turd NOW
Question is: can he force the army and police to do his bidding or will they arrest him, like they should since they swore an oath to the constitution, not to the guy who uses it as toiletpaper.
I guess that will be the highest tension point. It will be treason to not obey to the Commander in Chief, but also anti constitutional to go against the Constitution.
Security forces and military will face deep shit regarding their ultimate Duty
It doesn't matter if legal or illegal, it is part of the fascist methodology of confusion> exhaustion> consolidation. Things will be thrown out until he is thrown out. so focus on that..RE-VOIE
I'm not an American but haven't you got a little something called the First Amendment in the Constitution? Has he tried to overturn it with one his silly. executive orders signed with his very silly Sharpy pen. (Doesn't he possess a nice fountain pen?)
It will likely follow the usual human thing of not making much of a push anytime where it is legal (including prep), but when there is danger, that's when people get active. We only change when forced to. It's what we do then that determines our success.
Ikr? I don't even understand how there'nt nation wide protests at the moment. It really feels like that american liberals and progressives are so lazy and complacent that they wouldn't even fight back if they're own lives was been threatened. smh!
it works... But without actions there is no reaction... That why haters hate to get hate and hates again... Just self destruction cycle. someone hate then fear kicks the over reaction reach out
If you show up as you are... No one can bring you down... Except if you are playing someone's else game.
Yes, he is... But we knew that, and he openly said during his campaign that he would be one. And he got elected. That reveals a lot about the general psyche of your population, doesn't it?
No guardrails left. No adults in the room.
Only the dire material consequences of his idiocy can bring a premature end to another 1,417 days of this madness.
My guess: Protests that are 1) against his policy of the day, and 2) are disruptive even if only slightly so. You’re probably going to be fine standing alone, out of the way, with an empty sign. For now.
No point using words like "woke", "nazi" etc. They are just red herrings that trigger and distract people from what ultimately matters: It is either pro-MAGA, which is good, and anti-MAGA, which is evil against against law (as dictated by Trump).
No, 1930s Nazi German had different ideals and politics, though there are some similarities. History will identify MAGA is its own special brand of American fascism.
- attempted putsch
- charismatic criminal leader
- persecution of minorities
- disrespect for rule of law
- concentration camps
- state controlled media
- cult-like devotion to fuehrer
- support from rich oligarchs
- territorial ambitions
- aggression against neighbours
This is most likely just the beginning of the trump administration silencing any critics. The US is on the path leading to critics eventually starting to fall out windows, like in russia
Freedom of speech yada yada yada….we’ve heard them all blathering on about it for years except it was freedom to hate & freedom to lie and now we have this 🤬
Soon to be ‘Land of the Serf-Slaves’ like 🇷🇺.
Going to be a long & difficult road back to freedom or a very short one ✊🏻
congress MUST stand and walkout on Trump tonight .. !! STAND when he starts to address the nation .. one by one walk out!!! Do not listen to his lies .. SHOW the world that Democracy lives and works…STAND and walk out like the United Nations did when Russian spoke !! They all stood and walked out!
They should walk out 2 at a time everytime he lies and once out make it very clear that they left everytime he lied and hold a co ference outside...go dressed in nlack no suit
America has the dumbest population in the history of the world! There has never been a democracy with the strongest economy and military in the world that for no clear reason CHOSE to relinquish its freedom and vote in a dictatorship. NEVER BEFORE IN HISTORY!!!
You are right Jake. This is not in the purview of the executive branch in any way shape or form. There are going to be law suits in the thousands. We are nearing an inflection point in American history and it's not going to be good.
Is the justice system in the US completely powerless? It seems to me , that Trump can, just do whatever the hell, he wants. 😲 ....But, I hope when his approval rating hits the floor , so does his power.
Americans must react now before it is too late.
Jake and others must be careful! All this free speech garbage is to suck you in so that you can be identified and rounded up later by the Trump brown shirts.
Jake, for your next Q&A:What would happen with the military/police, if the POTUS orders to arrest people due to POTUS definition of ilegal? Is it not treason, as I think, to go against the Commander in Chief, but would it not also be illegal to act against constitutional rights?Keep up the good job❤️
The Orange Offender has done some monumentally stupid things - but I hope our American friends see this for what it is. The first step on a very dangerous path of suppression towards a country that will look very much like Russia.
gonna be honest the war that is comming demands it, but at least stand with your allies, jesus christ. Vander lying just confirmed we'll be at war with russia within 4 years and trumpet just confirmed that they anticipate losing taiwan within 10. So.
It didn't take long Putin for to solidify his control over Russia. He took control over news organisations quite quickly and when free media was dead, he was in a better position to other things. Political opposition died soon after, some literally, though he allowed some token "resistance".
I think it might have taken less than two months for Hitler to fully take over the government, after he was elected as chancellor, but I'm not entirely sure about the timeline. It happened quickly, though.
Goodbye America! You maybe gave us jazz and maybe rocknroll and maybe a few decent movies, but you have been polluting the name of Western civilization for a long time now.
Europe is the free world!
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The cowards are the 50-30 years old... They are from the
70's 2000's. Men were more individuals and had less familiale supports.
The Democrates party also fall apart s. They were speaking about saving minorities for the last 15 years and forgot about the majority (and family values).
You are so right. Only some very old ones in Congress make critic of him and his ilegal way of governing.
I cannot understand that no young voices in Congress or House of Representatives says anything. Are they all cowards or is their price too cheap??
Only a few were guilty of this. That has grown to include The Congress.
52% of the voters caused this. If not guilty of anything but ignorance, they are nevertheless responsible. If they don't put an end to this regime they will be guilty as enablers. At witch point the 48% are included as well.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Speculation rife about Kremlin kompromat on Trump, though I doubt that a man who was elected despite being an adjudicated sexual predator and convicted fraudster would not simply shrug off any evidence as fake. I think Trump just admires Putin’s leadership style.
Not true! I'm reliably informed that protesting against the clause in the constitution that forbids a third term for a president will be positively encouraged and rewarded ...
Course of action: When trump starts his speech, the entire democratic party needs to walkout, move to another venue and hold their own state of the union.
Next: Organize an economic blockade of Tesla's factories, nothing in, nothing out.
Billionaires declared war on Americans, then war it shall be
"If a thousand men were not to pay their tax bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible."
The RNC - the Republican Nazi Committee endorses the undermining of American democracy in support of Nazi saluting ideology promoted by Trump, Musk, and Bannon.
We are sorry for your loss. But i'm happy to see in Europe that we finally understand we don't need to count on the US as a reliable partner anymore, at the end it will make us stronger, but i still regret to see we will need to let the US go as a reliable partner on many fronts
I'm not convinced about that. Nazism was very popular in the USA before Pearl Harbour caused US to join the war against Axis powers. Fascist values, racism and "strong man" leader ideals have always played a part in right-wing politics. I doubt anything is going change that; people remain the same.
The whole mess is not about facism. Facism is to put your country first. But what Trump (and Putin) is doing is to ignore his country in favor of oligarchs. He just used the US facists to gain power. Now he also ignores them. For Trump facists are just juseful idiots.
"Putting country first" is an interesting way to describe fascism, but you're not wrong about it: individuals are subordinated to the state. However, the state is directed by an authoritarian ruler, so it could be argued that he/she is the state and people are subordinated to him/her.
Oh no, people do change, the world is constantly changing, and in many cases for the better. But the better the change, the more costly it often is. Brace yourselves Americans and brace ourselves the rest of the world.
Nazism never like each others. They always kill each others. Remember The Man of Castle ? There was a lot of political turmoils and inner power struggle in their party. MAGA will face the same issues and it will never stop.
Internal power struggles have always been part of authoritarian models of government: kings, emperors, tzars, tyrants - regardless of ideologies. It becomes more pronounced the more power is focused on individuals. To fix this requires decentralisation of power by adopting democratic models.
That’s the problem about dictator. They can’t make peace and they never will. Because they lack of empathy and lack of compassion. One way or another, they will kill each others. Jealousy and betrayal will be their downfall.
I also believe that any kind of opposition won’t fight. Especially with force. A civil war would be a privilege at this point. I see more of a 1984 Orwellian dystopia taking shape.
Having peasants raving and rant on the streets will not bother Trump as elections no longer apply to him.
However, having state governors to declare that their states will no longer contribute taxes to federal treasury, now that would have a real effect: nobody likes a poor dictator.
It appears that now it's up to the judicial system and SCOTUS to prevent USA turning into a violent dictatorship.
Joke D. Vance recently scorched Europeans for lack of free speech, but we (europeans) can freely engage in protests against the government - without fear of retaliation.
This is insane! When was protesting at the university illegal? Protesting is part of the freedom of speech. You may like it or not but is the basis of people's freedom.
The US has elected a president who wants to do away with democracy and isolate the country from the West. This is the opposite of what Ukraine is fighting for. The rest of the West will now support Ukraine all the more, because there is no other alternative.
True dictatorship. You voters asked for it. You were warned. One more, final warning: stand up and fight against this right now. 6 months from now will be way too late.
Yup and here we are, it’s only going to get worse. Unfortunately it will have to get bad for everyone for any real change to happen. I’m not holding my breath. I can try to make a difference locally and of course call BS on BS when I see or hear BS.
"Agitators will be imprisoned" this is pure fascism. I've long worked with agitators and they are fine, reliable tools, always stirring your solutions at the press of a button. It is one thing to agitate and another to storm the Capitol.
But the chuds that claimed owning guns is all about defending against a tyrannical government, and are now doing nothing are pathetic.
States defending themselves against eachother is something I didn't consider. (I still think "militia" is integral though).
Life is hard... and it isn't Hollywood.
🍊turd hates Zelenskyy (Zelenskyy was why he was impeached 1st time) & has it in for him. My concern is the US & Russia together will stage a coup to oust Zelenskyy.
Get rid of 🍊turd NOW
Security forces and military will face deep shit regarding their ultimate Duty
Then we moved to shooting them all.
And now prison camps.
The Department Of Re-Education is reopening.
Goodbye America, is was good while it lasted.
April 5 noon
Nationwide Protests
50 State Capitols
Many City Halls
Join us!
It might be to late, but all Americans need to read "The anatomy of fascism"
get healthy
If you show up as you are... No one can bring you down... Except if you are playing someone's else game.
Only the dire material consequences of his idiocy can bring a premature end to another 1,417 days of this madness.
MAGA are the new American Nazi party
- attempted putsch
- charismatic criminal leader
- persecution of minorities
- disrespect for rule of law
- concentration camps
- state controlled media
- cult-like devotion to fuehrer
- support from rich oligarchs
- territorial ambitions
- aggression against neighbours
The people are our only hope. Mass arrests may be our only option.
Soon to be ‘Land of the Serf-Slaves’ like 🇷🇺.
Going to be a long & difficult road back to freedom or a very short one ✊🏻
25% import taxes plus 25% imp taxes
50% import taxes plus 50% imp taxes
And later Trump will somehow decided that it was all Because Trudeau...
that that level of Stupidity!
What is wrong with American's corrupted elite!??
Haha managed by fear and act by fear!!
That F top
Dictators are shutting down or weakening the Justice department. Another think that weak anything is the corruption.
Only you can end this debacle.
Jake and others must be careful! All this free speech garbage is to suck you in so that you can be identified and rounded up later by the Trump brown shirts.
In 2025 Pete Hegseth probably will shoot them or something.
Remember Nixon had protesters shot.
They are all bots
My two cents worth
Overthrow Trump
The American Constitution has your back
Europe is the free world!
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
70's 2000's. Men were more individuals and had less familiale supports.
The Democrates party also fall apart s. They were speaking about saving minorities for the last 15 years and forgot about the majority (and family values).
I cannot understand that no young voices in Congress or House of Representatives says anything. Are they all cowards or is their price too cheap??
52% of the voters caused this. If not guilty of anything but ignorance, they are nevertheless responsible. If they don't put an end to this regime they will be guilty as enablers. At witch point the 48% are included as well.
Civil disobedience against the Trump regime should be the norm by now.
SPOILER: all protesting is illegal
Even in Russia, millions of people protested in the 2010s—it’s about time to step up. Quickly waiting for the midterms will not be enough.
Thanks for your daily’s Jake 👍
Speculation rife about Kremlin kompromat on Trump, though I doubt that a man who was elected despite being an adjudicated sexual predator and convicted fraudster would not simply shrug off any evidence as fake. I think Trump just admires Putin’s leadership style.
Next: Organize an economic blockade of Tesla's factories, nothing in, nothing out.
Billionaires declared war on Americans, then war it shall be
I mean he is a convinced rapist and what not.
I am afraid the word "legal" is none of his concern.
He is a criminal after all.
I am so sorry for all of you. Europe had this. Can't recommend it.
He needs to stamp down protestors before he can move against opposition media & free news. To do it other way would drive peasants to revolt.
However, having state governors to declare that their states will no longer contribute taxes to federal treasury, now that would have a real effect: nobody likes a poor dictator.
Joke D. Vance recently scorched Europeans for lack of free speech, but we (europeans) can freely engage in protests against the government - without fear of retaliation.
Ukrainians remind us how they got rid of Viktor might even need to go further