At some point, either on his way out the door if that ever happens or some time sooner, there will be mass pardons so sweeping they make the Jan 6 one look tiny, for all the crimes they're doing, and there will be no overcoming that short of some kind of repudiating Trump's legitimacy as president.
His appointments aren’t appointments. His pardons aren’t pardons. Bicameralism and presentment aren’t satisfied so any changes in law aren’t valid either.
Also by that logic, Trump could invalidate whichever Democrat is elected to replace him.
The only time 14/3 was used by the federal government was for congressmen who had pled guilty to insurrection after the Civil War.
The rules for administering a civilized society and the rules for fighting a foe committed to the destruction of that society are different and exclusive.
As would the rest of officers who accepted their roles in the CSA in return for amnesty in 1872.
And the verbiage used in the 14th amendment "shall have" is no different than that in any other criminal law.
Plus, POTUS possibly isn't even an officer.
Can’t see an alternative that isn’t a repeat of the Biden/Garland redemptionism.
There have always been a few sketchy presidential pardons, but now it has become openly corrupted and abused.
Under the 14th Amendment, he wasn’t president. The office was de jure vacant, even if he was de facto president
Everything he signed needs the next legitimate president’s affirmation to be valid
There are options here, all of which are possible with sweeping majorities and strong leadership.
This is still, IMO, a change to the trad legal understanding of the pardon power. But it's a hook.
Not to mention the evidence of preexisting plans of sedition running up to the election.