Marco Rubio is like having Tom Wambsgabs as Secretary of State, a man whose ambition is to be an empty suit, on board to take any stance, say anything, whatever the boss wants, and sponge up some of the pain that comes back, all for the trappings, the title, the plane rides, the suits, to be there.
"You are the ally I've waited for my whole life," Graham told Zelensky.
Speaking on a panel, Graham praised Ukraine for using American weapons to "kick Russia’s ass."
"No American has died.
There is a reason everyone remembers Chamberlain "peace" deal. Bc part of the trappings of the office is its place in history.
But Biff is more true— not really even a parody
He’s a pathetic little fuck he probably travels in a dog carrier
Rubio isn't useful enough to be dangled as a hostage and shot though, so he'll be ok.
I believe that now.
I would say we need to speak up and correct them and he would say, say nothing it's all about the optics.
"There is only one Hell, Princess. The one we live in now."
-Melisandre, "Game of Thrones."
His manners
He got a lecture on manners from a social slob,a gold-leaf liar,a Queens real estate heir who grabs women’s vaginas for fun,an Epstein wingman scumbag.
It's like he is Frankenstein's monster, if the monster was made entirely of dead dicks.
Matthew Macfadyen.
Rubio is just being himself, no acting involved.
Also he’s probably also in it for some retribution against the Cuban government.
“I work for Trump now”