There appears to be no solidarity among US universities. I am still in shock that there were no mass protests against it across the US. What a shame! I am sorry.
Proud 1980 graduate. This University Administration is shameful. I suspect they may regret their recent conduct in many ways, including alumni donations.
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
I pray you find a better country to do good work. As heart-breaking and horrendous as the attack on the erudite is, it seems critical to incubate and protect research from utter destruction. The orange idiot clearly has no comprehension of what he’s doing - America’s best are going to go elsewhere.
Yanno, folks, this is one time alumni have a real voice, especially if you're a donor. Time to scream at your lily livered badmin and withhold donations until they grow a spine.
I am so sorry this is happening. I wish I knew how we can stop this. I keep posting this petition and pray somebody locks this maniac up who is destroying our nation with the help of his minions.
I am sorry! Thank you for making, what I have to assume, are serious life-changing decisions. I greatly appreciate your standards! I hope you are safe, and may many proper opportunities present themselves to you. Tip o'the hat for ya!
Not one organization being bullied is giving the "fuck off and die" response. Anyone? Yesterday it was Paul, Weiss that bowed down with a 40MM "donation". What happened? We used to stand up for ourselves. It's sickening.
But he always comes back & fucks them more after their surrender. Do they not see that? Not that the fuckery should be their guiding light… unless they are selling out- Then yeah- pay attention to the fuckery!
This is how things started in Türkiye. Today METU students are being gassed and fired upon with plastic bullets for protesting the arrest of the opposition’s presidential candidate
😢 when renowned institutions fold like a cheap suit they have given up any claim to decency and strength. The failure of courage in the face of fascism deserves only contempt. A stain that will never be removed.
I like "The failure of courage in the face of fascism deserves only contempt."
I also like the Upton Sinclair Quote,"Fascism is capitalism plus murder", however I don't really agree with it. Capitalism has spawned plenty murders.
I’m so disappointed in these universities. I’m not surprised. Honestly - so many depend on federal funding (that they often don’t really pass on to their faculty and students… but that’s another issue). But man, the rate at which these folk are caving has to be setting records.
I'd like to mention to you Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Colonel Drake used all his money after the Civil War in which he served for President Lincoln, to save Oskaloosa College. They honored him naming the university after him. Drake from Harvard so a "Congregationalist" tradition school.
Columbia University has a long history of being on the wrong side of important values. That they caved now, at this urgent need for free speech, is a travesty of higher education.
Keep it for a future Museum of American Fascism as proof that Columbia was once a real university—before Trump turned it into one of his indoctrination and re-education centers.
Indeed. The Netherlands is or has created a fund of tens of millions to get foreign academics over here. Everyone knows that, while it will welcome academics from anywhere, Trump's going anti-science made our government see opportunities.
Thank you, once I saw that he wanted to revise the curriculum when he can't even spell curriculum to basically stop a Higher Education Institute of learning about more than just caucasians I knew Columbia was going to pay the long way I wonder how many students are going to transfer
A “Musk bro”? Oh please my brother, don’t be so self absorbed. I make the echo you so fully hate because it isn’t from your hive mentality. But please, do go on.
Nice. So you didn’t argue that your post had no substance, and now you’re owning being a lesser human being. Have an awesome day, don’t think too hard! I’d hate for you to actually have a revelation.
YES! If 60% staff solidarity, could all be fired? Follow Trump’s (disgraced/disbarred) mentor:
#1: attack, attack, attack
#2: admit nothing, deny everything
#4: no matter what happens, claim victory
& countersue
I assume serious crime (ie guy shooting AR15 at BLM & let off) was already arrested
Trump ist immer noch verbittert, weil er an jeder seiner Hochschulen durchgefallen ist. Trump: „Ich konnte nie lesen.“ Ehemaliger Wharton-Professor: „Trump war der dümmste Student, den ich je hatte.“
That endowment is the reason I’m not taking their whining seriously. My old CU boss is asking me to help his postdocs get jobs. I haven’t yet responded because I only work at a public university. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TBF endowments at least at public institutions are bound by legal obligations. I personally donated a chunk to my institution to specifically support undergrad scholarships. That money is invested and interest from that account is used to fund the scholarships. That $ is part of the endowment…
It is illegal for the university to use the principle I donated for supporting faculty salaries, research, the football coach, admin parties, etc. if it wasn’t, I would get my money back.
I know what you're saying. Not all of Columbia's billions are earmarked, though. Not sure what school you graduated from, but would you be willing to let them use your donation to cover the cost of the Trump threat, if your college asked? Columbia would never ask, because the endowment is holy.
Three different public universities, 2 land-grant, but did my post-doc at Columbia. In general, I don’t think post-docs identify with the institution though, I didn’t. But to answer your ?, no I wouldn’t but in my case undergraduate education is under attack so my money still works to offset Drumpf
But also I would not trust the admin, regents, etc who tend to be business of education oriented to make the moral decisions. Columbia made a business decision, if they dove into available funds instead, it would still be for business reasons.
🤔If 60% staff solidarity, could all be fired? Follow Trump's (disgraced/disbarred) mentor:
#1: attack, attack, attack
#2: admit nothing, deny everything
#4: no matter what happens, claim victory & countersue
I assume serious crime (ie guy shooting AR15 at BLM & let off) was already arrested
I am so sorry. U.K. here and I can’t believe what’s happening. Ok I do believe it but I’m stunned. Gobsmacked. Distraught. Horrified. No words can really describe it. Be safe. Be strong
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
And i gotta say, it's not surprising in the slightest. I call em "Reichpublikkkans"
I also like the Upton Sinclair Quote,"Fascism is capitalism plus murder", however I don't really agree with it. Capitalism has spawned plenty murders.
The interest alone last year was worth 600+mil.
The poor rich
** just sayin!**
The tRumps of the world love to fuck up EVERYTHING for anyone who isn’t them. #FUCKtheCONVICTEDFELON
I just heard on the news (Austrian News) that they allocated funds to accomodate scientists that are affected by felon and the tangerine tyrant
While taking all the current funding away. Lots of anger over this
Thank you very much for all of your work.
Normal people don’t support authoritarian regimes, and they are not afraid to say as much with their dollars and support
I don’t know how some musk bro stepped out of their echo chamber spewing this crap…
#1: attack, attack, attack
#2: admit nothing, deny everything
#4: no matter what happens, claim victory
& countersue
I assume serious crime (ie guy shooting AR15 at BLM & let off) was already arrested
elon is a symptom
trump is the disease
#1: attack, attack, attack
#2: admit nothing, deny everything
#4: no matter what happens, claim victory & countersue
I assume serious crime (ie guy shooting AR15 at BLM & let off) was already arrested
Like a RedCross ash tray, a time before ignorance.