Nah. Reform are the UK version of Trump. Labour are the UK version of Democrats - a party that's ignoring its own base because it's fretting too much about losing right wing voters who don't even like them.
Labour are done. Just alienated another 2m voters. Just to appease a few rich wankers. All the one term labour MPs will have less chance of a job than a disabled person who has just lost pip.
It's weird nobody ever suggests getting rid of the monarchy and taking back the Crown Estate for the good of the people...... seriously hospital's, schools and army barracks are paying those cunts rent?! π
Great call. π
There are loads of options to tax wealth & unearned income contained in this report without needing a new tax. It βshows that by making up to thirty relatively simple changes to existing UK taxes, up to Β£90 billion of new tax revenue could be raised a yearβ #TaxTheRich
Kendal a nasty piece of work, putting future PIP claimants in terror and existing ones that be reassessed in 3 years by making it harder to get it and stay on it, as well as people like me moving over to UC from ESA WITH HEALTH PROBLEMS AND STRESS
Why not turn on its head, offer low or zero tax on earnings if they find work? At the risk if being shot down in flames, there are people absolutely capable of work, and that would like to, that lack opportunity or support. There should be a special category of work to accommodate.
Because the Labour Party have been infiltrated by old fashioned Thatcherite tories who have no time for anyone other than the 1% and big business they have an obsession with neoliberal economic policies to the detriment of ordinary citizens
She says she will consult with disability charities now. But she has already announced how much she is saving. Even if these charities give the most compelling arguments in the world not to make cuts. She won't backtrack. That would mean losing face. #disabilitybenefits
Even a 1% wealth tax on personal wealth over Β£500,000 would raise the better part of Β£400 billion over 5 years, and that's not accounting for other tax reforms that could raise more.
The government's 'books' don't need to be balanced: government isn't a business & does not operate like one (or a household) at all.
Govt can create as much money as it needs at will with the only limit being inflation which in turn is controlled by tax: tax the rich to protect the most vulnerable.
It is MMT. And yes, there are economists that disparage MMT & it is understandable that they do so because some simply do not understand it while other critics cannot sustain their political views should they admit that MMT is the most accurate description of how a modern economy operates.
MMT is not in the interests of financial parasites in the City and elsewhere so cannot be true. Most economists work for banks and other financial institutions and so cannot accept it as it in contradiction of their employers vested interests.
Do machines matter in the economy of a technological society?
Do machines wear out & therefore Depreciate. Then replaced to keep society running?
Search BlueSky for:
machines depreciation
See how many economists care abt keeping society running.
Can the government explain how refusing LCWRA to my 19 year old son who couldn't even attend school due to his disability is going to "encourage" him to work?
When he ceases education in June and has to claim UC in his own right we will lose child benefit, child UC element and disabled children's UC element - I can't work as I'm his 24/7 carer, we are barely hanging on as it is, losing cΒ£800pm will bury us. #democide
Because the young, disabled, and/or vulnerable do not have a voice, and both Parliamentarians and the media have framed this about βfairnessβ with it not being fair that so many receive benefits. Itβs very sad.
They are to the UK what trump is to the US. Only the packaging is different.
and it's cruel
Labour can't even say "wealth tax," let alone find the courage to implement one.
Our future
Imagine how they must be feeling
There are loads of options to tax wealth & unearned income contained in this report without needing a new tax. It βshows that by making up to thirty relatively simple changes to existing UK taxes, up to Β£90 billion of new tax revenue could be raised a yearβ #TaxTheRich
Sian, please...
Please set out the simple steps for taxing the wealthy to be achieved.
Govt can create as much money as it needs at will with the only limit being inflation which in turn is controlled by tax: tax the rich to protect the most vulnerable.
Do machines wear out & therefore Depreciate. Then replaced to keep society running?
Search BlueSky for:
machines depreciation
See how many economists care abt keeping society running.
Marx used depreciation 40+ times in Das Kapital.
Part of it explains how fiat, floating currency systems work.
The system, as explained above, is set up to work in the interests of the financial parasites e.g. state benefits for the financial sector.
This is a red line crossed.
Labour don't care about people