Imagine that you voted for, let’s say, Fred Johnson for president, and Fred Johnson wins, and is sworn in as president, and then immediately the executive branch is being run by his friend Dave
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...and, not just "his friend Dave".....but, his "meth dealer buddy, Dave", who lives in an abandoned mobile home, with a 16-year-old runaway, he calls "pumpkin"...
Nearly stuck to selling crap beer. In the late 1970s he got a $220,000 loan from Libya, after he registered as a foreign agent, that reportedly was never fully repaid. It remains an open question if this was influence money or ratfucking.
That’s actually kind of how The Expanse ends but it’s Holden, not Fred Johnson. And instead of Dave it is an incredibly badass, highly qualified and capable woman named Drummer.
kinda makes you wonder why the left doesn't just do that, run political candidates that appear to be anti-immigrant, anti-DEI etc. and then the second they're elected - BAM, universal healthcare
Right now, I'd take Fred or Dave or pretty much any motherfucker over what we've got. Well, maybe not Max. I'm pretty sure Max Johnson isn't his real name. Truth in advertising though.
But Dave was a major contributor, and Feed said, that Dave was going to help reduce government spending and Dave was also on the campaign stage with Fred. What part of this didn't people who voted for Fred understand his involvement?
In policy terms; I’m a lover, not a fighter. I’m also a damned good snoozer. Domestically, I will end homelessness and hunger and immediately bring in universal healthcare. There will also be an annual ‘hunt the billionaire’ festival when everyone will be encouraged to custard pie a billionaire.
‘tis true. Although I get my loving at a slow amble these days.
I should add these are the ‘broad brush’ policy details. I’ll elaborate at the first of many BYO White House pool parties (budget conscious too, you see)
Between that one above and this one, there is a vicious battle once a month for the top spot of GOAT Tweets That Still Make Me Wheeze Myself Nearly To Death.
Help needed! URGENTLY!
Adolf 'Dodgie Donnie' Trump has published a Puff Propaganda piece about what a Good President Best In Creation' that he is and appears to have gathered a cluster of his arsekissers to agree! Pop over and put them right! Be the Resistance!
I’d like to sit down face to face if that were a more accessible means. Comments devolve into playground name calling and just hardens each others resolves. I’ve stopped with it for now and my lifes better. I get too cynical and I’ve been working for along time to change, balance is imp right now
When this is over, the World will need the Peacemakers, The Peace Spreaders... and the Peace Nurturers! Then, with luck, us keyboard warriors will get back to doing creative ..... than ...... defensive ..... stuff!
Problem is, people who voted for Fred voted for Dave by default because Fred gave Dave this position, and Dave paid for Fred's campaign, and they voted for Fred knowing he is a liar, cheat, felon, and bully with no moral fiber, who only cares about himself and no one else.
Seems hiring ol Billy as your fixer worked out about as well as you'd expect for our buddy down there in Tripoli.
That one has a happy ending though.
Hey son this is your future digs. Ignore the clown at the desk.
I should add these are the ‘broad brush’ policy details. I’ll elaborate at the first of many BYO White House pool parties (budget conscious too, you see)
Adolf 'Dodgie Donnie' Trump has published a Puff Propaganda piece about what a Good President Best In Creation' that he is and appears to have gathered a cluster of his arsekissers to agree! Pop over and put them right! Be the Resistance!
All we have to do IS keep tap..... Tap...... TAP .... TAP ..... TAPPING ..... away! Thanks for your comment!