If this is true, every past President, Vice President, previous members of Congress, current Member of Congress, Veterans, and active Military need to be at the frontline of the March on Washington on March 15!
The Ukrainian people have shown if nothing, that they are quite possibly some of the most creative and inventive people when their backs are against the wall, whilst this utterly fucking horrendous, I have no doubt they will stick a finger up at the fat orange prick! #Treason #Trump #SlavaUkraine!
IT IS NOW UNQUESTIONABLE that Trump is part of Putin's global criminal cabal; which engages in espionage for Russia, extortion, black-mail, murder, and all typical Russian mob tactics; Trump is even now attempting to persuade Putin's corrupt Russian Oligarchs & their PMCs to pay $5M to own us in USA
Russians have taken over Bali. They are just awful. Sorry Russians reading this. But their energy is brutish and menacing. Their country has made them like that. I imagine the rich ones buying green cards will be like this on steroids.
10 yrs ago I was behind a Russian woman in Venice, waiting to buy a transport ticket. The woman was *demanding* a car so she cld be driven around Venice! The poor woman on the counter kept trying to explain that there are no roads in Venice, hence, no cars. Russian wasn't having it. Nouveau riche. 🙄
When she finally stormed off in a huff I apologised, in Italian, to the ticket-seller. She said 'they're all like that'. I said 'next time you should tell them to hire a gondola & be rowed around all day.' Private gondola rides cost around €100 / hr. Ticket seller loved that idea! 😏
TRUMP is Putin owned, Russian sponsored, anti-truth, anti-democratic, anti-American, anti-human-rights/anti-Freedom; just like his genocidal, murdering, war-criminal hero/mentor/financier/handler Vlad Putin - the ONLY man Trump is "LOYAL" to. Trump is NOT LOYAL to USA nor HIS OATH but ONLY TO PUTIN.
Oooh I was teaching when this happened. In a very conservative state. I had to excuse myself for a few moments to collect myself, then I let it rip about treaties and allies and promises broken and made my students look up the UN Declaration on Human Rights and we discussed the action. 😠
If this is true then the US is an ally of Russia. The actions speak more than the words. If this is confirmed then action must be taken. This would be like America helping Hamas.
Even if it weren't true, the US is now an ally of Russia and North Korea. We are no longer an ally of any NATO member nor any other democratic country.
Trump has aligned us with the latest axis of evil.
I think people are in shock about this but it’s true. As is the fact the government is is not paying FEMA as per a judges order and the time of law is also gone. No one wants to admit the constitutional crisis or that the rule of law is vanquished.
A guy on here has all this legal constitutional stuff posted that indicates trump will be removed. It sounds good but, he's relying on people farther down the food chain to do it. That's a real longshot. The cowards in congress need to man up and take back control so we don't end up a totalitarian
That ain’t happening. Trump has punted the constitution. He is ignoring several court orders to unfreeze or supply funds. He feels immunity lets him break these laws. If SCOTUS think his powers usurp the check and balances in the constitution then it’s over. No need for house members or a senate.
Exactly. I saw a post "trump is not above the law".
Unfortunately, the SC ruled he is!
How is anybody going to enforce any court rulings if he doesn't obey? There's proven history in what he's trying to accomplish. Italy and Germany are his biggest blueprints.
I agree. It is true. Please remember because a person is Palestinian, does not mean he believes or supports Hamas. The majority who live in Gaza were not Hamas.
If true, who would be willing to confirm. What action would anyone take? One man has all the power and those who could make a difference are spineless.
very surreal but it’s undeniable. And everyone better adapt quickly. Canada and Europe and britain need yo be nimble, strong and determined. Boycott all US purchases and find alternatives asap. Even interim suppliers from china while seeking better choices is better.
Where are the magas that supported ukraine? They all changed sides? They all support a war effort to kill ukrainians and citizens. America will never be forgiven for this. Never.
Yes. this means that everyone has to step back. No intelligence to the US. No weapons purchases. No attendance at g7. You cannot allow this. They ARE a russian ally. Like iran or north korea. Europe needs to react immediately and forcefully. I think they are in shock but it needs or happen asap
Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution:
"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
So that is why there were so many US air force Globemaster planes flying over Poland and Romania yesterday. NATO was there too maybe trying to scramble US signals?
Agree - they need to ‘not’ give Dump anything that helps him to help his fucking ‘mother russia’ (small r on purpose…matches Dump’s small, mean, fragile ego).
Five Eyes leaders are already publicly discussing ditching USA, making it “Four Eyes”. But you can be CERTAIN they’re already restricting distro of key intel to America.
Fuck Trump. The Unreliable States of America would be ejected before we would. That blindered narcissist has no idea how rapidly he is burning trust globally.
I think that’s highly likely. Four eyes (can’t help but feel like I’m disrespecting spectacle wearers back in school), will probably fold into what’s being discussed as Euro Eyes. Then it will be many more eyes!
The left are in power and while cautious due to our commitments are heading down the same path as everyone else. We’re a member of Five Eyes, intel, and AUKUS, defence. We have an election soon and we’re hoping the right doesn’t win, very trumpy! The more he screws up the less likely they’ll will
I think we all know as does the rest of the world. Any exchange will be based on established relationships of employees but eventually that too will come to a stop when a person's country over friendship takes over.
He shut off vital functions on Ukraine f-16 fighters used to take down incoming missiles and drones from Russia. He has taken away intelligence given trough nato. He has defended the attacks the last few days on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. We know where he stand. He want Ukraine to be harmed
Trump is COMPROMISED financially or personally by PUTIN. He is setting us up to be taken over by the Russians. He is separating us from our allies to the point where he will be able to say Russia is the only one who can help us. He is selling us out. Enact the 25th amendment. Putin's puppet.
There is no other being on this planet that I can say with certainty that I despise more than DJT. He has brought this country nothing but hate and division. The day his cult disappears the world will be a much safer place.
They are fucking criminals and need to be stopped why are they getting away with so much and nobody’s intervening how much further will they be able to go why are we going to wait for people to die in millions before stopping these radical Nazis
Isn't the little, rat-faced boy getting pretty close to a space monopoly? And do we really think the race back to the Moon and to Mars isn't about mining rights?
Whoever did this, and whoever directed it, needs to be lined up and shot! This is a traitorous act and anyone who had a hand in this needs to pay! DEARLY!!
Why would they? They are complicit. Not one of them intends to honor their oath. Blatant criminals, robbing us in broad daylight.They think, as criminals do, that they will get away with it. A wealthy criminal gang flipping the rest of us off.
Russian asset or not, denying aid, and turning off critical support allowed Russia to regain the advantage, HE IS A TRAITOR, any Ukrainian lives lost are on him! He’s a disgrace to the office, I understand now why he didn’t put his hand on the Bible! No good bastard!
Legacy media is failing us, if that would have been Biden or Harris they would still be talking about it, Fox would be claiming they’re not legitimate because they didn’t!
Yeah, I was going to say it wasn't a book he wrote but, we all know he wasn't the one that wrote the books he wrote.
He especially never wrote a bible. His bible was written by hitler.
Lee Greenwood wrote the trump bible and only gets the short end of the proceeds.
I said that right away, but on FB. He didn't do it because he was planning to break his oath as he was taking it. MAGAts were twisting themselves into pretzels that Melania didn't get it there on time, so he couldn't do it.
I agree. He’s a horrible psychopathic person and enjoys denying aid and weapons. Is it all because Ukraine did not give him dirt on Hunter Biden? Payback? President Biden left money to continue helping Ukraine and Trump reversed it. Damn him 😡
Why hasn’t he been charged with treason!! Is he that powerful that no one can take him out of office our country is in danger because of what he’s done and siding with Putin
The Republicans in Congress aren’t afraid. They love their cushy jobs in DC and the perks it provides them and their near and dear ones. They are nearly all in “safe” MAGA seats and thus don’t want to rock the boat and have Trump strip them of those goodies they love more than the Constitution.
So Trump not only committed the heinous war crime of providing intelligence to our enemy and the enemy of our ally but we also showed Russia details of our intelligence gathering abilities. It's the highest level of treason. The death penalty is too kind for him
This right here, should be the reason Trump and Hegseth are forcibly removed from their positions in handcuffs. Only Hegseth could OK the go ahead to do this with Trumps order. Hegseth and Trump are traitors to the United States.
Still calling on entire world, help Ukraine destroy Putin !! Ladies and Gentlemen, I have another nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 ( Informative/Real 💩 + He HAS to be taken down/out categories)
Jon.... it was very " noticeable" when the war started! Hospital "CHILDRENS" hospital for that matter being "bomb".when they used "CELL PHONES" to get ahold of their military to ask for help. one min their THERE the next.they where whipped OUT!it was the first set of full bombing!That putin took out
If I were Zelenskyy, I wouldn't meet with Trump for any reason whatsoever. The entire world knows who's side Trump is on. And it sure as hell isn't Zelenskyy.
FYI, while that is a Ukrainian group, they are not the most reliable and tend to really speculate a lot. I would take it with a grain of salt. That was once a reliable group, but much has changed, and it’s speculation and opinion mostly now.
If so, and I can believe it, it’s abominable! He should be investigated by special counsel, but he’s stacked the deck in his favor & is apparently untouchable thanks to our now political Supreme Court!!
Imagine being part of the Intel community of the US government and having this traitorous rapist command you to do something that will cause the murder of innocent people of a democratic nation fighting for its life.
What's coming is a militia. Made up of our friends and neighbors. Who will shoot first? We will know how the people of Russia/Ukraine felt when they were forced to arm against their neighbors.
We protest too much!
Well we all know the hateful Magas are armed. I hope the Dems realize there won’t be a time out period to get ready later if the 💩 hits the fan.
So best get prepared for the worst!
We didn’t choose this but we should at least be ready for what comes.
That's not likely to be what happened, though. The "three letter agencies" report to the civilian political structure, the White House. Somebody in power, probably someone confirmed to the Senate, and possibly more than one such person, requested a briefing. Then *they* shared it with Russia.
Russia calls the US Director of National Intelligence “our girl” on their TV news. And they wre calling her that BEFORE she was chosen and confirmed in the US. Somehow I doubt she has any moral qualms about any intelligence she gives Russia.
I’m an American women, single mother, degreed social worker with three sons, one of them is gay. America is my home. I live in a red state. But I’ve learned to be strong and fight here. Ashamed what’s happening to my country, but there are people like me who are willing to stand up for everyone.
I could never live in a Gilead state. I just believe in my heart of hearts that my family and I deserve a better life.
I understand the inclination to stay and fight what's happening, but am also VERY aware of where we are in the arc of history.
I wish you the best!
I had a plan to make my escape to WA with my youngest son who came out as gay last year. I am terrified for his future here, especially with what’s happening in our country and the laws currently being passed in our state. America fell apart before I was able to save all the money. We’ll get there.
Thank you! Colorado is beautiful and I’ve visited a lot over my lifetime. ❤️ I am dead-set on WA, because it’s always been kind to me. And if the US goes to shit, there better at least be a beach to sit on after a long day’s fight. ✊❤️
We live very similar lives. I’m an American woman, social worker, single mother with 3 kids, one of which is LGBT+… except I’m gay too. 😅 I’m in PA, but in a very deep-red area (old mining towns).
There are definitely other people like us who are willing to fight for our country that we love! 🇺🇸✊
My whole life, it's been racist as fuck, and the MOST racist motherfuckers out there are lying about CRT in order to ban the teaching of Black American history in public schools.
1st proof the US Armed Forces are the bitches bitches!
You would haven't expected some resistance to stabbing an allying the back, but no, it's immediate capitulation.
Let's get US Forces out of Europe before the summer and, before they can work against NATO.
America OUT, OUT, OUT!
He’s an accessory to Putins criminality, murdering and invasion of a sovereign nation!
His aiding and abetting the aggressor and blocking the defense of the country being attacked! It’s a criminal offense!
I think the reason is because this is such an astounding, shocking, overwhelming thing we don't plan for. No one has a manual or knows really where to start.
Find your local tribe.
March in the streets.
Yell-- dont sing fucking songs like some I've been in-- yell like you're enraged.
B/c we are.
Once people march &yell out like they mean it, it's a gateway to storming someplace. Marches can be very powerful-- you have to go in like you're leading an army. Don't mindlessly &halfheartedly repeat the slogans-- yell so you hear your voice echoing from the buildings.
Perhaps it’s because Trump is rich. The propaganda of consumption, entertainment and worship of the super-rich has been incredibly effective. The Master Race of TV Shoppers yearn to be ruled by a billionaire who doesn’t hide his authority.
The entire GOP is letting this happen. They should be impeaching and removing him from office, but they have no allegiance to our constitution and are afraid of their dictator. I can’t believe this is happening.
Don't forget that Putin's original plan was to invade during Trumps second term, but Trump lost. If Trump had won, we wouldn't be having a conversation about Ukraine because it would no longer exist. This is just picking up where they left off 4 years ago. Trump is a traitor, not a president.
It's called treason. But is anyone in the position to do so, doing anything about it!? Asking for a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual rapist sociopath 🤡 who is a treasonous puppet to the murderer dictator in plain sight. Just saying ...
At this point I seriously doubt that he will ever face justice for his crimes against humanity. Luckily Gerald Ford is dead so we don’t have to worry about a pardon. Just have to pry the country’s soul from his cold dead, tiny, really tiny, peoples say the tiniest hands. My neighbor told me, so tiny
Fuck T rump! I am becoming a hater. Congrats, MAGAts, you're starting to make me hate. That's just what the world needs more hate. Way to go fuck heads!
Trump is a 34 sentence felon who should be in prison, the orange turd betrayed Ukraine to his master Putin, Trump is a traitor to the entire world along with United States and make karma get those of you who voted for him and didn’t vote a stain upon your existence
You are no longer masters of your own house. It's as though one-half of your body is attacking the other half. What to do? Fight with courage. Reason. Love for humanity. Love for the principles of your founding fathers. What else are you doing, watching American Idol.
80 million voters didn't vote!
I don’t want to put in writing what I truly hope happens to the Felon and his enablers! It could probably be used against me one day! It is amazing how dark my mind can go! It is utterly disgusting that these people are in power in our country. This is horrific!
Bluebird, I’ve thought the same. And the fact there is great potential that we will lose our freedom of speech. Yes, the knock on the door is possible. Felon47 will silence his detractors.
I've been watching the following movies to cope:
John Wick
The Bourne Identity
V is for Vendetta
Black Widow
The Accountant
The Equalizer
You want say it but I will! They need ragging out and "OLD SCHOOL TAR AND FEATHERS" its what "OUR HISTORY CLASSES TAUGHT US!".... ALSO its in the show "outlander" ]:) but the felon should NEVER have been in the "PEOPLES HOUSE".... disgusting sack of shit he is!
Bluebird, live vicariously though my words. To be clear, trump and musk are mother fuckers. They don't give a shit about anyone except themselves. I only want the worst for them. If only both of them could go back to medieval times just for one day.
He just gave an in-flight interview and said that cutting off Intel for Ukraine was necessary to get them to negotiate a deal.
Then he said that too many lives are being lost, on both sides. Thanks to him 😡
America needs to be removed from NATO, Five Eyes, and every other military, strategic, or otherwise critical alliance they're currently in with non-fascist countries before we all get stabbed in the back like this.
The US hanged someone for this in 1952.
#TrumpUnfit #TrumpRussia
Is that what they mean when they say Christian?
Trump has aligned us with the latest axis of evil.
Unfortunately, the SC ruled he is!
How is anybody going to enforce any court rulings if he doesn't obey? There's proven history in what he's trying to accomplish. Italy and Germany are his biggest blueprints.
Israel and Russia have much in common.
Thanks. Problem solved.
ukraine said US has given all kinds of satellite imagery to russia that helped them attack ukraine.
Trump is ignoring judges orders to unfreeze
finds and there is no enforcement
Doge teens got citizen details from the Soc Sec system and no one knows what they did with data
"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
We have Pine Gap in Australia which is vital to US world intel. Time to close the gates
Can’t wait to see it
I only hope Trump is met with the Karma he deserves!
It’s as if he demands you hate him— and I do!
Pull a Colleen Rooney!
Can't be seen to be endorsing an ACTUAL Bible that he hasn't edited.
He especially never wrote a bible. His bible was written by hitler.
Lee Greenwood wrote the trump bible and only gets the short end of the proceeds.
And still he made a point not to touch it.
If there was a time for any republican to stand up to trump now would be the time.
Being afraid is not an excuse .
And doing it.
I hope they all burn in hell.
We protest too much!
So best get prepared for the worst!
We didn’t choose this but we should at least be ready for what comes.
I understand the inclination to stay and fight what's happening, but am also VERY aware of where we are in the arc of history.
I wish you the best!
There are definitely other people like us who are willing to fight for our country that we love! 🇺🇸✊
You would haven't expected some resistance to stabbing an allying the back, but no, it's immediate capitulation.
Let's get US Forces out of Europe before the summer and, before they can work against NATO.
America OUT, OUT, OUT!
Articles of Impeachment
His aiding and abetting the aggressor and blocking the defense of the country being attacked! It’s a criminal offense!
Find your local tribe.
March in the streets.
Yell-- dont sing fucking songs like some I've been in-- yell like you're enraged.
B/c we are.
He does it quite often. 😡
I can’t wait for the day he is arrested.
80 million voters didn't vote!
John Wick
The Bourne Identity
V is for Vendetta
Black Widow
The Accountant
The Equalizer
Then he said that too many lives are being lost, on both sides. Thanks to him 😡
I'd go so far as to say that all American military bases within Europe need to be shut down, and the staff expelled.
Things are intertwined so deeply, that will take time, though.
That's why I think that's what leaders in Europe are trying to do
He has blood on his filthy, little hands.