Its all steel,stainless steel, did I mention it will cost you 25% more cuz I ummmm, ummmm, well never mind that, just come sell your soul to me , oops I mean the devil and drive one off the lot
Ford/GMC and all the other car makers should be very worried of con don’s newest pet. What makes them think they won’t be boycotting them if Elon doesn’t sell his cars after all the money he bought trump with?
Now "news" segments on "Fox News" are just advertisements for Trump donors.
Trump's televised "purchase" of a Tesla is just one recent example. Go watch RFK Jr and Hannity eating + praising "healthy" french fries at Steak n Shake -- owned by Trump donor Sardar Biglari.
Donald Trump tells Americans if they do not buy a Tesla car that they will be declared to be Domestic Terrorists which will allow the police to legally shoot and kill them !
Tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs. Prices are up. Stock markets are down. Average Americans are struggling but let’s cry a puddle for the richest man on the planet. Please buy his cars. What an F’in joke!!
."..And with every new Tesla, signed personally by you-know-who, we will give a free car wash every week for a year, and $50 worth of battery chargings. Plus, and the little lady will love this, a FREE yes FREE Vegematic"!
Some Americans seem to imagine that Trump will rebuild a new country after he tears down the old one.
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
Priced so low, you’ll have plenty of money left over to pay for the settlement you’ll owe after your ‘self-driving Tesla’ plowed into a seven-year-old who was crossing the street!
No job... bad credit... no problem! We can fix you right up with one of our hot, low mileage, slightly used, dealer certified models in the new ash gray color of your choice! Hurry on down and ask for "Small Hands Donnie" or "Sieggy Muskrat."
I did the math:
Musk lost $16B in stock value on Monday alone! If we continued at this daily rate, @ his current worth, Musk would be BANKRUPT in 20 weeks!!!
Personally, I am boycotting businesses that support the Oligarchy: Amazon, Target, Home Depot, WAPO, LA Times, Facebook, Insta, etc. If all of us non- crazy Americans & world citizens did this, these hateful entities would quickly be out of business. RESIST!!! 💪💪💪
Except all the rare minerals they and the several factories to make EV batteries that are being set up by Hyundai, Toyota, BMW, etc are located in Canada and Greenland and Trump wants them for free ... that my friends, is why he wants to invade & take over our countries - to plunder & pad his wallet
Federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. 7.25*52*40=15,080. Poverty level is over 27k. It would take working 80 hours a week to live above the poverty level, so technically if you work 80 hours a week for one year you can eat your Tesla and have it too.
Musk has lost the popular vote in major foreign markets. If Americans that disagree with Trump fall in line Tesla is doomed. Even Trumps most ardent supporters will not buy the car any more: you don’t want the thing vandalised. Trump buying one is just the final straw. It is not salvation
Used car salespeople are more scrupulous. Especially the commercial RE types can exhibit some of the worst & lowest form of human ethics & behavior. And the car salespeople or regular RE agents aren't the cause of the sewage, it's the bosses, owners.
I hate those parents. Had a more distant version with my dad's mom.
She wanted me to live her dreams of being a cantankerous boy mom who disrespected her kind husband and spat on everyone.
I think I'm cracking up to be the opposite and I hope X will.
We need to keep peaceful pressure on Musk. Musk bought Twitter with his Tesla stock. If his Tesla drops below the loan value, the bank will take over. This boycotting is working.
funny and sad at the same time.
Trumpy: Vancey! Trash pick up is here! Can you take out the trash?!
Vancey: Yep, got the Constitution, funding bills for children, and Eric Trump’s birth certificate. Anything else?
Trumpy: Nope. Hopefully this one also catches fire.
Trump's televised "purchase" of a Tesla is just one recent example. Go watch RFK Jr and Hannity eating + praising "healthy" french fries at Steak n Shake -- owned by Trump donor Sardar Biglari.
We could get great food, universal healthcare etc etc
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
You can also post a tip for freedom.
Violations: 31 U.S.C. § 1301(a), 5 C.F.R. 2635.704, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702, 5 C.F.R. § 2635.705(a), and others.
Be a Squeaky wheel and do the same or just quit crying.
Will consume your fuel quite well.
Buy yours soon
Join the #orangeman loon!
Embarrassing beyond belief!
USA.. ffs, do something!
Interstate 5 through CA.
Every time, you have to pass a car on the right, it is a Tesla.
20 miles of traffic behind them and they never move over for faster traffic. Never.
We are finito.,plant%20in%20Calvert%2C%20Alabama).
Musk lost $16B in stock value on Monday alone! If we continued at this daily rate, @ his current worth, Musk would be BANKRUPT in 20 weeks!!!
Who's with me????
The office of the Presidency is now indistinguishable from a late night TV informercial.
The bikini girls really make it, too.
He gave it a hard R. Probably just habit.
No class.
Wait til that child is old enough 2 realize what this sick fuck was doing
He will hate as his other children do!
Sooner or later the GOP is right in the middle of it.
Used car salespeople are more scrupulous. Especially the commercial RE types can exhibit some of the worst & lowest form of human ethics & behavior. And the car salespeople or regular RE agents aren't the cause of the sewage, it's the bosses, owners.
She wanted me to live her dreams of being a cantankerous boy mom who disrespected her kind husband and spat on everyone.
I think I'm cracking up to be the opposite and I hope X will.
Everything must go
But slaves are banned from ownership and driving...
World tyranny...order.
Come all!!
We're practically GIVING them away!!