when everything feels shitty i do the one thing i got
i share my comics freely. last time i did it was during the early days of covid and since this is what i do best it's my way of trying to help people escape a bit.
so here, download link to pdfs of all of sunstone so far, and some other comics
when everything feels shitty i do the one thing i got
i share my comics freely. last time i did it was during the early days of covid and since this is what i do best it's my way of trying to help people escape a bit.
so here, download link to pdfs of all of sunstone so far, and some other comics
Eager to have more of your comics in papel. I buy them as soon as I can
And it's pretty cool you've share these!
Love your work!
But that way I get an easy Backup of my HC of Sunstone that arrived y‘day 🤣 and I can point very probable future admirers to have a „sample“ read
Great human-ing on your part though.
Never lose hope or stop creating.
We appreciate all that you do.
A good deed of kindness and caring always helps in this world of ours, especially in times like these.
Veselim se već
Achilles Shieldmaidens - Post-invasion mecha idols
Queen and Woodborn - Slavic fairy tale
Death Vigil - Supernatural Action with Elder Gods
Come for the titties, stay for the comedy and the expertly-crafted emotional gutpjnches
Sunstone: BDSM slice of life
Fine Print: Supernatural interaction between representations of Love and Lust and the mortals caught between them
free to download and free to read. mind you if the download doesn't work it may be a bandwidth limit reached for the day, it does reset tho!
warning, some of the comics deal with sexual themes and are mature stories about absolute dumbasses
mature ones are sunstone and fine print.
others are
tspe stories
so anyways, here's the link. enjoy!
Thanks for this!
I've been following since these beloved characters were just concepts on DeviantArt. It's amazing to see where you've been to where you are.
More gayness for you to enjoy if you liked the lesbian motor cycle manga!!!
Thank you so much for all.
Thank you for being you. <3
Keep up the good work, been a fan for ages now. ❤️
(i did ask you first on DeviantArt!)
I got them already but i know some people who would have loved to read them but not had the money to buy them.
love your work
Now I've got all of Sunstone in glorious hardback, Fine Print, and Queen and the Woodborn.