Who's your favourite philosopher and why? Mine is this guy, Albert Camus. His call to rebel against the meaningless of life and to live it fully as an act of defiance against rational nihilism, ticks a lot of boxes for me. Who's yours?
― Martin Heidegger
It is only ever useful when resources are very scant and finite. But our economic system treats them as infinite.
One of the very few who actually put his money (and his life!) where his mouth was.
'...even a characteristic such as altruism may have evolved through natural selection...'
Bruce Lee
"We must consider Sisyphos a lucky man."
Hope is a risky fuel. "Defiance is the will that creates itself." (F. Dostojewskij)
It's the unpissable fire.
(You already know that about myself, sry.)
Responsibility is a heavy weight to carry, but nonetheless the fate of us mortals. Camus, a voice of humanity, of humility, proclaiming an ethic centered around the proud will to extend hands to others: unbound, unbroken.
"Once crime was as solitary as a cry of protest; now it is as universal as science. Yesterday it was put on trial; today it determines the law."
It would be hard to sum up current trends better that that.
I go to Spinoza. Always subversive, a true believer in the (Groucho) Marxist theory of not wanting to be part of a club that would have you as a member.
He always maintained that he was a writer, not a philosopher, and I will defend that to my last dying breath.
or Calvin and Hobbes. Obvs!
Satchel Page,
Bob Dylan,
Partly because of the puns on the name.
Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.
*For authenticity you have to slur sloshed as well.