One hundred percent. Their lack of any kind of meaningful pushback against literal and actual fascists, a billionaire neo-nazi fucking with people’s lives, really does demonstrate just how little they care. At this point, they’re complicit. If they wanted to do something, they would’ve.
Yeah that’s like 80% of the Onions stuff now. It makes me actually wonder if they have enough of a clue on what’s happening to even make satire content anymore. Some of its really funny, but stuff like this is just too on the nose to not be annoying rather than comical
This would be funny if it weren't true. The old guard Democrats would rather have a Republican win every election than a progressive Democrat. They haven't served you for decades.
A 4-year-old boy approaching a military post in the security zone along the Gaza border was found and fed and returned home. In a conversation with the IDF soldiers, the child said he had been sent to the post by Hamas. Maybe supporting jihad isn’t working out so well.
I agree with the coward part. But, Dems do care about the well-being of Americans. Whereas, Trump only cares about stuffing as much of Americans money into HIS pockets as possible.
Democrats are sick of being blamed for the stupidity of the American electorate and the cowardice of the MAJORITY party ie Republicans. The real problem is MAGA voters don't want to look in the mirror and take responsibility for their votes.
I think the majority of democrat politicians secretly agree with most of everything that trump & co are doing, maybe not to the extent it's happening but figure it can be tweaked later.
So many of the Democrats have proven to be next to useless in this existential fight.
Also, anyone here who voted Republican/Green/Libertarian/whatever, or didn't vote at all, can fuck all the way off.
Too many old millionaires and now billionaires in our Congress and Executive Branch. They are out of touch and little or no energy to fight for what’s right for the people.
Schumer 100%.
And it sucks how true it is
Chuck Schumer unfortunately has permanent 💰🪼 spine. I think he will announce by midterms that will be replacing him.
"I'm tired of hiding, I just want to retire" -Chuck
Where is America's choice?
Go Bernie!
#PoliticsAsUsual #DemsDoingNothing #TheOnion
Also, anyone here who voted Republican/Green/Libertarian/whatever, or didn't vote at all, can fuck all the way off.
Yeah, that just about sums up the democratic representation lately.
About as fucking useful a sandpaper thong.
This post is not funny because it is true.
- Oligarchy.
- Wealthy buying elections.
- Gaza.