"Maybe I’m being totally paranoid, but sometimes I’ll pull up at a stop sign and notice people staring at me and laughing, and I could swear they’re saying mean things about me under their breath. Is that insane?"
Old: Motorcycle, Camaro
New: Cybertruck
I didn't think the onion would ever spread misinformation, but here we are i guess...
You would look more prescient if you just reposted the initial article.
Fuck Elon BTW.
They were saying those things all along...
Now it's just gotten even worse!!
Elon's hair plugs are even stronger that this truck.
There is cope, and then there is whatever the hell this is...
If the driver sees me so much the better. 🤣
That last part would explain a lot…
(and that’s okay, but also true)
It’s not the Cybertruck’s fault it is an abomination created by an egotistical manchild. Maybe it needs a support group with Frankenstein’s monster.
Excellent. *chef kiss*