My wife raved about how much she loves guacamole...but then acted all disappointed when I gave her some for her birthday. I really do not understand women.
I usually suggest fun trips she can take with her bestie. One year they did a girls weekend at Disney. That plus a fun customized gift from Etsy usually gets high marks.
Honest response: schedule a spa day or something she wants to (alone) for her. The important part is scheduling it. A gift card will sit a drawer and never get used.
one of my go-tos is to make a packet of "coupons" for my SO to use over the year with goofy things like "No questions asked!" so that she can basically get whatever she wants from me at any point over the year.
My wife's birthday is less than a week after Christmas so we usually just do regular Christmas gifts then I take her shopping for her birthday cause I'm fully out of ideas at that point
i don't know if she's into them but my partner got me a massage series last year and it was super thoughtful and appreciated. experiences/time are valuable for everybody, especially busy people.
My wife and I gave up on this problem years ago. These days we just find a few minutes before birthdays and holidays where we do some collaborative shopping. We both just get what we want, while it still involving the other person.
My oldest hit teenager last year and now he gets to come up with ideas and have fun with it. 4 more years and I gotta think up stuff again…
Thank me later.