My honours thesis has been included in here! Would be keen for your story to include some tips for authors who have been affected about appropriate next steps!
Would be happy to talk Josh. Raging to see this happen again after it happened to my books in 2023 and spoke up at the time and 2 years later the government has done precisely nothing.
Most academics will have their papers present in there (21 of mine) but I'm kinda used to having my work ripped off by academic publishers already, this seems more egregious for book authors
I get the hypocrisy argument you are making...I've heard people make the argument that reading in and of itself is no different from what this is doing to build its own intelligence but I can also understand the anger around it.
While "millions" sounds like a lot, it has resulted in a very sketchy coverage of science. In my field (biomedicine), perhaps 1%. Don't use it for medical advice!
I have one article in the database; published in 2010. I'd be happy to talk about it, although I think my thoughts on the matter would pale beside those with dozens or hundreds of works stolen. - you have 62 works listed in LibGen.