One account said something like “if I don’t get 100,000 followers by the end of the week then….” (I don’t remember what would happen cause I stopped giving a fuck.)
Just make good content! Then people will follow you.
Well. I am not a huge poster except in comments. I like to like what I like. If someone posts something inspiring or funny I like to repost. Is that bad? Started posting on Twitter and everything fell into a black hole. Post shy😎
And can you add to please stop offering me millions of dollars in my DMs and that a sugar daddy isn’t needed. I mean for goodness sakes, my animus a damn dirty ball-less dog named Rip!
"Please follow me back!!!1" No, post something that makes me *want* to follow you.
I'm not following someone who posts once every 4 months and when they do its a picture of their infected toenail *just because* they followed me cause I posted a meme that made them chuckle fuck off lmao
What's the big deal about having lots of "followers" here or on twitter? I get it if you're already famous, but what's in it for ordinary people?
Are followers like your "Disciples"? Is it a Jesus vibe?
when my posts get likes it pings the dopamine receptors in my brain. other than that there's a possibility of making friends online, and an ability to share things with others. following back automatically doesn't cause much authentic engagement though
Yep, I get likes and engagement. I even get followers on shared topics of interest. What I don't get is the needy follower farming. I'm obviously missing something.
on X i simply quit following people because they were always fkg with it. one day i'd get 10 followers & next day they were removed. i am just here to commune, i don't care how many followers i get & i probably won't follow back. unless followers = $, i don't bother with it. no offense to anyone.
I hear you, and that's your opinion, but, a polite request to follow back or repost is fine. Let's not deny people the opportunity to grow their followers in a respectful manner. Don't "post shame," please.
I didn't post a single thing and I ENCOURAGE people to not follow me in my bio, and yet I keep getting random follows 💀 begging for them seems weird to me
I made my way onto someone’s list and the increase in follower count scared the shit out of me. Idk why people want to be popular so bad, just feels like pressure to me
oh hell naw I won't do it
Repost if you agree.
And like if you've read this, otherwise you're a terrible person.
One account said something like “if I don’t get 100,000 followers by the end of the week then….” (I don’t remember what would happen cause I stopped giving a fuck.)
Just make good content! Then people will follow you.
It makes life so much calmer that way.
(Am I doing that right?)
I just demand back a Go Birds
"Please follow me back!!!1" No, post something that makes me *want* to follow you.
I'm not following someone who posts once every 4 months and when they do its a picture of their infected toenail *just because* they followed me cause I posted a meme that made them chuckle fuck off lmao
Are followers like your "Disciples"? Is it a Jesus vibe?
Can you FB?
Just sayin.
please have some self respect first