Son: Are we better off now?
Dad: Well son, mom & dad have both lost their jobs. Our savings are gone, gas & grocery prices are up. We did, however, save you from drag queen story time.
Son: What's that?
Dad: A mythical thing they said was happening in your school, which we can't afford anymore.
Dad: Well son, mom & dad have both lost their jobs. Our savings are gone, gas & grocery prices are up. We did, however, save you from drag queen story time.
Son: What's that?
Dad: A mythical thing they said was happening in your school, which we can't afford anymore.
Trixie Mattel running the white house.
Especially angry with the ones who encouraged their constituents not to vote because of a single issue.
Next they'll want to force your kids to learn arithmetic, a subversive commie plot to control your children's minds with...numbers!
Go figure.
now put that there lotion 🧴 in the basket. 🧺
for anyone that forgot to install the sarcasm font today.
I heard you can go to school and come back a girl...
or a boy if you are a girl...
or a dog, if you are a cat...oh wait the dog cat thing was something else...
Son: Dad, You are a fucking idiot...
We at Your Child's Underfunded Public School are pleased to announce that the basement storage room, which once held seasonal decorations and and a moldy mascot costume, has been converted into a full surgical suite.
Sex change operations will now be possible every second Friday...
We are also adding seven members to our staff, including surgery, anesthesiology, and internal medicine residents...
-Thank you, Dad…(coughing)
Say HELLO to higher Taxes.
When discussing who to vote for, a female maga co-worker of mine was in tears from fear of being raped by a transgender in a restroom.
They operate on fear and feelings.
Facts, logic and reasoning aren’t in the picture.
I will never vote for either genocidal bourgeoisie democracy party
maga's strong connection with russia = woke v unwoke
I believe in you, my friends – together, we can make this happen today🫂
This will ensure my family has food on their fasting day. Your support will mean everything💜
Please donate here🙏🏼
Son: Thanks dad. You know everything.
Take America back to when Americans had to scramble just to survive, and they'll fight each other for low-paying jobs at Hellhole factories rather than starve
1880s all over again
Thank you Mr president
Good times.
He was the biggest kid in the class and was threatening to hit me.
Dropped him like a sack of potatoes. 🤣
Didn't care that he was threatening me.
But all I could think was: damn, that's very effective.
So, when I got into a fight with a guy in HS, I remembered. But it wasn't a kick. I grabbed and squeezed with everything I had. Teacher
The nurse can't even give my daughter ibuprophen without me filling out and signing a form.
Is this just crap they make up when they are high?
No, they can't figure it out.
The worst part is they believe parents would choose to terminate a live birth. Maybe because they would choose to terminate an “imperfect” child, given the opportunity.
Makes me ill.
Dad: On the plus side, I did just find a Goose that lays real Golden Eggs!
Mom: That's great Hon, trade it in for a couple of regular egg laying Chickens. We'll make more money that way!
Dad: A least he got raped by someone we can instantly forgive & not a "Trans" or "illegal".
Good thing we put ALL of our efforts there despite them committing almost none of the US's child sex crimes vs the 80% committed by white, conservative, males.
You might think about getting a couple more roommates to afford that apartment now too.
For our retirement plan, Your mom and I plan on taking a bunch of fentanyl when we get too sick and old to just die on the streets.
Resist my friend. Resist
I hope they can regroup and keep a coherent single purpose message. Diversity comes AfTEr the win..
Now that public schools are shut down.
I said, "I call bullshit. What school?" And he blocked me.
Fucking hillbillies man. Not saying you're one, but they're out there.
They talk about "Oh, facts don't care about your feelings" but they never actually care about facts, and are fueled entirely by feelings of hate and rage.
Guy was an obvious idiot, but he's not the only one claiming this idiocy.
Complete sadness
The only documented instance of cat litter in schools in the US was for the kids to use if there was an active shooter.
Yeah. Worry about pronouns but mass slaughter at their desks? Nah. Just thoughts and prayers.
If people hear something crazy enough times it just seems to take.
Oh yeah? Which friend?
*suddenly blocked*
I’m also realizing how these layoffs will affect every single one of us, we might not think anything changes until you need it.
Like a wrecking ball.
Don’t even feel safe flying anymore.
Also your dog and the cat won’t be eaten by migrants.
Mexico didn’t pay for the wall, but what about Canada?
Remove money from politics—ban corporate PAC donations and limit individual contributions to presidential, Senate, and congressional candidates to a maximum of $100,000.
Impose a term limit of 3 terms for Senators.
Impose a term limit of 5 terms for members of Congress
That kid doesn’t have to go to school with those imaginary kids using litters boxes anymore and the disappearing caravan stopped all the pets
I raised two amazing kids and looked forward to my grandma days. I’m blessed to have ONE. I’m hurt there won’t be anymore because my kids refuse to bring more kids into this world because they fear exactly this+the future💔
Republicans don’t want a future, they want money, now.
But then America will be full of Maggots, Muskrats and Trumpshites, cause these people have no problem breeding like rabbits.
Dad: A really cool fun thing that you would have loved, but now you get to learn The Ten Commandments.
🎯 the Gilded Age versus the “Golden Age” 👈This should scare the shit out of everyone
🎯 messaging around #Robberbarons2025
🎯 election protection strategy now!
There's a very real cost to not learning, and not knowing.
Isn’t it really middle aged, white, conservatives that are caught with underaged kids?
NOT drag queens!
UNeducated more likely.
Why does this administration going so hard after less than one percent of our population?
The veteran guy was there with his wife & daughter & her …
He saved dozens & dozens of lives ..
The memorial of flowers & signs along Academy was heartbreaking
My regular job got so slow, I had to go work for Corporate Lawyers, then Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Lawyers.
1 freeze your credit
2 see your doctor/vaccines
3 renew your passport
4 ask doctor for three months supply of meds
5 update your sexual orientation in medical be ambiguous
6 shop local
7 stay informed
8 stay hydrated
9 help others
10 download your SSA statements
It is PAST time to Impeach and Arrest ALL of the GOP traitors in ALL branches of government.
WE are in control.
Nothing can happen without our support (be it tacit or complacent or enthusiastic).
This is OUR country. A melting pot of ideas that make a life supportive stew!
We are the 4th branch of government.
April 25th Arbor day
Occupy federal spaces.
Dad: Well, son. Mom & Dad helped burn the country down. We did, however, own the libs.
Son- you mean the one where the pastor has a 20,000sf house and 4 jets?
Or the one with the limo & all the bizarre shows made for tv ?
Or the one where the pastor said “god sent Hitler to fulfill his will..”
Or the Catholic Church with the pedo priest
The word "church" was never referring to a fake building.
Anyone that doesn't stay out of them will die soon.
Anyone that doesn't stay out of ANY religious institution chooses to go directly against God and be served God's wrath with the wicked.