Lie about it until it doesn't matter any more. As the man himself said about the Obama Birth Certificate issue, he no longer cared about what was real and what wasn't because it no longer mattered, he'd levelled up.
Since Russian sources may have access via Signal, it's possible they intercepted any discussions within the Administration regarding the conflict in Ukraine (among others). "Get a peace deal within 24 hours" undermined by their own messages?
100% They are not even smart enough to know the best way to make an issue a non-issue. If you tell the truth, demonstrate that you take the matter seriously, take some action it's s much easier than 12 people lying, all telling different stories.
Under normal circumstances, I would say that by now every staffer in the Whitehouse and depts will have deleted their signal chats. They are colossaly stupid and arrogant though. You need to find those 2 or 3 that did screen shots as future insurance. Flip them and the gold mine is yours.....
Just when I think I'm maxed out on being embarrassed by the buffoon and his regime, they once again prove that, "Oh, no! We haven't reached our full embarrassment potential yet!"
Jeffrey Goldberg stated that he still has more information from that Signal chat. He contacted the White House asking if it was ok to release the information. White House said that are sensitive information and can't be released. So, there is that.
Trump is saying nothing bad happened because he wants to protect his ego. The press secretary is saying it was a hoax to downplay the issue and make people stop talking about it. If either of these were the case, there'd be nothing to investigate or prosecute. So, why are they investigating?
Absolutely DISGUSTED with the way Felon47 and his top echelon Cabinet members are minimizing, obfuscating, and bold face lying about this gargantuan breach of security. The literal criminals are in charge, and Congressional Republicans MUST hold them accountable or our republic is doomed.🤯🤬🤯
Or chats fr many other sources. Most correct in suspicion fr anyone w/2 working neurons.The real Q is: What Doesnt Russia,China,Iran know. Its what they,US enemies, have and do know,that US doesnt bc they’re the most corrupt,laziest,stupidest,
cowardly dtRumpublican
2. Admn. of the physically & intellectually lazy-least read-willfully ignorant of US & World History,our convicted felon(34 counts)-delusional-breaker of every oath he’s ever taken-turd-orange makeup wearing clown-dTrump#47.
I’ve thought about it. However signal tells others when you add someone to the chat. I don’t know how they missed and didn’t question that extra person being added.
I'm sure the Russians or Chinese will have a permanent record of these self-deleting chats discussing highly-classified US 'intelligence'. Maybe we should ask them if we can take a look? 🤷♀️
I'm not even sure it's kompromat any more... I'm beginning to think he genuinely believes that they are mates. The level of stupidity on display is terrifying.
Fun to speculate, but I'm not sure anything would bother him, or his voters, enough. It's probably a mix of things, but i think that 'stupid' is a bigger part than I initially thought.
I don't think that would touch him now. I don't think he'd lose a single vote. It would have to be much worse. Still, it's not as if he organised teenage beauty pageants or anything... oh...
They’re frantically deleting them ahead of the judges orders to keep them. The judges are all complicit. Note how the judge specified THAT one chat, not ALL of their SIGNAL chats.
Signal chats are deleted after 5 days.
All signal chats by govt staff are illegal in themselves, and indicative of a presumption of criminals behaviour by the members on the chat.
The fact they added a journo is just proof they are doing it. Doesn't matter what was said.
Nothing is actually deleted. The tag is only removed so it disappears from view...similar in the way deleted files on a storage device works.
Signal chats operate in the same manner, although through an encryption key stored in a hidden folder in Root. Once you get the key, you can retrieve them.
I'm 100% certain that they have been doing this all along. I am also pretty sure that there have been more breaches, there is no way possible that no one has attempted to spoof them. It's only a matter of time before Anonymous and other groups start posting proof.
Definitely.... wonder what little planning sessions they've had on Signal, subverting public records laws and keeping the sad details of their interactions from us.
Then, I would think that Gov issued phones for diplomats have security package. Russian envoy was reported to be using his personal phone while in the Kremlin!!
Whoever owns the app code has full control over it, so no app is 100% secure. For example, I could create exceptions in the code that are hidden from users. For example, I could provide certain users with a version of the app that does not provide end-to-end encryption when they log in.
Truth!! Especially when they approved Signal last month. And then the Pentagon put out a warning about Signal on 3/18. This warning didn't even scare these geniuses.
You can delete any of your messages at any time, on Signal. You do not have to wait for them to disappear after a certain time as set (by default or) within a chat group..
The issue is that the empire is bombing the fuck out of Yemen for heroically TRYING, despite a “5 year old girl vs 80's Mike Tyson” level of power disparity, to stop the US and its psycho vassal from finishing an act of genocide against Palestine ..NOT "oh no someone gave away our secret evil plans"
Look at Witkoff's defense. He stated he didn't reply until later because he didn't have access to his personal phone... Yeah. That's an admission. He was invited to that chat on his PERSONAL PHONE.
He didn't reply on his government phone, which doesn't mean he didn't read the messages on his government phone. He wasn't relaying secret info, just reading it. The govt phone is supposed to be more secure... but is it?
As Trump says "this isn't classified information, wasn't classified" and drifts off into mumbling...
You can hear him thinking " good thing we didn't leak Monday's dumpster-fire".
Yup, they will never tell the truth, maybe because Trump cut his teeth on advise from Roy Cohen,
Who famously advised Trump to NEVER admit being wrong, or admit guilt. Just lie.
All the rest fall in line as Birds of a feather that flock and lie together.
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...
I cant find the thread , but not only is signal not pre installed on computers, it is however suggested for use by these malevolent monsters because it is harder to keep record of this is why all the c---- use it with abandon. God knows what has already been discussed (and inadvertently shared
This right here. Everyone on that thread *knew* at a minimum that it was inappropriate to be discussing this on Signal and should have known it was illegal yet NOT ONE of them was like ‘dude why are you texting me here’.
This was not their first rodeo chatting outside of a SCIF
Nor will we ever see them given the high probability they were pre-programmed to be deleted. That is a likely explanation for their use of Signal in the first place -- i.e., evading the preservation requirements of the Presidential Records Act.
Depends on exactly how signal is set up. It's entirely possible either their phones or signal servers still have at least partial data. When you delete something on a smart phone or PC, it's not actually deleted until the device writes new information over it, it just becomes harder to pull back up.
The lies are really not relevant, the point is to show that they CAN lie and, no matter how blatant the lying is, the GOP congress will do nothing. That way the precedent is set for the next even worse acts, and so and and so forth we go. This is all being done on purpose.
Their hand-picked Supreme Court nominees -- supposed to be the most distinguished and honorable of people, lied repeatedly under oath -- why should we expect mere politicians for this regime to be more truthful.
I suspect that everyone’s phones records have been edited.
Like secret service did for the J6 records.
Put clowns in charge and you get a clown show.
I mean. It didn't go unnoticed .
cowardly dtRumpublican
(Not that you’re supposing that I’m just saying the caution reasonable people have to show is exhausting sometimes, even though I understand it)
dictator donny
ALL of his information
to go to
It's what Kompromat is all about
All signal chats by govt staff are illegal in themselves, and indicative of a presumption of criminals behaviour by the members on the chat.
The fact they added a journo is just proof they are doing it. Doesn't matter what was said.
Signal chats operate in the same manner, although through an encryption key stored in a hidden folder in Root. Once you get the key, you can retrieve them.
Isn’t it a crime to try to subvert record keeping laws?
The GOP responses in public indicate this crap is their standard process!
They are not following even the most basic security procedures!
It is not clear they recognize they SHOULD have some security procedures in place.
And - it’s all part of Project 2025 ⬇️
Using Signal avoids accountability.
Then, I would think that Gov issued phones for diplomats have security package. Russian envoy was reported to be using his personal phone while in the Kremlin!!
they've auto deleted.
The ENTIRE point of the signal app.
Leave no evidence.
As Trump says "this isn't classified information, wasn't classified" and drifts off into mumbling...
You can hear him thinking " good thing we didn't leak Monday's dumpster-fire".
Who famously advised Trump to NEVER admit being wrong, or admit guilt. Just lie.
All the rest fall in line as Birds of a feather that flock and lie together.
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...
This was not their first rodeo chatting outside of a SCIF