We used to have a food truck here that would sell a Crazy Dog. It had chow and coleslaw on it. I never really cared for either of those things before but together it was amazing.
Either just ketchup and onion, or Sonic’s chili from the Sonic cookbook. For it to be his main meal, that hedgehog does know how to do a mean chili dog.
This was my dinner.
Chopped onion
But, and this is key:
Deep fry the hot dog.
So, as a Discordian, I'm not allowed Hot Dog Buns.
But I'm also a Discordian Pope. So I can do whatever I want anyway.
If im feeling wild maybe so mustard on the side.
I want no bean chilli, cheese, and onions.
Thank you!
Youre a blessing!!
Fuck I'm hungry now.
Had one of these all 4 days of Fanime this year.
Preferably here:
- red hot dog
- top-split bun
- ideality top with ketchup & chopped onion
a chicago dog
Shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Dill relish
Beef Chili. The low quality stuff from a can.