It's a Cervical Range of Motion assessment tool for checking how far people with neck issues can turn their heads. North being the turn direction. (For those with no time to look it up, but with a sudden burning desire to know things immediately.)
CROM 3 is a good sequel but is can still stand alone. No need to see CROM or CROM 2 (but you *will* enjoy CROM 3 more if you’re caught up on the preceding CROMs).
The CROM has set the standard for cervical range of motion measurements. The CROM 3, the next generation of measurement instruments, utilizes a ball technology that makes the CROM 3 easier to read and easier to use.
The CROM 3, like the CROM, is located to anatomical landmarks with inclinometers zer
It's like a Clive Barker fever dream.
The CROM 3, like the CROM, is located to anatomical landmarks with inclinometers zer