it is genuinely so hideous that men see sex as some sort of reward that women should be granting for good behavior, regardless of their own interest or desires. you need to uncouple these things in your mind immediately
Reposted from
rax ‘levon honkers’ king
Excuse me, I was a good boy today and I should get a gold star for not punching my wife/girlfriend again.
Thank you
Still it’s loaded with this absolute sexist nonsense.
Sorry. I don't get out much.
Also I’m constantly struck by how though these guys may be constantly thirsty, the idea that every decent man wants sex from
Every random Who might offer it is wildly incorrect. Some are in committed relationships or gay or simply uninterested.
"First you must...then you must..."
What a fucking twatwaffle
but there’s also 5% willful ignorance about how different the consequences of sex are for women vs men in terms of pregnancy/infection/pain/reputation/vulnerability
like, what do you want from me
am I supposed to have sex with all the men or none of the men or is there a magic number or how does this work
A) women who reward every non-trash action with immediate sex
B) women who stay celibate for the man's eventual marriage selection
Of ‘giving men sex’ is cursed. I don’t care if you get sex.
And I want a lot more than crappy sex with some guy who did one nice thing
Social platforms full of weirdos who *do* select for it makes it appear that’s not the case
"we need an Andrew Tate of the left"
I swear we aren't all insane
Be decent, care for your loved one, listen to and heed their needs, and maybe you'll be happier.
If you want to exchange for sex, then you don't want a relationship and you're a terrible partner.
Fly McTaggert beat up a shitload of monsters just on the vaguest possibility his platonic best girl Arlene Sanders was alive (she was). At no point was romance on his mind, just the barest chance of helping Arlene.
Only difference is that they didn't beat up monsters. They were them.
If I were a woman, I'd have trust issues as intense as some veterans have PTSD.
Motherfuckers have zero valid excuses.
All of that was disgusting but oof