Horrifying breaking news out of Texas:
Maybe Bezos' X wife?
There was a 56% rise in maternal mortality in the state of Texas from the year 2019 to 2022. (https://Texasstandard.org, Sep 24, 2024)
She's going to need a lot of help!!
Does that mean a guy who jacks-off is a murdering
Oh yeah… still TOO dramatic?
Your oppression is their profession.
"Texas leads the nation in the number of executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976."
unless its female.
Please do society a favor and take a long walk off a short pier. Dumb bitch.
That’s why the DA in that district declined to prosecute.
Sometimes I hate this state.
Wake Up, America!!
Governed by the Taliban...
Hard NO!
Republicans are domestic terrorists.
It ends safe abortion.
Texas executed 5 people in 2024. The death penalty negates life being sacred.
If life actually was sacred in Texas, everyone would have healthcare, there would be maternity leave and affordable childcare, and refugees at the border would be welcomed.
Fuck Texas.
health and well being
There are 19 states in the US that allow non-physicians (incl. midwives) to perform either medical or procedural abortions.
1 https://aptoolkit.org/advancing-scope-of-practice-to-include-abortion-care/state-abortion-laws-and-their-relationship-to-scope-of-practice/#:~:text=Nevertheless%2C%20in%20nearly%20one%2Dthird,state%20Attorney%20General%2C%20a%20regulatory
2 https://www.cga.ct.gov/2022/rpt/pdf/2022-R-0167.pdf
Follow the Texas Tribune or similar for more truthful and honest coverage on this story.
But hey, let’s put time and money into prosecuting people for abortions when you don’t give a fuck about them OR their baby after birth…
Stop Trump.
Stop Evil Christian Nationalists
Stop MAGA.
Stop Fascists.
Stop Autocrats and Oligarchs.
... in order to...
Save the U.S.A.
Save the Rule of Law
Save democracy
Save YOUR Medicare and Social Security
Save marginalized citizens
Save the Affordable Care Act
It's sickening to see how intentional it all is.
You get what you vote for.
Is there a Gofundme I can support for this midwife?
Conservatives to born baby: You're on your own!
Roe v Wade had saved us from the horrors of back alley abortions.
Women are dying as we revert to the dark ages.
Not that Greg Abbott’s office is trustworthy by any measure.
Is he lying about her not having license? (I mean that does seem like something he’d do.)
And make sure they know why.
FedEx, American Airlines, and Kimberly-Clark come to mind right off the top of my head.
Those fuckers want to take us back to the Dark Ages.
but early abortion doesn't require medical training, let alone CNM training
They wouldn't be doing it if it hadn't been made illegal. This is exactly the kind of thing that happened before abortions were legal and broadly available.
Abortion is medical care. They were providing abortion services. Therefore, to the state of Texas, they were providing unlicensed (because it can’t be licensed) care.
So it doesn’t matter. Women need this care. Someone has to provide it.
You just point out that there are no places to access care in Texas, which endangers ALL WOMEN and leave it at that.
If lived in Texas and felt this was urgent I would simply take the time to look up their board of healing arts and confirm it for myself, but since this is a social media app and I’m not impacted I decided to ask here.
You should look into the times before Roe. It can be done responsibly and safely. Wait until you hear the whole story before you pass judgement.
Some of the people who provided safe abortions before Roe were absolute heroes.
Though since this is Paxton I’m neither going to take at face value that they weren’t nor that they lied to patients about not being licensed.
Abortions are effectively illegal in Texas. The people who went to her would have gone to a clinic if they could. My assumption would be that they knew they were going outside of the established system.
This is just what happens. Its exactly what as predicted.
Whether or not it is "good" is a moot question. Its obviously not good. What would be good is if they could just go to a doctor and get an abortion. They can't be licensed because they're providing abortion services.
Even a licensed doctor could exploit these women. It happened before.
When you're outside the law, a license doesn't matter in the least.
-Judge Roy Bean