It costs far more to hold people at Gitmo than to hold them in the US, even ignoring the flight.
It's just theater to rationalize making this war and diverting all our NatSec resources chasing non-criminal brown people.
It's just theater to rationalize making this war and diverting all our NatSec resources chasing non-criminal brown people.
Reposted from
Jordan Fischer
In a new filing today, the government says 51 of the 178 undocumented migrants transported to Guantanamo Bay so far have been designated "low-threat."
President Trump said Guantanamo would be used to hold the "worst criminal aliens" threatening the U.S.
President Trump said Guantanamo would be used to hold the "worst criminal aliens" threatening the U.S.
-Guantanamo isn’t the place for undocumented immigrants. It is for people who want to overthrow our government.
Trump promised his WHITE and faux WHITE crowd to beat the fuck out of the world and Trumps crowd said YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Did Trump say he was going to save MAGA. NOPE
Did Trump promise to do things FOR MAGA that he was not going to […]