28% of people in Stefanik's district rely on Medicaid. There's no reason to expect her replacement vote will be close. But it could be CLOSER if she ends up getting Medicaid cuts across the line.
It'll be interesting to watch their reaction as some of them suffer as a result of their own choices.
Save Ukraine Foreign AID
Save Medicaid
Save Women’s Cancer Treatment
Save Young Adults Insulin
Elderly Nursing Home
Save End Stage
Renal Failure Dialysis
Vote Democrats April 1st
BTW 28% is just a little more than the 23% of all Americans with Medicaid.
That said, if the GOP is delaying Stefanik that gives @blakegendebien.bsky.social some time to work with.
and congressional district
which has a useless Republican tool as it's Representative in the House and who will vote to cut Medicaid today
Almost half of them have already been outraged over $6 insulin went up to $80. already pissed...
This is on top of the 15K at Fort Drum and the 3K military retirees.
Resentment, yes, but local economy will be crushed.
sadly, the rest of us will go down the toilet with them