Dan saw a lot of news happen in his career as a news anchor. But now people don't listen to men like him; they listen to "influencers", loud-mouthed, know-nothing ranters. No wonder there is an upsurge in ignorance.
Trump, the petulant man boy, doesn’t care… This is all his doing and all for revenge…Neither do the clowns in his circus known as his Republican administration, including Elon…
And he has the support of his base of uneducated Republican supporters… Each day I get a better understanding of why they’re so uneducated…because blind stupidity can’t be fixed!
I’m 73 yo Australian and that is an accurate assessment. I was a small child when Eisenhower was President. We have contributed to every American military campaign since WW2. We have never doubted the US alliance but this president has trashed ANZUS, the Five Eyes & jeopardised the AUKUS sub deal.
Six weeks into the Trump presidency, and we’ve already hit world-record levels of corruption. Not even a subtle kind, either, this is corruption with a fireworks display, a marching band, and an overpriced VIP section at Mar-a-Lago. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/the-most-corrupt-administration-in
Senators, are you aware? A cemetery has removed links to "Notable Graves" of Black, Hispanic, and female veterans, per The Washington Post, as part of a review to align with administration policies.
Last time it was also a fat bastard as president. Herbert Hoover : the guy who helped Hitler and Tojo take over Germany and Japan... and the rest is history.
Can some damn news organization bring Dan Rather back as at least a regular contributor?? Decades of experience going to waste that we badly need right now
US has always been these things it just offered more carrot than stick to the far reaches of your empire.I think your debt situation is making it hard to offer carrots.You are having to turn against your "electorate" to tighten your belt.What's shocking is how little effort is being done to hide it.
Dan Rather has been on the scene for a very long time. I remember when he took over for Walter Cronkite. During a press conference, Nixon said, "Are you running for something Mr. Rather?" His response,"No, Mr. President,are you".
From someone not from America, it's always been seen this way in most of the rest of the world. It's just obvious now to Americans cos it's affecting the middle classes. Ask most of your minorities or your poor. Time to start reading Marx again.
It’s becoming the pariah of the free world. None of the western democracies trust America and why should they? It’s run by a completely deranged lunatic.
Morally and financially bankrupting the country. How are the criminal and the leech in charge? None of what these two do is legal. To be added to Global Human Rights Watchlist over declining civi liberties is mind blowing.
If only the Founders had built-in a failsafe to remove an incompetent and corrupt President, or if only Congress had later added a way for the Cabinet to do so. And if only both Congress and the Cabinet were not too corrupt, cultish, or cowardly to use those failsafes.
The USA is governed by unsteady, adrift, corrupt, incompetent politicians aligned with needs of Russian take over of USA.
USA lost election to a rigged system devoted to wealthiest Americans not most American needs.
If I were President I would have paid off USA debt.
Pay taxes on my holdings day 1.
We're may have to join sides w/magahats believe it or not.
Bill Mahher made the point he's also starting class warfare.
There is so much shit that he's starting it truely is chaos.
But if we calm down and come together as a people, he's fucked.
Thats your opinion.
You seem to think only dems are being harmed by Trumps actions.
Thats the type of attitude that keeps dems losing.
No vision.
No comprehension
No action
If/when the economy collapses, many MAGA people will abandon Trump. Not in droves right away, but a trickle effect where he will be neutered. Plus increasingly, courts are siding against him. Then some DC/GOP will finally grow some balls. He's just one stupid fuck, he's not a God or dictator.
How the fuck can he get away with even bragging about it?
Well… Brits who watched Ferris Beuller’s Day Off. 🤣😇
Remember that?!
It's time, pass it on
Now there is nothing.
This clown has shut down The Voice of America!
He had help orchestrating this nightmare. He’s not that clever—-☠️👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
YES !!!!
YEARS !!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
What a sad indictment.
Remove all traitors
Shredding our constitution!!
You haven’t seen anything yet.
Its not that the corruption level changed.
How come he couldn't be the TV personality that won the presidency?
But now the world is terrified you will fuck us up as much as yourselves.
tRump has turned our once respected country into a corrupt to the core third world shithole country. 🤬
USA lost election to a rigged system devoted to wealthiest Americans not most American needs.
If I were President I would have paid off USA debt.
Pay taxes on my holdings day 1.
Its why they call it MAGA
instead of MAHA
Make America Hate Again.
The courts better step up soon or this mess is going to give Trump what he really wants;
Civil war.
Bill Mahher made the point he's also starting class warfare.
There is so much shit that he's starting it truely is chaos.
But if we calm down and come together as a people, he's fucked.
You seem to think only dems are being harmed by Trumps actions.
Thats the type of attitude that keeps dems losing.
No vision.
No comprehension
No action