Accurate, although dismaying analogy. Always be prepared; whether planning an escape from an abusive partner, sailing into stormy gale force winds, a severe winter blizzard, or addressing loose hinges on a door, shutters or neighbour.
When someone is telling you they have ill intent toward you, believe them. Unless you lack survival instinct? Canada needs to prepare themselves to ACT.
We've seen this shitshow before. Trump says something ridiculous to get a rise, then his simps repeat. He talks himself into believing it. Militarily, the US could conquer Canada. However, whether NATO gets involved or not, people on both sides will die.
I think for sovereign self preservation a Canadian independent nuclear weapons program now has to be part of any discussion. Either quickly buying some French Rafale Fighters and ASMP nuclear cruise missiles directly or developing our own deterrent force. This guy is truly unstable and insane.
Possession of overt deliverable Nuclear weapons has been shown to be the greatest deterrent to territorial incursion and hostile threats over the last 80 years. Ukraine is the most salient Canadian example of the threat faced by a peaceful non nuclear power next to a hostile nuclear super power.
Yes and part of what is brewing has already begun. The having to be constantly on alert is a mind f*ck in and of itself.
This person has abused your mind with the threat. The choice of having to constantly walk on eggshells or come out swinging at everything is exhausting and it is what they want.
Bill O'Reilly didn't articulate his intent before pushing his wife down a flight of stairs. However, you could tell he was an abusive psycho just from his narcissism and political views.
Plan B options are not that limited, some of them are obvious, not sure any of them are ready for public discussion 😉
But discussion must happen, quickly.
As a Canadian I really see no point to renegotiating any future trade deals with the US. It is now a mafia-run predator who no longer respects the rule of law or honours its word. It would be better to just find other trade partners and reinvest strategically in our domestic industries.
Fact is, Trump is promising he will break the trade treaty *he negotiated in his first term* and *for which he took credit*.
Anyone who thinks he’s negotiating a deal is nuts. He wants surrender, not a deal.
Trump seems to be well aware that Tariffs are gonna hurt US consumers. In a recent interview Trump indicated that couldn’t guarantee Americans would not pay more because of import tariffs.
In my view we'll have to see what Trump actually does when he comes into office. The Canadian gov(s) can lay the ground work for dealing with Trump e.g. making sure the Feds and Provs HAVE A PLAN..... But until he comes into office, we'll just have to wait.
I think this is a plan Trump hatched with Putin during his previous term. The U.S. gets North and Central America, Russia gets Europe. Greenland appears to be a wild card.
Canada/Mexico have such vast and hostile terrain any occupation would make Afghanistan/Vietnam look like a a wellness trip. Meanwhile, Europe can beat Russia twice over even without the US
Still hope it won't happen considering how many unnecessary deaths that would cause
Agree, and add he gets an onanistic thrill from uttering threats and seeing fearful, anxious reactions.
Outrage encourages him to repeat and go further— unless a ‘squirrel’ distracts him.
Mockery? Depends on the source.
usa is and always has been a threat to all civilised peoples of the world. they have throughout their history plundered, invaded and massacred people of land that is not theirs. this should be taken seriously, but if you werent scared of the usa before this you were deluded.
The alternative is to block him completely, ignore everything about him, stop reading media pornography, and increase your guards at the gates to fight him only when he invades your Greenland.
The US is dependent on $40B of heavy oil exports from Canada to feed refineries in the US that can not use the quality of US oil now being produced. The US is not energy independent because of this. This supply is not easily replaced. Canada has a big stick and should be prepared to use it.
That maybe true but I don't think Canada has any spare refinery capacity for dealing with the heavy crude. So what do we do with it? Not the flex you might think it is. We haven't built any new refineries in years due to environmental concerns so it's not like we could monetize the excess.
So we just keep on keepin' on and watch them eat a 25% price increase. "Hello, inflation my old friend..." We need to be down there with PR about the coming impact on gas prices & heating oil, diesel prices & groceries, & then back again with "See? We told you."
I hope that's the result for the states but who knows Trump may just replace it with Russian oil. I wish Canada would supply the domestic market with our own oil. It's really just a pipe dream because we are so integrated with the US. Maybe this will be the start of our breaking away.
As much as anything, it's a pipeline capacity issue. We don't have the east-west pipelines, nor do we have the political will to solve infrastructure issues like that as we saw with the Energy East proposal.
Totally agree. Pipeline East was a real missed opportunity. The Irving's had invested in the St. John refinery to handle the heavy crude and supply the east coast. Just couldn't get it past Quebec so we import oil from the mideast. Makes no sense.
I wish I could be as sanguine as the article author, about this subject. My guess is that The Orange Jesus could, and would, "pacify" Canada simply by slaughtering anyone who dared dispute the annexation. That's how Americans do it, of course.
Perhaps I'm naive, but would the soldiers in the US Army go along with an invasion of Canada? We saw last year the Korean soldiers being unwilling to attack the countrymen, and while the US and Canada are different countries there's not a lot of difference between the people.
I'd bet you that "assisting in the invasion of Canada" would be a more appealing option than "10 to 20 in Leavenworth after the court-martial for 'desertion'", if you were an average U.S. Army foot-soldier.
If I was Canada I would just laugh at him. And give him a good rousing Canadian F off. Just trying to bait and switch for his insane clown posse of nominees.
For instance, instead of "chop you up with a knife", Trump could say "I want to ruin your country like Putin is ruining Ukraine because that just seems like so much fun"
To me and I know many Canadians, Mexicans, Greenlandians / Danes, Panamanians etc we no longer have any respect for the USA and consider the USA no longer a friend. He has successfully ruined all these relationships before even taken the oath! Putins puppet did his job.
It's been discussed that he ran for office because his wife told him to do it or stop talking about it. My fear is that, if he's trying to get her attention now, we might get the same result.
Canada and Greenland between them share the largest Arctic boundaries. Putin lusts to 'own' the Arctic. That's what Felon Drumpf's rage is all about. He's doing Putin's bidding. Again.
It's phonetically easier. There is only one way to pronounce and phonetically spell "Sask". But with "Lich", there are problems. Is it "Litch" or "Lick"?
I rest my case. ;)
So I guess the question remains what does staying away from stairs and hiding knives translate to for Canadians when dealing with the new administration?
Essentially what the Canadian federal and provincial governments are already doing: Lobbying US federal and state politicians, explaining the dire consequences, and preparing plans to impose retaliatory tariff and other actions.
And no immigration responses, just silence, no warning shots sent out to the potential masses that will be heading to Canada? Hopefully something is being done behind the scenes.
Not sure what you mean. Canada is doing a number of things about border security, in response to Trump's idiotic ramblings.
And by Trump's own "logic", the masses heading north to Canada are a US problem, right? He thinks a border must keep people IN, as well as OUT. So keep them IN the US Donald.
In the end, Canada will cut the price of timber and maple syrup exprts to the U.S. by 17% and Trump will spend the next week crowing about how he "won" because he's such a brilliant negotiator... and the talking heads on Fox News and the New York Times will sing his praises for at least two weeks.
First response should be to stop referring to America as "our best friend": it's pathetic. States don't have friends and Canadians should get used to that rather than whining like a the saddest highschool hanger-on (first with Britain, now with America...)
Emphasize the harm he’ll do to the US economy. Governors, MOCs and business leaders will have to break through his stupidity and incompetence to get him to back off. They will have to do it in a way that appeals to his ego. “What a great, smart man you are! Why you’re the biggest genius ever!” 🤢
He wants to see how far he can push people until they push back. He's planning and checking boundaries. ALWAYS, always, up to no good. He has no bottom.
Trump's trolls are frequently trial balloons. It recalls characterizations of the old Soviet Union being like a thief in a hotel checking each door knob.
Since ostensibly serious conservatives seem to be mulling over the resurrection of Manifest Destiny, I would take it very seriously.
You’re wrong, actually. NATO will continue. NATO doesn’t die…trust does. Particularly trust in the USA internationally. What will happen is the other NATO allies will remind the USA to respect the sovereignty of another member nation and ally. And, unified come to Canada’s defence.
You know what Trump knows?? That almost no one it the govt or judiciary has the guts to tell him no or stop him. Will he start a war before they do? Only a fool wouldn’t prepare.
The ghost of Dwight Eisenhower: "millions died and suffered before we could defeat the Axis powers. And now the USA thinks invading a NATO ally is a good idea?!?"
War is horrific. Crawling through shit, blood, decomposing bodies, barbed wire, and mines.
But if he's actively trying to get a bunch of rapists/psychos on your local school board, and you have two weeks to uncover information on crimes he's committed before he can destroy the evidence, those plans can be made in private while focusing on - and publicizing - the ongoing issues.
Should we be calmed by the fact that he always tells his plans to the people first tho? Maybe we should fear more those things that he doesn't admit to first. Follow the bouncing ball much?
I'm in Vancouver, so this has my attention, but even aside from the impact on Canada, Trump is signaling his basic worldview that great powers ought to enforce their unilaterally-designated spheres of influence at gunpoint, which is precisely Putin's position on Ukraine and Xi's position on Taiwan.
Looking for any reason to impose martial law whether it happens from an outside threat or an inside threat doesn't really bother him. He's bound and determined to anger people to a point they take to the streets and then he wins. He has the control he wants.
Not Very Seriously AT ALL #realdonaldtrump w NEVER get to take @Canada he’s making mistakes #joebiden made to take @Syria for their Oil aka GOLAN HEIGHTS, also helping for TAMIM Bin Hamad to send Qatari Gas through @Syria to Europe GAZA 4 NETANYAHU, half of Lebanon.
A pipeline from Qatar through Syria to Europe would push out all US sales of LNG to Europe. It would be cheaper and have lower emissions. That would displace $32B of current sales by the US that is attempting togrow that number materially.
Thank you for your warnings to Canada. But I wish you would have mentioned that #MrPresidentFelon 's cabinet, etc, will follow his instructions or suffer the consequences.
He obviously needs something for the base and he is not about to deliver tax cuts or cheaper groceries - so what can he get for them? Small war would do well - big war probably not.
I mentioned this on a previous post. I feel in my opinion that trump is laying the ground to forcefully expand US influence to the north to give Russia a lane for boots on the ground invasion Across the northern hemisphere. 10 years timeline. He must be impeached again and removed from office.
we all know that DJT wants minerals rights in Canada and Greenland. the answer is not " not for sale" the answer is they will be expensive are you sure you can afford this?
not putting a price on something doesnt mean it is priceless
I have a feeling trump will have to worry about domestic issues before he goes crazy around the world. With all the promises he has made to maga his propaganda will have to concentrate domestically and eventually it will implode.
Canadians will be monitoring closely the discussion unfolding with the Trump Administration. Vic Fedeli, Ontario’s Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, offers important context re: the auto industry and its future.
Plan "B" for Canada should include planning for full-spectrum Canadian resistance to Trump, starting with diplomatic action at NATO and the U.N., then going to full-scale economic retaliation, then to violent resistance to a U.S. invasion and occupation.
sadly, i think these eventualities need to be planned for and gamed out. who'd ever have thought we'd have to do this? a madman, henchmen and traitors abound.
Perhaps the most important thing that the Government of Canada must do, is to prepare Canadian citizens for what is likely to be the most severe national crisis that we have ever encountered. There should be no illusions about this.
"It's 1938, and we're Austria." That may be the situation.
This person has abused your mind with the threat. The choice of having to constantly walk on eggshells or come out swinging at everything is exhausting and it is what they want.
But discussion must happen, quickly.
Anyone who thinks he’s negotiating a deal is nuts. He wants surrender, not a deal.
Canada/Mexico have such vast and hostile terrain any occupation would make Afghanistan/Vietnam look like a a wellness trip. Meanwhile, Europe can beat Russia twice over even without the US
Still hope it won't happen considering how many unnecessary deaths that would cause
Outrage encourages him to repeat and go further— unless a ‘squirrel’ distracts him.
Mockery? Depends on the source.
Who, or what, is going to stop him?
I wish I could be as sanguine as the article author, about this subject. My guess is that The Orange Jesus could, and would, "pacify" Canada simply by slaughtering anyone who dared dispute the annexation. That's how Americans do it, of course.
I rest my case. ;)
And by Trump's own "logic", the masses heading north to Canada are a US problem, right? He thinks a border must keep people IN, as well as OUT. So keep them IN the US Donald.
How the fuck do you reasonably prepare for his madness?
Since ostensibly serious conservatives seem to be mulling over the resurrection of Manifest Destiny, I would take it very seriously.
I suspect she’s got the experience to give this advice.
War is horrific. Crawling through shit, blood, decomposing bodies, barbed wire, and mines.
Don't ever wish for war.
But if he's actively trying to get a bunch of rapists/psychos on your local school board, and you have two weeks to uncover information on crimes he's committed before he can destroy the evidence, those plans can be made in private while focusing on - and publicizing - the ongoing issues.
Thank you for your warnings to Canada. But I wish you would have mentioned that #MrPresidentFelon 's cabinet, etc, will follow his instructions or suffer the consequences.
not putting a price on something doesnt mean it is priceless
pick a nice big number
Story here:
Mr. Rohmer was, sadly, a psychic.
See :
The GoC needs to be making these plans, NOW.
"It's 1938, and we're Austria." That may be the situation.