I love Canada. Been here a bunch’s times. Here are three things that are guaranteed to happen with 48 hours of me arriving here : 1. I will hear a RUSH song. 2. I will hear a TRAGICALLY HIP song. 3. Someone will remind me that Canadians burned the US capitol that one time.
The fact is that it was the Brits, but they did sail from Canada. Orders were to burn administrative buildings in Washington, including the Presidential Mansion (WH), but preserve residential dwellings.
Additionally, the only person I know who interjects "eh" into everyday speech is from New Brunswick: nobody I know from Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver says that.
Just know that it will get better and you will heal
… if the first two take 48 hours, y’all has the radio off in the car a lot.
From this Canadian, thanks for the shout out! 😜🇨🇦💙🇺🇸
Twas the war of eighteen tweeeellllvvveeee
Fall in line for Father children...
Tell the cousin kings in Europe to get it together.
1. Buy a Timmies. 2. I will hear a RUSH song. 3. I will hear a TRAGICALLY HIP song.
With its checkerboard floors
Riding on horseback
And keepin' order restored”🎶
Stepped to the mic and sang...
With that Aryan twang
Canada did not exist officially as a country until 1867
Now, eggs, bacon and pancakes with maple syrup?
THAT! I can get on board with.
(Except tiny detail, I don’t eat bacon anymore but no one has to know that.)
Canadians are tragically hip
don’t seek to be provocative needlessly.
the monarchy should be abolished
Yeah. GREAT vacation spot.
though my fav album is probably A Farewell to Kings and I've only seen them 6 times I think
14 years old.
Bought it at a place called Music Land.
Comedy is their top Export!!!
Get the app and broaden your horizons concerning Canadian musical tastes.
Oh, try and visit with more people than just your Canadian cousins.
Most of us don't even consider arson a polite subject of conversation.
Come on, you can do better.
free ballen https://here.lol
2. You’re welcome
3. And don’t you forget it
4. Sorry
(Also historically dubious)
You cover for Britian, you might get caught up.